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Chapter 3 by thtiger thtiger

Where does Ranma end up?

Nami from One Piece has an unexpected visitor drop in

After years of solo sailing Nami had mastered the art of entering into a meditative state at the tiller that would allow her to rest her mind while still being aware of her surroundings at the age of eighteen she had logged more nautical miles then many people twice her age.

Nami was in such a state at the moment, when “Dammiitttttt!!” a voice from the heavens screamed, and snapping her out of her semi-sleep state.

Nami’s head jerked upward and she stared in surprise at a distinctly female shape silhouetted against the bright sun-lit sky. Which seconds later fell into the water just off her port bow with a splash that sent water fountaining into the air.

In a move that would have shocked the fuck out of those people who were well aquainted with her, Nami didn’t even stop to weigh the cost-benefits of her actions. She dove over the side of her boat, a rope in one hand which she twisted around her wrist as she knifed into the water. Her dive brought her right to the sinking girl, who was curled up in a ball, her arms clutching her legs. She reached out and grabbed hold of the first handhold that offered itself, the girl’s tightly braided pig-tail.

With a gasp Nami burst to the surface and groaned as her arm was snatched out straight and almost dislocated by the momentum of her boat vs the drag caused by her body and the girl she had latched onto. Only the fact that she’d looped the rope around her wrist before diving into the water enabled her to hold on, but the speed the boat was traveling and the drag from the girl who’d fallen from sky made it impossible to pull herself up to the boat.

Nami’s mind wrestled with her dilemma. If she let go of the girl she’d easily regain the boat. It was the smart move. Her village was counting on her. She had to live for their sake. She didn’t know the girl. Maybe she deserved to drown. But, despite all the reasons in the world to let go, Nami refused.

“Ahhhhhhh!!” Nami screamed with effort as she flexed her arm with all her strength, and then relaxed long enough to twist another loop of slack rope around her wrist, pulling her a few inches toward the boat. Over and over, Nami repeated the process. Her arm felt like it was about to be ripped off, but she refused to surrender.

Nami’s vision was starting to go dim and distant, when she felt hands clawing up her body, and reaching past her. Her top was torn open and for a moment fingers dug deep into her tits, before moving up to her shoulders. The strain on her arm vanished and she felt the small girl she had latched onto pressing against her body as she joined Nami is hauling them toward the pilotess boat.

The two girls lay in the bottom of the boat, gasping for breath. Eventually, the small girl with the red hair tied up in a pig-tail sat up and glared at Nami. “Are you an idiot?” she yelled.

That was pretty much the last reaction Nami would have expected from the person she had just saved from a watery-grave. Especially after the girl had all but ripped her top off. That shirt had been worth a lot of berries, even if Nami hadn’t actually paid for it.

Nami’s temper, never the most mild, flared up, but before she could say anything the small girl cringed as if expecting a blow, and said, “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean that. It’s just... You could have died. Why would you do that? You don’t know me.”

Nami’s temper cooled, a little bit, but not enough to simply accept the apology, not without messing with the squirt’s mind a bit. “Don’t go thinking I’m some do-gooder. I’m not the sort of person to watch let profit slip through my fingers. Law of the sea. I salvaged you. Now you belong to me,” she lied with a perfectly straight face.

The expression on the girl’s face was everything Nami could have hoped for. But then she blurted out. “I’m not going to marry you!”

It was Nami’s turn to give the girl an incredulous look. She gestured down at her bare water beaded tits. “You may have missed it, but I’m a girl,” she said in an annoyed tone.

The girl looked down at her own chest, the wet, nearly transparent, material of her shirt doing only a marginally better job of concealing her attributes than Nami’s total lack of cloth. “Oh, right. So am I. And girls can’t marry girls.” She sounded almost gleeful as she said the last.

The girl’s face twisted up in a grimace as she visibly thought over Nami’s earlier announcement. “You did kinda save my life, and almost killed yourself doing it. So I owe you. As long as you don’t try to marry me off to your brother or something I guess I don’t got no problem with it. So what now boss?”

What was with this girl and her paranoia about being trapped into marriage? Nami wondered, but then an errant breeze caused her drying hair to ruffle and reminded Nani that she was currently topless as her skin grew chill and her nipples hardened. That was not important at the moment, however. She looked up at the sky and let out a curse. The next minute she swarmed up the small mast on her boat, which had never been intended for the open sea and scanned the water and sky for as far as she could see. “Damn, damn, damn,” Nami cursed.

“What’s the matter, boss,” the red-head called out.

