Lost In Akiba

Lost In Akiba

Brea's milk-filled visit to Japan

Chapter 1 by qexiqex qexiqex

I have posted this story a few years ago on Literotica. It's also available on my personal Medium site.


It had been a rough year for Brea. Ever since her older sister Rachel delivered quadruples, her whole family had been in turmoil. And since only Brea lived close enough to the newly baked single mom, Rachel's 'sweetheart' had left before the babies were even born, she felt obliged to help her sister out.

So she had moved in. Rachel had been so thankful about Brea's compassion and soon shared every fear, every worry with her younger, thinner sister. The pregnancy had been a nightmarish experience for her and she felt so terribly alone after her boyfriend had left her.

And if that wasn't enough she faced a 'milk problem'. Rachel had managed to psych herself up to incredible levels with her worry about breastfeeding. So much so that the new mom wouldn't talk about anything else for days. The only problem was that there was no milk. Not the tiniest drop.

The four tiny baby girls had cried all night, but Rachel steadfast refused to give them the bottle. She hoped for a miracle, hoped that her dry, uncooperative breasts would finally deliver. Only they didn't.

Instead Brea's did. And she still couldn't understand why. The doctor had told her that some kind of ancient survival program had been activated in her body, that her breasts covered for the incapable new mom so the babies could be fed.

And how they did! Only days after the girls were back from hospital and the young family got settled, her boobs began to itch and ache; and grow; and wet her shirts. Her rosy nipples suddenly were thick as thumbs and poked through every bra and shirt she owned. It didn't take long for Rachel to figure out what was going on. And of course there was no way for Brea to refuse the rather obvious request.

So yes, she had stepped in. The young redhead had nursed the little girls, and it had been a joy. Sometimes. Her bloated boobs had hurt most of the time and continued to grow to meet the increasing demand, but that was a price she was willing to pay. Life had been tough, but somehow Rachel and Brea managed to keep those greedy little monsters satisfied and healthy.

One year later Rachel thankfully decided that it was enough and that they would switch over to other food. And even better, her stupid 'boyfriend' suddenly turned up again. Apparently the pictures of those cute little baby girls had melted his heart. So suddenly Brea was free from any obligations - and quickly got asked when she could move out again.

The young woman had been planning to go back to university to get a grade in Asian studies. She loved Asia, loved everything Japanese since she could remember. Thinking about her future, she decided to visit that fascinating country first, with the little money she had left. Before committing one's life to a culture, one should better experience it first hand first, right?

To her surprise, everything went smoothly. She had managed to get a rather cheap flight, got a study visa which included a limited work permit and a book full of helpful contacts from university. She even had found an affordable dorm right at the center of the Kando district, close to Akihabara station. Everything seemed to work out perfectly, just that her boobs were as large and bloated as ever and still hurt like shit.

The flight had been a major pain in the neck. She had been in the bathroom so often she couldn't even remember, milking herself, spaying that precious white fluid down the drain. She had left the breast pump at home on a whim because she wanted her tits to finally stop lactating. So it was best to just give up with the pumping altogether, right? Just go cold turkey, she had told herself, things would settle down naturally.

Only they didn't. It was probably the right approach in theory, but Brea just hadn't been prepared for the awful pain it would cause. Maybe it was because she had been used to give milk to four screaming babies for an entire year, maybe her milky white boobies were just so productive that all the milk she was making simply had to get out.

Whatever it was, it made the flight a miserable experience. But she somehow managed to make it through. On the positive side, the rest of the trip had been a breeze. Immigration had been pretty easy with all the supporting paperwork from university, and the young officer behind the counter had enjoyed ogling the thin, short, big breasted girl so much that she started to wonder if he would ask her out.

So now she was in her smallish room that she apparently shared with a young, freckled girl from the Netherlands. A real cutie. She only had met her for a brief moment but she seemed nice.

The first weeks were over fast and Brea was stunned when she noticed she had been in Tokyo for three weeks already. On the plus side, she now found her way around and had figured out where to buy food and what cool clubs to visit. Her studies slowly picked up as well and she found the new experiences incredibly stimulating. Her course in Japanese was incredibly challenging but she was confident she would soon understand the language.

On the not so good side, her boobs still felt incredibly bloated and hurt most of the time. And she still had to empty herself on multiple occasions each day. Thankfully, she had managed to buy a new breast pump, measly small for the amount of milk her twins produced, and the little device had improved the situation quite a bit.

Brea soon noticed that her money was draining away much quicker than expected. Her cash was dwindling fast and she wasn't quite sure how long her credit card was going to work. She feared that the limit was close already and that soon she would be in real trouble. She had to find a job.

Back when she had passed through immigration, the helpful officer had written down some Kanji characters and had told her with a smile that this would be her name in Japanese. She looked at the note again:

爆乳牛: Brea Stacey Cowie.

Brea had heard that it was essential to have business cards in Japan and wondered if she should get some with those Kanjis on them in order to find a job. It couldn't hurt.

And so she got some printed, her English name on one side and those Japanese Kanjis on the other. Then there was her phone number, email and postal address. She chose a fancy black/white template that somehow resembled the pattern on a cow's fur. It looked quite neat.

Now she just needed to find some job openings! Brea started her search right at the heart of Akiba. She browsed through the coffee shops and restaurants, always on the lookout for interesting postings. Unfortunately she couldn't read Japanese and the chances to stumble on an English one were pretty slim.

After some days she figured that there was no way around it. She had to market herself way more aggressively if she wanted to land a job here, even if it made her feel uncomfortable. And so she actively approached whomever she thought might know something and her card onto them. Surprisingly many of the folks acted funny once they had a look at her card. Some even chuckled openly and she couldn't make sense out of it. Was there some spelling error? Or maybe they just found her milk-stained shirt amusing?

What job should Brea get?

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