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Chapter 3 by HMG HMG

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My best pal had a date


Lya Lenoir stretched her skirt, trying to cover her thighs. She felt uncomfortable and very exposed, going out in public, still having the best friend in place of her vagina. The compromise of wearing something short and no panties so that Gabriel could see anything from down there, did not make her more confident in the crowd either.

"This plan is stupid", Lya put the turned off phone to her ear, pretending to be on the line, "Sophia would never fall for it."

"I know, she's too smart for that", Gabin replied, igniting more with his affection, which the girl felt as a wave of warmth in her crotch.

"It was your idea in the first place! If you don't believe in it, so why are we even here?!", Lenoir burst with irritation, refraining from yelling in the direction of her loins.

"Because I... I love her", Gabriel's words hurt Lenoir in a way she was not expecting to damage her. The girl turned angry with herself for feeling jealous, and later infuriated with her bottom-buddy as an image of her own hidden envy she could not stop, "And no matter what I look like, I want to finally spend time with her..."

"You are an idiot, Gab, but... I know what it is like when love dictates the terms", Lya sighed, hiding her true feelings from her close pal. No matter how furious she was in that moment, they were still friends and she wanted the best for him, even if it was bad for her own interest.


Sophia Serre waited at the appointed place, swinging back and forth on her ballerinas. A woman's eye would immediately notice that she had dressed herself in excess, compensating for the anxiety and fear with a fashionable outfit that acted as a buffer and shield on guys, making the first look intimidating and charming at the same time.

Sophia smiled at the sight of Lya, though she immediately became blue, realizing that Gabriel was not anywhere near. She attempted to hide the sorrow somehow, but she could not erase the disappointment from her face no matter how hard she tried.

"Has he chickened out?", Serre asked bluntly with a quivering note of concern in her voice.

"Contrary", Lenoir replied, having a lot of acting in what she was saying, trying to push through the planned trick, "But you know, Gab is very shy. Just trying to talk to you at the party almost gave him a heart attack, so we came up with the idea that you would wear this on your first date, so he won't get so stressed out. He's a terrible mollusk."

"Eye sleeping mask?", Serre cocked her head thoughtfully, looking at a blindfold in the girl's hand.

"Yea, I know it's a poor solution, but try to understand him. Gab didn't have a lot of girlfriends and that situation with your brother must have completely overwhelmed him", Lya feigned a tenderness she could barely afford, but felt relieved when Sophia took the gift.

"A bit weird, but it can be an interesting experience", Serre covered her eyes, feeling fairly fazed. Excitement mixed with suspicion in her heart, but the fact of going out on a first date in months kind of blinded her intuition.

Lenoir, after making sure the girl could see nothing, waited a moment, then gave a sign to Gabin, grinding thigh agnist thigh.

"Sophia!", Gabriel spoke, glad to finally be able to say something. From under Lenoir's dress, he noticed Serre shifted from foot to foot at the sound of her name. Gabin didn't have to see her face to know that she was happy to be around him.



"...and then I told him >put the peanut in the peanuthole!<", Gabriel yelled and his breathe slightly lifted Lya's dress, embarrassing her in public. Sophia laughed, not noticing a thing as she was more and more amused by the idea of ​​a blind date and less and less trying to lift the eye mask.

"That's funny!", Serre approached dangerously in the direction from which the boy's voice was coming, almost exposing the masquerade, by wanting to take Gabin by the hand. Lya and Gabriel had expected such a possibility, so Lenoir, with great , cut her long nails at home and smeared them with talcum powder to make them coarser.

Lya felt uncomfortable holding the other girl's palm, but she resisted the embarrassment for the greater good. They walked on along an avenue full of stalls and fairgrounds, touching on every place Gabriel mentioned. It was hard to coordinate, because from the height of the crotch Gabin could not see much what was going on around him, let alone Serre blinded by the headband, which made Lya feel as if she was leading the two mindless children through a cornfield.

"Do I smell corndogs?", Sophia stopped dead, stunned by the scent. She squeezed Lya's fingers tighter and pulled her towards the food booth. The salesman was surprised to see them, and even more so when Gabriel placed the order. The tall man, in silent astonishment combined with terror, listened to the plea of ​​the speaking crotch and closed the stand immediately after both girls left.

Lya moved on, abashed like scolded child, when suddenly a familiar pile of meat appeared in front of her eyes among the crowd of people, waiting to the ride on the rollercoaster. Searlus, more pissed off than usual, was gazing at everyone in line with a cold stare, clearly looking for someone. Lenoir swallowed fearfully and dragged Serre to the side row. They found themselves behind the tents in a less traveled alley, devoided of humans' presence.

"You have to try this. Delicious sauce", Sophia did not realize that something was wrong or that they changed their route. She was still on the date and was just sticking the corndog under Lya's mouth. Lenoir took a bite, and Gabriel, inferring from the context, made a sound of satisfaction as if he tasted something good.

"Really tasty. I hadn't known an amusement park before that doesn't use rat meat", it was hard to say if Gabin was making a joke or just stating the obvious, but amused Lya snorted with delight, almost revealing their scheme.

"Hey, you're cheating!", Serre swung her treat, and the two pals expected the worst, thinking she heard Lenoir's voice, "You spoke with your full mouth and I didn't hear you chewed anything!"

"Sorry", Gabriel said confused, not knowing what to do now, "I want to take care of my weight, because the regional school championships are cooming..."

"Gab, relax. One corndog doesn't make a difference", Sophia continued, leaning more and more toward Lenoir's face. Lya, trying to move away to a safe distance, stumbled and fell with her back on the haystacks for circus animals, "Please, please, pretty please!"

