The Retreat At BLKS Resort

The Retreat At BLKS Resort

A life changing retreat for couple

Chapter 1 by deepedia deepedia


“Honey, I will miss you,” David hugged his wife for the last time before she was going on her company retreat.

Jenna, his wife, was his high school sweetheart. They dated for 8 years from high school until the two of them graduated from university and had their careers before they got married.

Jenna was a pretty and popular girl back then, she was a cheerleader in high school, but unlike the stereotypical bitchy, bratty, and slutty cheerleaders he expected, Jenna was the kindest soul he knew; She never looked down on anyone, smart and also hated all kinds of bullying and injustice. An angel that came down to Earth. He remembered the first time he made acquaintance with his wife, that time, he was getting bullied by a jock from the school football club and his girlfriend, another cheerleader named Cheryl. Jenna was stopping by to look for Cheryl, and then she saw what the pair of jerks did to him, she flew into a furious rage and defended him from these two bullies. David’s life just got better from there. He was no longer bullied after Jenna made a big deal about it to the school faculty. The jock was expelled from school, and Cheryl was kicked from the cheerleader team. But his biggest gain was probably the chance to know Jenna better, Jenna had contacted him and checked his condition from time to time, wary of these bullies’ retaliation. With their continuous contact, he then slowly got closer to her.

He confessed to her, preparing his heart to hear the cruel refusal, but instead, Jenna accepted his love's confession and they began dating since then. He didn’t know what Jenna saw in his dweeby self, but he felt fortunate and never forgot to say gratitude to God for his chance to be her partner.

Jenna had long straight golden blonde hair, her facial features were sharp like a classic beauty. Her figure was slender yet athletic from her days of cheerleading and hitting the gym; Perky C-cup breast, supermodel curvy hourglass figure, big bubble butt, toned and shapely legs.

Jenna was the reason for David to begin working out, but he wasn’t as avid gym goer as Jenna, Jenna could hit the gym three times a week, while he would go one time a week or two, but Jenna never him to do more. David looked like your average Joe without any remarkable point on his appearance but Jenna loved him the way he was.

“It’s gonna be fine, it’s not even two weeks, just 10 days, you can have your time playing games without me disturbing you, and the times will pass quickly before you realize I’m back,” Jenna said.

“How can you say that you disturb me? My time is for you, I will leave my games right away if you need me,” David replied.

“Alright, I know how you love me so much, darling, but well…this retreat is a great opportunity for me, with a little luck, I’ll probably get a promotion after this, the new management shuffling and promoting a lot of people to fill the vacant positions we have,” Jenna explained.

Jenna worked as a manager in one of the city’s good and reputable companies. A foreign investor recently acquired her company. The new investor was shuffling a lot of positions in the process of restructuring the company. The retreat was to prepare their chosen employee to fill these vacant and important positions.

David was happy for Jenna’s rising career. She was never the type of stay-at-home mother or baby maker, Jenna aspired to make this world a better place, and being a career woman in a high position was a way to move closer to her goals. You could help more people if you were in a high position and had the power. That was her reasoning.

So, David understood how important the retreat was for his wife, and supported her decision. He only regretted that the retreat was held a few days before their wedding anniversary.

“I will make it up for you after I return from the retreat. I promise,” Jenna said with a smile. She then kissed her husband passionately until a car stopped in front of their house. “Alright, honey, it’s time already. My ride is here. Wish me luck.”

“Take care, and don’t forget to call or text me if you have a chance,” David shouted behind the speeding car his wife rode.

Their retreat took place in a luxurious resort in the suburb a few kilometers away from the city. Jenna never knew that this kind of resort existed. She was on this retreat with several coworkers of hers, mostly women in all kinds of position levels, there were also a few guys, but the women outnumbered the men by a lot..

“Is that you, Jenna? Jenna Reid?” Jenna heard someone calling her name, her maiden name. She turned around and found who was calling her.

A big muscular black man who stood around 7 feet tall. Jenna jogged her memory to recall who he was but found no answer.

“Ah, you might not remember me; I am Jordan, Jordan Neal, the one who dated Cheryl in high school before, then got expelled from school,” the man explained.

Jenna recalled who he was after he told her his name. Jordan Neal was his husband's bully. “It’s you! you were my husband’s bully back then,” She suddenly turned wary at him and her expression turned unkind.

“Oh, you are marrying the nerd, David Fisher? Never expecting that you settle for him,” He looked at her with a playful smirk.

“Who I am marrying isn’t your business, Jordan, why can you be here, anyway?” Jenna rebuked.

“Chill girl, don’t be wary of me. I don’t hold any grudges against you or your husband, I probably need to thank you even, who knows getting kicked out from school was the thing I needed, I have time to travel, connect with nature, and have some lucky encounters with great men. It is what made me here today,” Jordan continued, “and to answer your question, I’m this resort's head manager, also the representative of BLKS Initiative for this city’s branch.”

BLKS Initiative was the investment company that acquired her company, so in a sense, Jordan was now indirectly her boss. She felt a bit complicated about this, in one hand, she was happy that she knew that she didn’t ruin Jordan's life, expelling him from school was for the betterment back then, but she was still burdened by the haunting thought of what if she ruined Jordan’s life. She had a low opinion of a jerk like Jordan, but ruining Jordan’s life wasn’t the result she wanted, Jenna was always a kind and compassionate girl. Thankfully, the man got better chances outside the school. But this was the thing that made her feel complicated, Jordan could achieve more than she was. In her impression back in high school, Jordan was a lazy ass who spent his time bullying her husband instead of studying, but now, her position was under him. Jenna’s self-esteem took a hit this time.