“Localized storm heading this way. This boat isn’t seaworthy enough to handle it. We need to get our asses out of here.” Nami increased her focus, trying to drag every ounce of information she could out of the wind, the sea, and the currents. This was going to be hard, and way too close for comfort.

Just then, as Nami scanned the horizon, she made out the upper half of a boat that must have been twice the size of her small harbour boat. It was only a coastal runner, but it had the sea-legs to handle the small squall that was bearing down on them. Nami contemplated hitching a ride and abandoning her craft, it wasn’t like it was hers after all. Then she spotted the pirate flag, and that idea was instantly discarded. She was sure the pirates would be overjoyed to offer a ride to two helpless, and hot, girls. Nami glanced down at the girl below her, who was a good five inches shorter than she was, and even soaking wet likely didn’t weigh a hundred pounds. Nami could handle herself in a fight, especially if she had the element of surprise, but doing that and keeping the girl from being used as a hostage was asking too much.

“I hope you’re a good actress,” Nami said in a strained voice as she slithered down the rat-lines to the deck. “We have a boat full of pirates coming. If we don’t play this right we’re both going to be sucking dick for a few days until we reach land.”

The red-head’s face twisted up in anger, and Nami could tell by the look of her that the idiot was actually thinking of fighting off how ever many pirates might be on that oncoming boat. “Don’t even think about it. We can’t risk a fight. We are dead if we lose the boats or end up in the ocean. Remember the old saying. Better to swallow dick than steel. We play it my way. Follow my directions and we’ll be free and clear, and without the taste of cum in our mouths. Remember, I own your ass. Just be thankful I’m not trading you to that pirate crew for safe passage.”

For a minute Nami was afraid the girl was going to be stupid, but then she said in a very voice. “I’ve fooled more than a few guys, and never had to suck a dick. They were all idiots, though,” she qualified.

“That’s redundant,” Nami said as she pulled up her tattered top and tied it up in a way that did more to showcase her tits than conceal them. “They were guys. Idiots is implied in the first description.” Nami turned to unbutton the top one, or two buttons, of her new property’s top, only to find that the girl had already done so. Nami tried not to be jealous of the girl’s attributes, which, given the size of the rest of her body were proportionally bigger than Nami’s. She was used to using her assets as a distraction, but with a set like this girl sported she’d be able to clear out a cash drawer right under the nose of whoever was manning it. Manning being the operative word.

Nami frowned and reached out to tug the two sides of the red-head’s shirt a bit closer together. She’d been on the verge of a nip-slip. “We want to show them enough to make them stupid, not turn them rabid,” she lectured the girl.

“Got you boss. So we let them get close and then lower the boom on them?” the small girl asked as she ground a fist into the palm of her hand, as if maybe Nami had forgotten what she’d said ten seconds earlier.

“Don’t even think about it.” Nami snapped in exasperation. “We’re in the middle of the East Blue. The last thing we need to do is wreck our only means of getting to shore defending our honor. What is your name, anyway?” Nami asked as she pulled a storage chest out of the cubbyhole it was in. It looked enough like the classic image of a treasure chest to draw a pirate’s eye. She just hoped they followed the maxim of loot first, then , or this could get a bit dicey.

“I’m Ranma. If we’re not going to kick their asses what are we going to do?” The girl’s earlier confident look had fled, and she looked a bit worried. Which was understandable. Nami was more than a little worried herself. Though she was starting to feel the usual excitement a high-risk situation caused.

None of Nami’s uncertainty, or excitement, showed on her face as she explained in a confident voice. “Their boat is bigger than ours, it can weather the squall that is coming. So we’re going to steal it. But to do that we need to make ourselves look like easy prey so they underestimate us. We can lure them on board by offering them our treasure.” Nami gestured at the empty storage chest. “We’re poor weak girls who are starving and out of water. We’d do ‘anything’ for the brave brave men who rescued us, give them our treasure, and more. If they’re like most pirates there will be so much blood rushing to their dicks they won’t be thinking straight. The trick is to get clear of them before they find out there is nothing in the chest and they move on to taking another form of payment.” Here Nami adjusted her hastily secured top to show a bit more cleavage. It was strictly throwing out bait and had nothing to do with making her chest more eye-catching than Ranma’s, she told herself.

Nami was about to set the stage for their upcoming con, when a thought came to her. She looked up in the sky where Ranma had come from. She had no idea where the girl had come from. More importantly given the situation she didn’t know if Ranma was protected. “When was the last time you had noregret tea?” she asked.

