A bet: Blonde, brunette or redhead?

A bet: Blonde, brunette or redhead?

Three girls are out to prove who's hottest

Chapter 1 by remfan55 remfan55

This is the story of three friends, hot little 18-year old white girls who had been inseparable since girl guides and were now living in the same dorm early in their freshman year of college.

Danielle, the green-eyed redhead, was raised Catholic and had become a stereotypical "nice girl" (she was also the athlete). Eva, the blue-eyed brunette (with a young Anna Kendrick/Sydney Sierota thing going on), was a rich snob used to getting her own way and liked to tease and manipulate men into doing her bidding. Sarah was a busty blonde beauty who was prom queen at their high school and had dreams of fame. Being the center of attention had made her quite conceited but she was also somewhat gullible (like the time a 'producer' offered to cast her in a hollywood movie if she got naked and ended up with a nice bit of amateur porn; Sarah just chalked it up to a youthful mistake without learning a lesson, not thinking it destined for online immortality).

So, three white girls are sitting around the common room, debating whether blondes, brunettes or redheads were the most sought after, and of course, each could justify themselves. Sarah said gentlemen prefer blondes, and Eva assured her 'real men' fuck brunettes, and even sweet Danielle said redheads are best, 'fiery and exciting.' She continued, "Even on the way back to the dorm tonight, some black guy said he wanted to **** me out and fuck my..." She trailed off as the other girls stared at her.

Eva had an idea... who can get the most

Who's story to follow first?

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