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Chapter 2 by mattpantyhose mattpantyhose

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Night out

It was finally an evening after a long hard week, this was the only day during which Laura could leave after merely eight hours of work. Her plan for the rest of the day was simple - eat a dinner away from the lawyers, get dolled up and go clubbing; with a strong resolve of getting laid. Laura was not necessarily a clubbing kind of girl, but once in a while she needed that sort of party to reset her overworked mind.

Laura might have been sexy, but she was well aware that there would be plenty attractive girls in skimpy outfits. She had no plans of competing with them on the sluttiness grounds though, she was not a prude, but her brain was too big for her to fully embrace the bimbo aesthetics and behaviour.

The dress she picked for the night was sexy, but at the same time tasteful; not to mention that it had been quite expensive as well. It was a mini, but one of reasonable length, it could be described as provocative, which was pretty conservative for clubbing standards. The dominant motive of the dress was juicy red, but certain patterns were darker, some even claret. The skirt part of the dress was fully opaque, its rim decorated with a glossy pattern. From slightly below the waist upwards there was gradually less red fabric, it was replaced by sheer material the colour of skin which created an illusion of nudity. The entire top part was asymmetrical, intricate patterns covered most of the breasts and parts of the belly, but nothing else. The dress had long sleeves, but the entire arms, shoulders and back were covered only by the sheer fabric, exposing the skin beneath. Laura’s legs were covered by sheer tan stockings, they had the same colour as the see-through elements of the dress, only were thinner; the suspender belt was hidden underneath the opaque part. On her feet Laura wore glamorous pumps on twelve centimetre tall stiletto heels, their colours matched that of the dress. The girl’s makeup was mostly subtle apart from her lips which were painted in a shade matching the red of her outfit.

Laura ordered a taxi to reach the club, the driver was a funny man who flirted with her as they rode. As was to be expected on a friday evening the place was crowded, but pretty girls never had any problems getting inside, so Laura swiftly passed the bouncers. The kind of music played in such places was not necessarily the girl’s favourite, but once she got in a party mood her tolerance grew; drinks obviously helped as well. She ordered the first one on her own, but later had a steady stream of offers.

Laura was popular which was not a surprise, she accepted light drinks from several men, danced and flirted with them, but ultimately turned down every single one. Not that they were ugly, quite the opposite, they were all rather handsome; some could even dance reasonable well. They were smooth and polite as well, and Laura did not mind that they were all players, after all she came to the place with a one night stand in mind. But there was something in all of the men that reminded her of the beta males at her work. The corpo-rats masked their lack of real masculinity by lawyerish wiseassness, while the club-goers hid it behind the smooth talk of pickup artists. But Laura ultimately wanted to get fucked, so she decided that she would eventually need to stop being so picky. She was sitting by the bar when a man approached her.

“Hey, little girl. I know of just the right drink for you.”

Laura did not like being called a little girl, but the genuine nonchalance with which he spoke the words and his charming smile caused her not to dismiss him right away; the fact that he was ridiculously handsome was a factor as well. The man was not tall, he was only several centimetres taller than Laura in her high heels. He was slim and moderately athletic, it was clear that he took care of himself, but did not focus solely on his physique. What he did pay a lot of attention to were his clothes. Laura was able recognise a man who could dress himself and this man’s outfit was immaculate. Perfectly tailored white shirt, black suit trousers, leather belt and patent leather shoes - all undoubtedly expensive, but toned and elegant. But it was the man’s face that stood out the most. He had fine masculine features with a strongly defined jawline, large dark eyes and slightly too big nose; he had dark complexion and hair, not unlike those of Laura. His face was smoothly shaved, but his facial hair must have been thick, because there was a shade on his chins. The girl estimated that he was in his late thirties.

“You do?” Laura replied with an inviting smile “what would that be?”

“You’ll see. I’m Carlo.”

The man’s voice was low, but smooth.

“I’m Laura” she extended her palm.

His handshake was delicate, but firm, he was not trying to brag about his grip, but at the same time did not offer a limp hand. Somehow the gesture gave an impression of being kissed on the palm.

“Mario,” the man addressed the bartender, “get Laura a Pina Colada and a Manhattan for me.”

The short spectacle that followed was nothing short of Tom Cruise’s stunts in Cocktail. The bartender focused as much on the show as on the drink he was preparing. Carlo remained silent and let the girl enjoy the sight. Laura was smart enough to realise that the two knew each other better and this was a common trick; it was fun though and she even clapped her hands and laughed when the bartender finally finished and handed her the drink.

The conversation that followed was pleasant, there was nothing about it, Carlo was a master of small talk and could smoothly weave compliments into it; Laura genuinely enjoyed talking with the man. He touched her a lot, but there was nothing inappropriate or erotic about it, he was only brushing her shoulder or hand while he was talking; normal elements of human contact, but ones that brought the two slightly closer. Carlo was mostly straightforward, but also sophisticated enough so as not to be boring; but most importantly he was unpretentious. Laura remained natural as well, although she did not mention her education nor employment, she might have been a mere pawn at the bottom of the corporate ladder, but if she ever wanted to make a career (of which she was uncertain) she had to conceal her promiscuous sex life at least a bit. The man managed to keep the conversation going without being overly inquisitive.

The pair finished their drinks and talked a little, then Carlo invited Laura for a dance. Before they entered the dancefloor the man said something to the DJ and soon the music changed; it remained simple and rhythmic, but more suitable for actual dancing instead of mindless jumping. It quickly turned out that Carlo was a pretty good dancer, he not only had a sense of rhythm, but also knew the actual steps; he also never tried any humping or similar lewd motions. He was not a prude, but his hands never ventured beyond what was suitable for a regular (albeit sensual) dance. Carlo was a paradox, he seemed to fit in the club perfectly, but at the same time be somewhat out of place; the behavior and image intrigued Laura. Later they drunk some more light drinks and had an even more pleasant conversation.

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