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Chapter 4 by MidbossMan MidbossMan

What will Buster Girl do?

Neo Metall is defeated!

Once the enemy's helmet was raised, one shot from the Girl Buster was all it took! The Neo Metall shuddered and smoked, then exploded into scrap parts, which spun and clanked against the walls of the laboratory and the cage from which it had emerged. Seeing the destruction, Buster Girl raised both hands above her head and cheered. "Woo-hoooo! It turns out I'm pretty great at this fighting thing. I guess I'm a lover and a fighter!" she joked, flashing her benefactor a peace sign. "Kinda sucks for the Metall, though. I'd say 'Wily will pay for corrupting him,' but he's already in prison, huh? Say, can you tell me more about-"

Doctor Light shook his head, then approached with his hands behind his back. "Sorry to rush you, Buster Girl, but you have one more important task to complete. Gather up the bolts dropped by that Neo-Metall... It will only drop a handful, but luckily, I've brought a stash of them to supplement that number. Using bolts, we can use the machines in this laboratory re-stock various supplies for you, including E-Tanks to replenish your health and weapon energy to power unique armaments. Each of those armaments are based off of the abilities of Doctor Wily's Robot Masters that have now been repurposed for the Robot Mistresses you'll be facing, although I can't say what form they'll take. To clarify, you can gain weapon energy either by spending bolts for development, or otherwise, by defeating the corresponding Robot Mistress."

"These Robot Mistresses you're talking about... how dangerous are they?" Buster Girl asked, as she took a seat upon a de-powered console and began to inspect her weapon{if Futanari Mode = 1}, pulling aside her leotard to see it exposed{endif}.

"The Robot Mistresses are far, far more powerful opponents than that Neo Metall you just defeated. They're each equipped with specialized weapon systems. In some cases, they can deal damage faster than you, move quicker, or withstand more hits. Your greatest weapon is your versatility; only you have the ability to use such a wide variety of weapons. If you plan carefully, you can exploit weaknesses in the Robot Mistresses and deal much greater damage or stop their own techniques. Each Robot Mistress has two weaknesses, but it will be up to you to decipher what those are and deploy them at the most opportune moment. Don't be afraid to use an E-Tank to quickly recover health in the heat of battle, should you become injured."

"Hmm... okay, but I may want to save my bolts for weapon energy instead," Buster Girl mused, pressing one finger to her lip thoughtfully. "More weapons sound pretty fun. I don't wanna get too beaten up either, though..."

"Exactly. It will be up to you to decide what you need the most. Another thing about the Robot Mistresses... To defeat a Robot Mistress, you'll first need to get past outer armor and quell their resistance to the point that you can... insert the Girl Buster and deal a blow to their weak point. This will crash their systems, at which point, they can be brought back here and returned to their pacifistic programming. Expect the enemies to grow enraged with corruption and fight all the more deviously and desperately, the more you back them into a corner. There are probably sides to them that we never saw exhibited by the original Robot Masters, nor their previously sanitary personalities."

"I'm ready to start! But uh, when do you think we'll get our hands on that Doctor Dolly-"

As if on cue, the huge monitor behind Doctor Light came on, causing both of them to jump and spin to look in its direction. Upon the display, the enlarged face of a woman was displayed; she wore rectangle framed glasses which she adjusted upon her face compulsively as though they were fitted poorly to her ears or the bridge of her nose, and sat in a tall-backed chair, emphasizing her short stature. Her hair was black, messy, and long, curling all around her equally dark, over-sized purple-black labcoat. A big smile curved across her round face. Doctor Light had always thought she looked a bit like a socially reclusive shut-in, even when she'd been working in his laboratory..."Hehe... Hello, Buster Girl. I'm surprised to see you awake... And even more surprised to see you're equipped with that Girl Buster," she chuckled eerily, reaching up one sleeve to wipe drool from her mouth. "You're looking even more delicious than when you were asleep... I looked for you when we attacked the lab, you know? Doctor Light must have taken you into hiding with him... I should have seen that coming. You shouldn't steal other people's toys...!"

"Enough of this, Dolly! Can't you see what you're doing to the world? Give up this effort, before you cause irreparable damage!" Doctor Light encouraged his former assistant. He felt like he'd given Doctor Wily this same speech before to little avail...

... And it didn't work here either. The woman's lips curled even further as she leaned into the camera, wiggling her eyebrows and ignoring the man's attempts to reach her. "Buster Giiiirl... I look forward to seeing you fail against all of my Robot Mistresses... They're so strong and sexy... They're suuuper sexy... They won't lose to anyone, he he he he...!" the girl stopped again to wipe drool from her lips as her shoulders shook with laughter.

"Yeah, well, I'm strong too! And I'm also looking forward to fighting them! But I won't fail: I guarantee it! That's because I know there's nothing fun or sexy about hurting innocent humans, or enslaving robotkind! I'll get all of them to see that too, after I ram my Girl Buster into them!" Buster Girl's tone was heroic, but Doctor Light felt increasingly awkward as the one sane person in this eroticism-drenched conversation. "And when it's all over, I'm coming for you!" the mechanoid finished, posing with both hands on her hips and smiling confidently.

"Ooooh? He he he he... I'll have to get a fortress ready or something. Yeeeah... I'll build a big skull fortress, like Wily taught me to... He he he he...!"

Doctor Light gulped, then shut off the transmission, thinking it best that Buster Girl didn't give their opponent any other ideas. "Let's focus on the Robot Mistresses first, shall we? I'll put them up on the monitor. You can pick whichever target you're most comfortable with to start, however, I'd recommend we allocate those bolts of yours first."

((Received 100 bolts!))

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