Taking Tanya

His Friend's Mum

Chapter 1 by BarryOmaha BarryOmaha

Will called goodbye to his mum, Wendy, as he shut the front door to the house they shared and began to make his way down the street. He had just turned 18 the day before and had to suffer through a day of sixth form college double chemistry and English language to celebrate. The thought brought on a wave of depression which he fought off as he turned his attention to the present.

It was a Saturday and he planned to spend the day at his friend Kane’s house. The Stephens lived just a few doors down the street from his own house and he had spent many a day there over the last few years since they had moved in and he had become close friends with Kane. The 18 year old was in a few of his classes throughout school. He was a slightly short and overweight teen with his interests revolving around avoiding any form of physical activity, at least when compared to Will's athletic frame and just over six feet height, yet the two had gotten on well from their first meeting.

As Will knocked and entered through the familiar red wooden door, he called out a greeting which was quickly met by Kane’s mother, Tanya Stephens. The woman was just past her mid thirties but took excellent care of herself. She made up for her career in office administration with a love for running and cycling, which led to her trim figure and only further emphasised her impressive bust. At least in Will's opinion. Her blonde hair was often in a ponytail or tucked up in to a bun which only accentuated her delicate neck. Today she wore it in a ponytail, the ends flicking about as she nodded to Will as he passed by, a warm smile greeting him as he made his way towards the stairs.

He passed David Stephens, Kane’s father, in the hall on his way to the room Kane had claimed as the games room. It was clear Kane hadn't fallen far from the tree, as his father was an equally pudgy and balding man in his forties. David waved a quick greeting as he hobbled past, no doubt getting ready for another trip to secure a deal as part of his role as a successful businessman. Something which he loved to tell anyone who would listen. Will really had no idea how David had managed to land Tanya as his wife.

Finally reaching his destination, Will stepped into the games room to the sound of gunfire as Kane fought a **** battle against an enemy squad pushing his position. A curse left his mouth as he was finally picked off and returned to the respawn screen of the latest battlefield. Finally noticing Will's presence, the other teen scrambled to stand and dashed over and gave him a brief hug before stepping back.

“Happy birthday for yesterday man! Finally joining me in the old man squad!” Kane exclaimed happily, “You up for a few games of battlefield or do you fancy something else? Oh, and my mum said she's gonna grab some takeout for dinner tonight as a birthday treat.”

Will smiled at his friend's enthusiasm, feeling much better already.

“Hey Kane, thanks man. Yeah, sure we can do some battlefield. I fancy destroying you at some Forza later though! Takeout sounds awesome.”

With that, the pair settled down and the hours seemed to fly by as they played until early evening, only taking a brief break to scarf down the takeaway when it arrived for dinner before returning to combat.

Eventually, they had to stop for a toilet break and Kane wanted to grab some more snacks. Will stretched back in his seat and decided to take a few minutes rest before he headed to the toilet himself. Just as he set his head back, he heard the door to the games room crack open.

“Hi Will, don't mind me, I am just going to clear up some of this mess.” Mrs Stephens chuckled as she strode in and set to work gathering the debris of their dinner into a black bin bag. “You boys do manage to make a mess!”

“Sorry Mrs S.” Will called half-heartedly, distracted by the sight of the woman in her skimpy exercise gear. She had clearly just gotten back from a run, with her sweat slicked skin shining in the light. The way her tight shorts cupped her pert butt was fascinating to Will and he found he couldn't quite bring himself to look away. He had always appreciated his friend's mum's good looks, but only now did he begin to realise just how attractive he really found her.

“It is alright, this time. I'll let you off for being a birthday boy yester-argggh.”

Part way past his seat, Mrs Stephens tripped over a charging cable and tumbled straight into Will's lap. His attempts to react and catch her only ended with him hugging her, holding her just below her impressive assets with her delightfully firm rear planted directly on his lap. He couldn't help but feel his dick harden slightly and the warm pressure of her body against him. They remained that way for a few seconds with both of them in shock before Will helped the blushing woman struggle to her feet.

Only that wasn't where it ended. He wasn't quite sure where it had come from, looking back. After he had set her back on her feet, he felt himself reach out and firmly tap her little rump twice as she bent to collect the rubbish bag, thanking him for catching her despite her embarrassment. At the contact with her bum, the woman shot upright and marched quickly out the door without further comment and scarlet faced. Her chest definitely seemed to be thrust out more than usual if Will wasn't mistaken.

That night found Will furiously stroking himself off to the events of the day. He couldn't get the older woman out of his head as he lay in bed, only down the hallway in her house as he slept over. Images of her perfect arse in her shorts, the feel of it in his lap and under his hand had him cumming over and over.

For her part, Tanya was left drowning in confusion. She had known Will for years as her son's friend. She had watched him grow up alongside her son for the last few years. He was practically a second son for her. Yet… it had felt strangely comfortable perched on his lap, so much so that she hadn't even tried to stand straight away. Then there was the slap to her butt. She should have been outraged. Instead, it had sent a strange kind of thrill through her and she had fled the room as quickly as possible. She fought with two very different sides of herself all through the night

What's next?

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