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Chapter 4 by Cryptosporidium137 Cryptosporidium137

What happens now?

She goes out to 'give' them to someone

The light bulb went off, Carmen knew EXACTLY who she'd give the rancid, overused footwear to. Grinning with wicked glee, she addressed the sweat stained socks that were currently balled up and on the floor. "Good news, loser! You're about to be set free!" The gigantic blond stomped over to the no doubt still wet cotton garments.

The poor soul who inhabited both sticky clothing items would feel the floor vibrate as Carmen stomped over. The blond goddess was as imposing as ever as she stood with both newly socked feet on either side of the reeking cotton wads. She bent down and scooped the wet fabric up and sneered. "Hmph,'ve definitely seen better days. But yeah, you're free from big bad Carm." She said with false sweetness.

The former human had long ago been broken in. The mental strain of feeling those rancid feet of hers oozing out sweat and grime and absorbing every bit of it into her being. The smell that only grew worse with every passing hour. It was enough to drive what little semblance of sanity they had left away.

Carmen stuffed the reeking wads into her pocket, stepping outside into the still rather warm air of the evening. Carm focused, "Now let's see...where's she at now?"


The she in question was leaning against an alley wall, smoking the last of her cigarette. She wore a leather jacket and a t-shirt with a faded logo from some band she vaguely recalled seeing while drunk. Her hair was dyed blue and in a punk pixie cut style with a few streaks of red in it. The female wore jeans that were fashionably ripped and torn and on her large and currently sweating feet were scuffed ankle-high boots.

Finishing up her cigarette, Trish tossed the butt away and went to get on her motorcycle. Carmen teleported behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. Like lightning, Trish whirled around, fist raised for a fight. "Oh...shit! You spooked me, girl." Trish's face softened.

Carmen chuckled, "Yeah, I should probably start warning you. wanna hang out?" Carmen asked. Trish was a high school dropout and bad-to-the-bone biker punk chick. She had been a bad influence on Carmen...and was her best friend. "Fuck yeah! It's been awhile, Missus Goddess..was startin' to think you were too good for me." Trish joked.

"Oh come on, don't be an asshole. I brought you a present!" Carmen brought out the stinking socks and waved them at Trish like a flag. "Whew! Damn, what makes you think I'd want your...holy shit." Trish's eyes widened as the socks seemed to merge as one and reform into a tiny and quite frightened woman.

"Is that the bitch I think it is?" Trish asked, her eyes in awe. "Mhm!" Carmen nodded. It all came rushing back to the reformed woman. Ms. Bradshaw was her name, and standing before her was the delinquent she was responsible for causing problems for before said delinquent dropped out.

"Fuckin' A! This is gonna be awesome!" Trish cackled, causing the poor tiny woman to clasp her hands at her ears and begin sobbing.

"Damn right. So where should we put her for the motorcycle ride to your place?" Carmen asked.

Now what?

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