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Chapter 4 by gorel29 gorel29

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Meanwhile, back at the bar…

“Wait, wait… Are you telling me Dusk til Dawn ACTUALLY happened?!” Laughed Dennis, snorting as Judy wiped a cloth over the bar counter with her free hand.

“Oh yes, didn’t you know Miss Hayek is a vampire queen? How else does she stay so young all these years?”

“Oh yeah?” Chuckled the man with an accusing finger as he sipped from his beer. “How do you explain all those daytime photoshoots or interviews on tv?”

The masque the bar tender held up to cover her true face made an expression of boredom as she continued to clean her workplace and set the cloth away. “All those interviews were indoors, there’s shade where she’s posing for photos at red carpet affairs, and honestly, when was the last time YOU say her in broad daylight that wasn’t behind a movie screen?!”

“Pff…” Chuckling to himself and waving his hand back, Dennis nodded and admitted defeat. “You are a riot lady, no wonder this place is so popular.”

Shrugging, Judy smiled back as she spotted one of the waitresses approach her. Throwing the cloth over her shoulder, she leaned forward where Dennis looked over his shoulder to find a black and glossy skinned woman with four arms and a massive crest over her head obscuring her face save for her blue lipstick covered lips that matched the sky-blue cocktail dress she wore. Folding her arms on the bar counter where her breasts threatened to spill over her closed arms, the woman plucked out a note pad and nodded behind her to a group of men sitting at the table who were cheering at a dancer’s performance on the floor.

“Hi Judy, I’m going to need 5 pints and the big guy over there wants an Ellen Ripley.”

“Sure thing Xena, just a minute.”

Turning her head to look Dennis over, Xena smirked and pursed her lips as she hugged herself a little tighter to push up her bust even further.

“Like what you see?” She purred, showing off her near perfect physique to the man. It made Dennis wonder how she could breathe under that suit and prosthetics… Or how she could control that tail or extra set of arms. Were they puppets?

“Uh… Yeah, nice dress.”

Her smile widening, she idly traced a finger down her cheek to her chin, tapping her lip. “Thanks, I was told it matches the colour of my eyes.”

Giving the smiling woman a look over, the massive crest extended down to where her nose would be, only showing her pursed lips grin at her own joke. “Your eyes, right.” Seeing the bartender return with a tray of drinks for Xena to take, Dennis noticed the odd glass with the five beers and asked. “So what’s an Ellen Ripley anyway?”

Standing to her full height, Xena pointed at the glass filled with dark liquid with one of her hands and plucked out a skewer from the bar to get three pickled olives and show them off to the man. Pulling out a long-stemmed cigarette lighter from her side, she lit the olive’s brine aflame and dropped the skewer into the drink where the surface caught on fire but the drink itself changed colour from jet black to an opaque blue.

“THAT’s an Ellen Ripley.” Swiftly turning on her heel, Xena took the tray and sashayed her way over to the table where she bent at the waist and offered the five men their drinks, blowing out the specialty cocktail she lit up earlier and offered it to the man being cheered by his friends.

“Hey der lady, gimme another drink!” Interrupted a man who leaned against the bar and slurred out his request. He looked slovenly and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his speech and staggered gait, not to mention the smell was enough to show the man already had one drink too many.

“I think you’ve had enough friend; I’m cutting you off for the night.” Smiled Judy’s masque while she rapped her fingers over the bar table with her free hand.

“I sed I wants a drink you freaky bitch!” The man demanded, pounding his fist on the countertop.

Before he could do it again, a hand pressed down onto his shoulder from behind, making the drunk look over and up to the sneering face of Kathy glaring down at him. Moving to shrug his shoulder away from her grasp, he found her grip almost vice like as she pulled the man up by his coat scruff in one hand and pulled him away from the bar.

“You’re done, maybe some time out in the rain will flush you out.”

Very quickly and very easily, the man was hoisted up off his feet and marched out the door where he continued to babble and mumble out profanities and threats until the door was opened to the raging storm outside and he was tossed out into the rain. Closing the door and wiping her hands clean, Kathy returned to the bar counter and rested her hands at her sides with an exasperated sigh.

“Think I got slobbering drunk on my hands, you got a moist towelette?”

Handing the taller woman a packaged towelette to clean herself off, Kathy wiped her hands clean and made eye contact with Dennis who had been staring the entire time. Now that the towering woman wasn’t in the shadow of the hallway, he could see her more clearly.

“See something human?” She asked, her mandibles spreading out to give a better look of her face, which looked almost human save for some feline features like her flattened nose and slit eyes. Her ears flicking as she finished cleaning her hands off.

“Anyone ever confuse you for one of those blue cat people in Avatar?”

“Pff… I WISH!” She chuckled, shaking her head, and tossing her braided mohawk over her shoulder. “That bitch is rich as hell!”

Turning around, Kathy returned to her corner of the hallway to keep guard at the door. Finishing his drink and checking the time at the clock on the wall, he rapped his knuckled on the counter to announce he was done and made his way up the stairs to find his room.

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