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Chapter 3 by Acorn142 Acorn142

what did she do

Noticed a boy checking out her and the car

She saw him walking across the parking lot, away from the school. He looked to be a senior. He was tall, lanky, blonde, and boyish in appearance. He had definitely seen Ann. She didn't know if it was her appearance or the car that first caught his attention, but he was so enthralled by the sight that he walked right into the side of a parked bus.

Ann laughed and called over to him. "Watch out... you'll get hurt." Blushing, the guy came over to her.

"Sorry... I was just admiring your car, and I forgot where I was going."

He said "car" but Ann could tell that he could barely keep his eyes off of her breasts.

"Why aren't you in school?"

"I'm a senior," he said. "I just need a few more credits to graduate, so two days a week, I get done early."

Ann held out her hand and introduced herself.

"I'm Jarod," he replied.

"You seem to like my car... can I give you a ride somewhere, Jarod?"

His eyes grew wide as he broke out in a smile and said, "Oh, man! Are you serious?"

Ann patted the seat next to her and grinned. "Hop in... I'll give you a ride you'll never forget!"

Where do they go?

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