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Chapter 2 by LukeMason LukeMason

Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?

Male (heterosexual)

Sorry about that previous page. Anyway, your name is Cam Reinber. Nineteen years old, college student. Your roommate is named Jordan Ramirez. Now that the introductions are done, let's get into the actual story...

"Taerius, you seemed disturbed," Xiq whispered softly. "Is there something amiss?"

Taerius focused on one of his clawed fingers, making it glow a pale orange. He touched the wall with his glowing claw to stop the lava flow before turning back to Xiq. "The same as the last time you asked. I cannot stop thinking about the humans."

Xiq audibly snorted in contempt. "I will never understand your fascination with humans. They represent all the worst traits a being can possess. Idiotic. Self-centered. Perverted. Malicious. Pathetic."

A gleam appeared in Taerius's metallic eye. "I would wager that humans are far greater than you give them credit for."

Xiq was skeptical, but if she had one fatal flaw, she would admit it was her inability to resist a challenge. "Very well. Convince me, however you see fit."

"Yo," Jordan says when you walk into the dorm. He stays seated, barely moving. If not for the single syllable, there would not be a sign that he acknowledged your presence.

"Yo," you say back. You drop your bag by the door and step into the bathroom.

After a minute, you turn on the sink and start to wash your hands. That is when you hear the voice behind you.


You see a tall figure, humanoid in shape but clearly inhuman. His skin is a rough mineral color, with an overall texture that reminds you of a crumpled paper bag. His eyes are a shiny, pupil-less grey. His wide smile is full of sharp teeth and significantly wider than his face. He waits a few moments in silence before continuing.

"Not very talkative, are you?"

"What are you?" you ask.

"Well, humans don't encounter my kind very often, so there is no English name for us," he says. "To make things easier, just think of me as a 'demon'. Or, to make things even easier than that, call me Taerius. How 'bout you? What's your name?"

"Cam. Cam Reinber."

"Nice to meet you, Cam-Cam Reinber," Taerius jokes. He snaps his clawed fingers, and a chair appears in a burst of flame. He takes a seat. "I'd like to make a deal with you. How would you like supernatural powers?"

Your jaw drops slightly. "Can... uh... can you poof up another chair for me?"

"I could, but I don't really feel like it now," the demon says with a smile. "So, here's the deal. I'll give you supernatural powers, powers that are not normally available for humans. You'll only have one power at a time, but it'll change every exactly seventy-two hours. Now, here's the catch, because of course there's a catch." He stands up and steps closer to you. "You keep each power for three Earth days. During that time, you must use each power that you get in a perverted way."

You are taken aback. "Excuse me?"

"Question time. What is your age, sex, and sexual orientation?"

"I'm nineteen. Male. Straight. Why...?"

"Really?" Taerius interrupts. "Weird. I was told nineteen year old human males would not ask so many questions when it came to superpowers. Anyway, when I give you your powers, your target will be women close to your age... let's say anywhere from sixteen to twenty-three years old. Every power you get, you'll have three days to use pervertedly. Focusing on the chests, rears, and, obviously, genitals of the women in the appropriate age range. You will have to use your powers to freely see, touch, or taste any of these body parts - or the undergarments that cover them - in such a way that you could not do so without using your powers. Or you could get them to touch your genitals in a sensual way. Either way, you have to do it without being caught. Oh, one more thing, if you choose the option of just looking at the women's body parts or underwear, you need to take and keep a photograph."

"You keep saying what I have to do," you say. You are finally starting to calm down. "What happens if I don't?"

"Well, then I consume your soul," Taerius said simply.

You swallow. "And if I choose not to accept your deal? I know about the "deal with the devil" idea."

"You could reject the deal," Taerius admits. "If you do, though, I'll find someone else to offer the deal to. It's your choice."

It seems like a tremendous risk, wagering your freaking soul for supernatural powers. On the other hand... saying no would mean risking someone else's soul.

"I accept," you eventually say.

Taerius claps his hands together. "Perfect. Here's a magic book and key. You officially have a superpower." With the same flames as before, a thick hardcover book appears in your hand, with a silver key on top of it. "Use the key to open the book every three days so you know what power you have. See you later."

Taerius disappears in a burst of flame, taking the chair with him. You pick up the key and touch the book with it. The book flies open to a random blank page. Words fade onto the page in black letters.

What word is at the top of the page?

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