Seeing the totally blank look on Ranma’s face Nami let out a curse and hurriedly rummaged in her small duffel. She pulled out a small waterproof bag and extracted some herbs. “Here, chew this and swallow. It’s bitter as fuck, but don’t spit it out. Normally you make it into a tea but we don’t have time.”

“What is it?”

“Do what I say!” Nami snapped as she shot a look at the approaching ship. “If worse comes to worst it will make sure there is no chance of you carrying some bastards baby for the next nine months.”

Faster than Nami could see Ranma tossed the herbs into her mouth and began chewing. And while her face twisted up in disgust, she didn’t spit it out.

Under Nami’s direction, Ranma draped herself over the bulwark and did her best to look pathetic. Nami was a bit impressed, though she might have been less so if she had known Ranma had developed the look to cage free ice-cream and not berries, but not much. She had the, I’m about to starve, look down pat, which spoke to some real life experience. Nami well knew that when you’d spent a lot of time knowing what it was like to be on short rations hunger was easy to fake.

Nami joined Ranma, draping her still wet hair over her forehead to add a feverish look to her act.

The two girls had timed it right. No sooner had they positioned themselves than a hail came from the following boat. “Oy, ship ahoy! Are you okay?”

Neither girl moved, and a few minutes later they heard one of the pirates shout out. “Girls. Two girls. They’re all alone. No place on that bathtub for anyone to hide. Looks like we hit it lucky boys. We’re not going to have to date Miss. Right tonight.”

Pirates! Nami thought in disgust. Only pirates could see two helpless girls afloat in the ocean and instantly think about using them as cum repositories, and say it out loud. Normal sailors would at least keep the idea to themselves, even though most of them would think the same thing.

Nami did not have a high opinion of men. With few exceptions they only wanted two things from her. Her body, and berries. While she’d give up her body before her berries, she didn’t give up either easily, or willingly.

LIfting her head in a suitably weak manner, Nami kept her expression pathetic as she checked out the marks. Only three of them. That was good. There was a chance that if worse came to worst she’d be able to put them down. And if she couldn’t, she could likely goad them on to the point they exhausted themselves and became easy prey.

“Please,” Nami begged in a voice that barely crossed the ten feet of water separating them. “We have no water or food. A storm carried it all overboard.”

Nami shifted herself slightly, and one of her breasts popped out of her torn top. Three pairs of eyes widened, and three pairs of pants developed good sized bulges. She cursed internally. She meant to flash them, but not that much. Worse, Ranma must have taken Nami’s actions as cue and she’d somehow shifted her own slack body in such a way that both her breasts fell out of the front of her shirt.

Nami hastily threw out her trump card before it became useless. “The only thing left is our treasure. The chest was too heavy to be washed overboard.” She weakly gestured with one arm, vaguely pointing at the empty chest. Thankfully the pirates' eyes shifted from her and Ranma’s chests, to the wooden one, though their erections showed no sign of subsiding.

By this time the pirates were right alongside Nami’s small boat. It was twice the size and with a small cabin. “We’re brave warriors of the sea. We’d never leave two lovely ladies alone,” one of the pirates said in a lecherous tone that totally spoiled his gallant speech. It was clear what he meant by ‘alone.’

Just as Nami had hoped all three pirates jumped onboard her boat, only pausing long enough to tie a simple slip knot to keep them together. The next second was crucial. As soon as one of the pirates started fumbling with the chest lid, and his two friends focused their eyes on it, Nami moved. In an instant she was standing in the other boat. Much to her relief Ranma was right alongside her. She untied the boats and she and Ranma pushed them apart. They were a dozen feet away by the time the pirate fumbling with the chest threw open the lid and all three of them discovered it was empty. Showing that there was little blood in their brains it took them a few seconds to realize what was going on, and by then Nami and Ranma had floated far enough away that it would be suicide to dive overboard and chase after them. The boat hook that Ranma had found rammed home that fact.

“You bitch. When we catch you I’m going to shove my cock so far up your ass you’ll be able to taste the shit covered tip,” the leader of the pirates cursed as he and his fellows hastily raised the rigging on Nami’s little puddle boat.

Nami dropped her shorts, turned around and waved her bare ass at them while slapping it with her hand. “Only if you can catch me, idiot. Thanks for the boat, and the treasure.”

“Ahhhhh! Our treasure. Captain Buggy will kill us.” All three pirates choroused and redoubled their efforts to raise sail.

“That localized squall should hit in about, one, two, three,” Nami started to count down on her fingers.

Do they get away with it, or are they going to have a hard time sitting down?

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