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Chapter 3

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Chapter Three:The Couple

You ran through the woods, scared beyond belief at your situation. You had almost gotten your body taken over!! Would they have kept it forever for themself?

You didn’t have much time to think about that. You continued wandering through the area, evading any potential opponent and every noise in general.

You eventually found a wide path in the middle of the woods. You knew that somebody would be down this path too, but it was too late to realize that now.

“Get over here!” said a husky make voice from farther down the path.

You looked behind you and saw a tall woman being chased by a man. The woman was black with long hair, while the man was bald and white.

The woman tripped and fell onto the dry dirt, with the man pinning her down before she could get up.

“Oh, your body’s gonna be fun.” he said. The man then began to ooze his way inside the woman, with their legs merging together. The man smiled as the woman grunted and heaved in resistance.

“Oh’t.” she said. She eventually managed enough strength to pull out a strange-looking gun from her back pocket and pull the trigger. The man then turned into a flat costume before your very eyes, and the woman’s legs returned to normal.

As the woman threw the crumpled cloth that was once a man off her, she noticed you.

“Sorry guy. I gotta hide in someone.”

You run as fast as you can away from the woman as she shoots green lasers at you to transform you.

After so much running, you begin to slow down as you begin to get more tired. The woman apparently feels the same, as she pants and stops in her tracks as well.

Before she could even hold up her gun again, you jump as you see two people run at both of you from the bushes. Neither of you have the strength to defend yourselves as you are injected with something and fall asleep.

You wake up in the night. You can tell by the sound and the light around you that you are near a campfire and back in the woods.

You let your head fall sideways and see that the black woman is laying next to you. Then you hear footsteps.

“Well honey,they’ve woken up. “ said a female voice.

“Good. Can’t wait to get out of this body and into a better looking one. Right, Maddie?” said a male voice in reply.

“Let’s do something fun first, Jason.” said Maddie. “You possess the girl and I possess the guy. That way we can see the good stuff before we switch.”

“Awesome. You’re so smart babe.” said Jason.

Just as both you and the black woman fully woke up and rose up to escape, 2 balls of blue light zipped into their chests.

Immediately, you felt yourself look down at your own body and look at your arms. Maddie has possessed you.

She took her new finger and peeked under your shirt.

“Mmmm. Nice abs.” you hear your voice say. You feel your hands slide down to your crotch, and appreciatively pat it.

You are terrified. In a matter of seconds, you became a passenger of your own body to a stranger. A stranger who was not too concerned about boundaries, considering her eventually taking off your pants and admiring your ass.

That was nothing to be compared to Jason though, who had only panties on for a while now and was squeezing his new breasts to ****.

“I LOVE TITS. LOVE BEING A THICK GIRL!!” Jason excitedly said.

“This was indeed very.....informative, Jason.” Maddie said before slapping your ass.”

“Now let’s trade.” said Maddie.

The blue orbs zipped back into their previous bodies.

While you were hurriedly trying to put your pants back on all red-faced, the woman launched into rage and confronted Jason.

“You slime! I saw everything!!!” she said while pointing right at him.

“But now you will sleep, dear. Bye honey.”

Maddie waved goodbye to the black woman, before zipping into her body for good.

Maddie’s hands cupped the mounds of flesh on her chest, and looked back to see the large ass she now sported.

“Told you she was great.” said Jason,before turning towards you.

“Rest easy, sucker. I’m gonna put your bod to good u-“

Before he could plunge you into permanent possession, his line was interrupted by a rock to the head, knocking him out cold.

“WHAT THE F-“ said Maddie, before also getting knocked out.

You turned, expecting your rescuer to be yet another person looking to hijack your body.

And indeed, they wore the face of the gorilla woman. But she had a much **** expression on her face.

“Don’t worry, mate! It’s me Shelia! Remember? Probably don’t recognize me in this buff bimbo’s body! Anyways,I figured a defenseless guy like yourself should at least get a fair shot. So here ya go!!!”

She held out her hand, and revealed the ring you had dropped earlier.

What choice do you have?

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