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Chapter 2 by Crustaceans01 Crustaceans01

Who is watching him?

Phaedra, Xenoresearch Executrix

Phaedra sat in the lotus position, hovering several feet off the ground. Her long, blonde hair flowed serenely down her back. She was dressed in the advanced armor that Alfonians always wore while investigating distant worlds, even primitive ones like Earth. She did not wear her helmet, however, and her thin, tapered, almost elven face was clearly visible. She had long, pointed ears. She looked androgynous in the fearsome armor, but underneath, she wore simple, soft clothes over her voluptuous body. She was hourglass-shaped, seven feet tall and buxom, with long legs and wide hips.

Presently, she watched Callum on a screen in front of her, and a faint smile crossed her features. As an Executrix of Xenoresearch, her job was to study "primitives" with latent psychic potential. A primitive species was defined as any species that had yet to discover faster-than-light travel and had not yet developed appreciable psionic ability.

Phaedra watched Callum. He was taking one of those walks he often took after class, listlessly wandering his campus in the dark, backpack slung over one shoulder and eyes downcast. Phaedra felt a twinge of sadness. She had been studying humans for two hundred years and knew them intimately, and she had seen more than one in Callum's situation. Executrices were not supposed to sympathize with the objects of their study, and Phaedra ordinarily did not. All the same, after two centuries of study, it was hard not to feel for the little buggers. Especially the ones like Callum. Phaedra was generally quite detached, as an Executrix was meant to be, but the ones like Callum always tugged at her heart strings. The poor thing, completely unaware of his own psionic potential, rejected by his own kind. He was not impoverished, granted, nor was he particularly ill physically.

And yet, it was a curious fact about humans that many of them were utterly oblivious to their own desirable qualities. Callum was one of those. He was not the finest physical specimen of a human, true, but he wasn't as contemptible as he thought himself to be. There were more than a few females in his immediate social context that had given him the eye, but he'd been too miserable to notice. Against her better judgment, Phaedra allowed herself an outward display of emotion, and sighed heavily. Why was she tracking him so closely, anyhow? Was it really just because he was an interesting specimen? Or was she smitten with him?

She sniffed. No, not smitten. What a ridiculous idea. Smitten with a human! He was merely a fascinating object of study, and she planned to collect him as a specimen, and drop him off at the earliest opportunity. Unless he turned out to be a truly extraordinary specimen, in which case she might have to spirit him away to Alfo Prime for, ah, further research. Yes, that was it. She'd spirit him away for further research because he might be a good specimen. Definitely not because she had a crush on him.

She continued watching. Callum was taking his usual route around the campus, to sit by a lonely pond and stare despondently at the water. Phaedra made a mental list of the various apparatuses she would use on him. There were a variety of probes to be inserted into the human's rectum, some of which were wearable. Certain psionic energies could only be studied when the human was engaged in sexual intercourse, with or without orgasm. That was one of the perks of this job. Not that that was the main point. All done in the name of science, of course.

Phaedra cloaked the ship and hovered over the pond. It was silent and invisible for now, but anyone standing directly below the ship would see a bright beam of light as they were . She asked the ship's computer for a quick scan of the surroundings. Nothing. Good! There was nobody around that pond but Callum himself, which meant that nobody would witness him being uptaken into the craft.

Phaedra paused. She followed roughly half a dozen humans at any given time, and had been studying Callum in particular since his birth. Unbeknownst to him, she knew everything about his life. Over the past five years or so, she had slowly shelved her other prospects and concentrated solely on him. She was obsessed with him, just so interested. Scientifically interested, not romantically, dammit! She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She would take him up into the craft and communicate with him psychically, as that was the easiest way without using the Cognitive Modifier to teach him Alfonian. She would reassure him gently, to make sure that he didn't panic, so she could run the tests. He would still be terrified, of course, but at least he'd hold still.

Phaedra calibrated the ship's tractor beam, getting ready to lift him off the ground. He'd need to be stripped first, of course, and then the battery of tests, and then the conjugal interaction to release his stores psychosexual energies. That last was the fun part. Fun in an intellectual sense, that was, fun to study. Also fun to fuck their brains out, but Phaedra tried not to focus on that part. Just a perk to the job. She found herself salivating and perhaps a tad bit warm in the tummy while watching Callum onscreen, but, upon reflection, she decided that she was merely excited about the prospect of understanding such a powerful psionic specimen fully.


Callum sat by the pond, chin on fist, staring forlornly into the water. He thought he'd amuse himself by picking up a stone and skipping it across the water. Unfortunately, he was never really any good at skipping stones, and he gave it a desultory lob, upon which it sank into the pond. The waters rippled for a moment and then went still.

Callum's eyes watered up. Did he have to be so small and effeminate? Why couldn't he just be normal? He didn't need to be some big Chad who had sex with the entire cheerleading team. All he wanted was a chance with a nice girl who maybe wasn't hideous.

He sighed and looked up to the stars. He had always loved looking at the sky. It was dark by the pond, with no artificial light, and he could just barely see the Milky Way. His fear and sadness melted away as he peered into the void. The night sky was so beautiful. He'd stared at it when he was young, eagerly waiting to see a UFO. He had never seen one. All the same, the basic underlying desire to look at the beautiful night sky had never left him. Even if UFOs weren't real (the thought pained him greatly), he could still use astronomy as a way to feed his passion for looking into the night sky.

All of the sudden, he squinted. Were the stars growing brighter? No, this was a different light. A much brighter one. Where was it coming from? It was almost like a spotlight. Callum gasped, sucking in a noisily wheezing breath as he realized what it really was.

How does he react?

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