The Mears Institute


Chapter 1 by Seahawker Seahawker

Hi folks. This is an idea Ive had floating in my head for a while now and I finally decided to let it out. I hope you like it and as always, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel free to add your own ideas to the story!!!

Started in 2000, the Mears Institute had very quickly established a reputation for it's innovative ways in it's treatment for a variety of issues such as depression, anxiety, bi-polar, just to name a few. Unfortunately some have called in to question the tactics of it's owners, Dr. Mike Mears and his wife Dr. Susan Mears. Some have even accused the institute of ****, **** and ****. What complicates that theory is the fact that by the year 2030 the U.S. Supreme Court had overturned most of the anti-slavery laws, freeing up the courts to use places like The Mears Institute as forms of an alternative sentence. However it also opens the door for people with, shall we say alternative motives.

This is where our story begins. But first we must establish one thing. Is our main character Male or Female?


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