Sophia, thinking that she was stuffing the treat into the boy's mouth, in fact she unknowingly directed it towards a completely different lips. Corndog had wandered under the black dress, and before anyone noticed, its long, wide shape entered Gabriel's maw, and thus Lya's pussy as well.

Lenoir groaned at the sudden penetration. She leaned harder against the side of the tent, trying not to make any more noises.

"And how does it taste to you?", Serre asked, waiting for a reaction. Gabriel, not having much choice, bit off a piece of meat and began to chew it, making his friend's entire loins vibrate. Lya felt strange as if a gerbils had entered her vulva, but it got even worse when Gabin swallowed what he had grinded with his teeth. Lya didn't know where the food had gone, but her imagination told her the most misfortune options.

"I think I'll be sick", Gabriel replied, feeling a odd tingling all over his body, as if someone had just violated his rights.

"Come on, this is carnival food, everyone know it won't be the best", Sophia felt the spot beside Lenoir with her hand and fell down on the hay, facing the girl's thighs, "I know it's not much, but there is some undisguised charm to it. Like popcorn in the cinema or pumpkin during Halloween..."

"The real magic of food is not its taste, but with whom you celebrate it", Gabriel muttered, intimidated by having for the first time the perfect view on the blonde girl's face. He was allured by her smile.

"Precisely", Sophia was happy that she was slowly establishing a good connection with the boy, especially since she began to feel the chemistry between them, "Even though I haven't seen you all afternoon... Actually I haven't seen anything to be exact... but I will remember our date, because of the taste that I will associate with you. The new core memory, heh."

"I don't want you to identify me with the taste of fair's corndog", Gabriel chuckled and Lya rolled her eyes, fed up with the whole situation.

"You're right. I would prefer to remember a different taste", Sophia lunged forward, dipping her face between Lya's legs and stealing Gabriel's kiss. The moment was so sudden that everyone was struck by its upshot; Lenoir because someone had just licked her vulva, Gabin because he had just kissed the love of his life, and Serre because she immediately realized on what her lips had rested.

Sophia quickly removed the blindfold and at the sight of the face features peeking out from underneath the dark dress, she opened her eyes widely and then passed out like a old fashioned damsel.

"Oh, crap", Lenoir straightened in a sit and leaned forward, watching the girl on the ground, "How do we explain that to her now?"

"Bad dream?"


Sophia suddenly got up, throwing all the pillows off the bed. She was breathing hard, trying to remember what had happened on the carnival.

"Thank, God, you're finally awake", Lya said with a concerned voice as she put the tray with two cups of tea on her nightstand. She sat down on the edge of the lair next to the blonde lass and touched her with worry in the eyes.

"What happened?", Serre asked, staring intently at the girl in the black dress. She was fighting with her own thoughts, trying to figure out what was real.

"I think the corndogs hurt your stomach, because Gab said you started vomiting and you passed out, and then he and the taxi driver took you to me... My house was the closest", Lenoir lied, putting all her experience from the school theater into the fib.

"And where is Gabriel?", Sophia did not take the tea handed over.

"He went to a neighbor who is a doctor", Lenoir was running out of ideas for pulling this charade, but somehow she still managed to make it coherent, "Now you better take a nap. Then I'll walk you home."

"Aha...", Lya was about to get up and leave, when suddenly Sophia held her thigh with and unceremoniously tucked up the edge of her dress, " it wasn't a hallucination!"

"Hi, Sophia", Gabin gurgled dimly, peering from between Lya's legs, "Forgive me that the date didn't go well."

"The date wasn't bad. But don't ever lie to me again", Serre reminded her brother for a moment before returning to her serene nature. She seemed moved and fascinated by such a ridiculous situation, as if she was daydreaming.

"You seem less scared by this sight than before", Lya noticed, spreading her thighs to the sides so that everyone could participate in the conversation.

"Yea, you seem so much more different", Gabriel also detected a change in the face of his beloved.

"Well...", Sophia corrected her hair, avoiding eye contact with both of them. Something was bothering her, "I am beginning to suspect that your >situation< is my fault."

"What?!", best pals screamed at the same time.

"Yesterday after you left, I cast a spell to hide Gabriel from the Sea. I thought it was just stupid fun, something my mom did when I was little, but I never really believed in it...", Serre explained, playing with her fingers, "Oh... Mom, you warned me so many times that if you say a spell with a wrong intentions, it will work incorrectly."

"Wrong intentions?", Lya asked, shaking her head stronger and stronger. Even though she had her best friend's face between the legs, she still had a hard time believing in magic.

"I have always envied the closeness of others. Because of Sea, I had no good contacts with anyone, no boyfriend or friends. I envied your close amity and this spell... It took my desire and twisted it. I'm so >so< sorry", Sophia was on the verge of crying. Gabriel wanted to hug her and cheer her up, but he had no limbs to do that, so Lenoir did it for him.

"Ease, girl, you didn't do it for the wrong reasons", Lya let Sophia's head rest on her shoulder and started stroking girl's curls, "Because you told us, we now know what we can try to undo it. You can change us back."

Lenoir disliked the idea of working closely with Serre, hated her cordial contact with Gabin, but she had to hide her prejudices against the girl and focus on salvaging the two of them from the shackles of the curse.

Lya knew it was for their own good, but the more she thought about it, the more she refused to take actions towards the goal, thinking that in this way she will lose Gabriel and let Sophia to win him over.

What's next?

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