“Anyway, I welcome you to the resort, you will be staying here for around ten days, so I hope for your cooperation in following the resort rules.” Jordan announced, “Before we send you to your room, all of you will go to the audience hall for an orientation so you will know what we expect from you as someone who will work under BLKS Initiative management.”

Before Jenna could walk away and move to the audience hall for their orientation, she was stopped by Jordan once more, “I almost forgot to tell you that, Cheryl is also here, she is also working at BLKS Initiative, maybe you girls can catch up with each other later if there is a chance, it will be a fun school reunion,” said the man.

_Hopefully, I won't meet her today. _Jenna had taken a hit on her self-esteem, she didn’t know Cheryl’s position in BLKS Initiative, but regardless of Cheryl’s position, her relationship with Cheryl back in the high school days was more complicated than the matter with Jordan. Knowing Jordan was her superior already made things quite awkward for Jenna. So, meeting Cheryl today was probably not the best choice.

Jenna was already back in her assigned room. She didn’t remember much about the orientation video she watched with all of her coworkers in the audience hall. As far as she could remember, it was just a general gist of her old company's profile, not even giving them enough information about BLKS Initiative, the point she remembered the clearest was that their old company was a corrupt establishment and she should feel ashamed, they had been doing their work in a wrong way, but BLKS Initiative would help them to correct their wrong practice from now on. The detail after that was quite blurry, maybe because she was too tired to pay attention. Then, when she was gaining her awareness back, the orientation video already finished and Jordan had assigned her a room. She felt ashamed of herself for dozing out but nobody could blame her, the history of their company before BLKS Initiative took over them wasn’t worth her time; they were a bad, corrupt, and evil company, she even wondered why she worked there before. She felt she was taken advantage of, but thankfully, now BLKS Initiative was acquiring them. BLKS Initiative was their savior, and she should learn more about how to be a good employee for BLKS Initiative.

Back in her room, Jenna was looking for her phone but couldn’t find it anywhere. After a few minutes of searching, she finally remembered that per the resort rules, Jordan had taken custody of their phone, but as its substitution, she and the rest got BLKS exclusive phone to use in the vicinity of the resort

She turned on her new phone. The screen was flickering quickly for several seconds, it made her worried about whether it was broken or not before the screen returned to normal. Her phone wallpaper was several men, mostly black men, dressed in a neat formal suit, standing in front of a building with a BLKS Initiative plaque in the back.


Her phone rang, and a notification appeared on the screen showing that she had a questionnaire to answer. She clicked on the notification, sending her to the survey site. Her phone screen flickered again, she swore she could see a swirling spiral but when she blinked, the spiral and the flickering were gone. Oh God, she hated this, was her phone broken? It was not even a day yet, She would ask Jordan tomorrow, but right now, she could only hope the phone would be fine until she finished the questionnaire.

Question #1: How is your first day in the resort?

A. Amazing
B. So far so great
C. Can’t be better.

She picked B. So far so great, apart from the hit to her self-esteem earlier in the day, her day was good.

Question #2: Do you feel ashamed of your past?

A. Yes.
B. Absolutely.
C. I hope I can erase my memories.

They are asking about her past working experience in a 'corrupt' company, right? And what is the difference between A and B? Jenna had a few questions going in her mind, but no one was there to answer her. Her finger hovered above the answer. C was rather but showed irresponsibility, and A was a lazy answer. In the end, she picked B once again to show her stance toward the corruption of their old company.

Her phone screen was flickering once more for a few seconds. She breathed a sigh of relief after the screen returned to normal. The next question appeared on her screen.

Question #3: What do you think about the BLKS Initiative?

A. A good company that can do no wrong
B. A champion for the weak and oppressed that you want to serve their cause.

No matter how good they were, any company could make a mistake, so she didn’t pick A as her answer. She could accept the idea that BLKS was a champion for the weak and oppressed, if she could help them with anything to further this noble cause, it would be better.

The flickering was back, but she didn’t panic this time, she silently waited for the screen to go normal a few seconds later.

Question #4: Please pick one of the answers below to call the heroic man of BLKS Initiative!

A. Master
B. Lord
C. Darling
D. Daddy
E. God

The idea of calling someone Master or Lord left a bit of distaste on the tips of Jenna's tongue. The men of BLKS Initiative are heroes who fight against the corrupt, and calling them Master and Lord means they are no different than tyrants who oppress the weak.

It left her with C, D, or E. Honestly, there was no answer she wanted to choose, she reserved the nickname Darling for her husband, and calling another person with the same sweet name made her feel she was cheating on her husband. Daddy was her next choice but she pictured herself calling Jordan daddy and shuddered, backing off from the answer. The last was calling them God, it was very awkward, but if she did it playfully, it might be fine, who would take it seriously if someone called them God except if they were a cult leader, and she believed BLKS Initiative didn’t have any relation with a cult.

Her finger kept hovering about the answer, still hesitating about which one she should choose, but then she received notification that she had been idle for too long and the system had picked a random answer for her, but Jenna didn’t know what the answer they chose for her.

The screen flickered. “Wait…wait, I’m not answering the last question yet,” Jenna tried to tap her screen a few times but to no avail, instead she felt a little jolt on her finger. The jolt traveled from her finger into her brain and she suddenly felt dizzy.

[Thank you for answering the first day’s questionnaire, you need to sleep now, your body should be kept at peak condition for your Master.]

Yes, I shall sleep now, I need to keep my body at peak condition for my Master.

Jenna threw herself on the bed. Her consciousness quickly fell to the allure of slumber without even bothering to question why she called someone Master. And who was her Master?

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