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Chapter 4 by Twinklestar75 Twinklestar75

Did you tell Carl?

No, not really.

I pause for a moment. “No, not really. I am not sure if he would even care. It has become my personal little fun. It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t like, throw up a stripper pole or anything I just sunbathe. So what is some silly old guy see me naked.” I chuckle a little and pause for a second, I know I am saving the craziest news for last. I let out a sigh. “Listen, it gets weirder. So Carl and I have a fight one night right. Kind of out of nowhere he says he wants to Full Swing.” Kira chokes a little on her beer. I smile a little but continue “So, you know we went to those nude beaches and to the one club one time… It was distaster ..for him but He has really pushed this. And He won't let it drop either. ” Kira is silent, waiting for me to continue.

I look at Kira. Kira has been my friend for a while now and I really like hanging out with her but her dating life is a bit of mystery to me. She is shorter than me. Hispanic, curly hair. Huge tits and dresses in tshirts that are way too small. You don’t know if she is just too shy or very personal but she definitely loves the dirt she can get from you. You trust with your life, but you wish she would trust you more. “You know the Rodgers?” Kira nods yes, still silent. “So, apparently….” You stop not sure how to tell her the rest of the story. You take a deep breath and tell her the story.

“Okay so, As you know Carl has had trouble expressing his wild side with me.” Kira nods again, still not moving. Almost as if she blinks you will disappear like a leprechaun or something. “I have always had a wild streak about me.” More nods. “Okay,” you continue “So, I ask him the million dollar question: If you are going to do that, then so will I and not just with you or someone you pick. We are not going to have threesomes are you good with that? After giving me a blank stare He says yes. Carl, says Yes! So I tell him to let's see how this works out. Let’s go to a club and see what happens.”

Kira sits back in her chair, guzzles some more beer.

“Now, not to brag but I would say I am much more ….” I was having trouble making words. The beer was doing it's thing. I couldn’t think of the word I wanted to use.

“Sluttly?” Kira suggested drunk more beer.

“You bitch…” you playfully slap at her. “NO, Confident is what I was going for… confident.”

“Sure you were you bitchy slut,” Kira said with a laugh.

“So, he agrees and we go. The place is actually really nice. I don’t get all slut-ed up but I am nice, you know. Not my typical outfit, feeling sexy as hell and guess who we meet there?” I don’t give her a chance to the answer, “The RODGER’S, and they come over to us. We hang out like all night.” Kira sees you grin and smiles as well.

“Come on, tell me more.. “ she says, “I know there’s more. So, you go to a crosstown swingers club and randomly meet your neighbors. I call bullshit...but go ahead with your slutty story you bitch.”

“So, they are there right? You know Jean Rodgers right? She was gorgeous in this little outfit she had on. Anyway.. “ I pause. I think Kira touched herself... “we… hook up.. And we have been for a while now.” you laugh, getting rid of the stress you have built up wondering how Kira would react.

Kira drops her empty beer bottle. Not so much out of surprise but for nit wanting to move. “Sorry,” she says. “For how long? And who? Who do you hook up with?" Kira finally gets out trying to wipe off some spilled beer off her cut off shorts to no avail. I watch it drip down her leg. Slowly, over her beautiful skin.

I really had to think about it. I was too busy thinking about licking the beer off her thigh....“Like 2 or 3 months already." I say snapping out of it. " Fred comes over every once in a while. While Carl is at work. I suck his cock, swallow him...I would make out with Jean if wanted too. Not sure about her.” I shrug my shoulders “We agreed on the rules, All is fair. I am pretty sure Jean is the loser in all this. It’s the weird things though,” you say staring off into space. “ Fred is really aggressive and I am pretty sure makes things odd for Jean.. like he says things. Directly to her. Like I give better head… and stuff like that.”

“Ew,” Kira says squinching her face up. “He seems like a jerk." She gets a wicked grin,"What does he say?"

"Rude shit.." I say. "it's actually kind of his thing. Not that I condone it. But...I guess, I still suck him off. So, that's kind of ...approving...I guess." Anyway..."

I take a drink. She is going to point out issues with my decisions. So I start to talk again but she beats me too it.

"It’s weird, Carl doesn’t seem like the type. I guess he is does his thing and he tell you about his visits with Jean? I don’t know if I could handle that. I would never have called it. Well,” Kira saying looking at me with a smirk “ but like, can anyone call it quits or like do you get to talk to Jean about this? If you ask me, this has the potential for going really bad really quickly. Apparently, your mouth is too full to say anything".


She is right I think. “You are right of course.” I say seriously, “This could destroy two marriages, and now that I think about it, I haven’t talked to Jean at all about this and I keep on meaning too.” I go for another beer but Kira already have the last one and drinking it. “We are out of beer… “ she says finishing the first glup.

Kira laughs, “That's you first problem…, Look I will go get some more booze for us. I seemed to drunk all your beer. It is super obvious you need to get away. Go. Get a shower and go get something on." Kira pauses and thoroughly soaks me in. "Or, you know, wait so I can watch. You apparently don't have a problem with Nudity. and I want to make you wash all over." We both smile, I am totally considering it to be honest. "Look" she continues while I am still thinking about her offer. " I have to get you out of here. I have the perfect are going to love it. We need to go have a fun weekend, you know girls only weekend.”

I smile, “I need a change, plus this is one of our “weekends” and I really don’t feel like it.”

Kira kisses you on the cheek as she gets up. I watch her walk away as you check out her ass. You always thought she had a great body. I can't see a panty line, or bra straps and I have noticed her very obvious nipples. Her cut off short shift on her just so. I am not sure, but she seems to strut like that on purpose She walks out the back gate slamming it. “Damn.” I think.

As soon as she is gone I have go pee. I could just go right in the corner. Mr. Wilson might be into it. No I think, I maintain my civility and go inside to the downstairs bathroom. After I was almost finished I hear someone knocking on the door. I can’t get up right away but I am not in a rush. “Hold on a second!”, I yell as loud as I can. I actually don't really caring if they hear me. , but there is more knocking. I figured the worst that could happen is that they leave. As I get up I realize I am still nude, I slip into some tights and the t-shirt I was sleeping in and go to the door.

Who is it?

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