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Chapter 4 by little.cindy little.cindy

Where to start?

Make love, not war!

"I want to get all sweaty and nekkid and make out!" She smiles at you, and you shake your head with a laugh.

"Don't you always?" You smile, "I suppose we could do a run, that'll get the first part." You suggest.

"Hmm, I don't have a sports bra, my boobs won't like it." She frowns, following you in and over to the treadmills.

"What boobs?" You laugh, glancing from your c cups to her a's.

"These!" She mocks offense, popping her shirt and bra up, baring her little titties to the gym at large as you climb on the treadmills.

"You keep that up and we'll draw a crowd!" You smirk, starting to jog as she tucks herself back into her top.

"So far they'll be owed at least one view of yours." She smirks back, starting up herself.

"Oh, so that's the game we're playing then?" You shake your head.

"And now..." She slips her thumbs into the waist of her skirt, tugging it up to her ribs, baring her complete lack of underwear. "You owe me tits, ass AND pussy!"

You glance behind you as she shoves her skirt rather carelessly low to find several gym denezins glancing your way, and elbowing their buddies who aren't.

"Not just now..." You murmuras a pair of guys with rather obvious erections climb on the machines to either side of you two.

"You hafta pay up by..." She shakes her head back and forth, glancing at your machine. "One mile." She nods, grinning.

You look at her agape, surrounded by horny guys, all eyes now on the two of you, and she's done it again, you're the one who has to be exposed to the public at large while she got away with the few lucky eyes.

You run in silence, ticking away the mileage. The first mile marker is fast approaching, and the guys beside you have gone nowhere.

You bite your lip, glancing at the guy beside you, then breath deep, bracing yourself. You lower the speed on your treadmill, slowing to a walk. You reach down, looking sidelong at the man not two feet from you and tug your top up, baring your breasts. He smiles, nodding, and you shake your head, simply astounded that she can always make you do these things. You tug your top haphazardly back down, not quite square against your tits, and hook your thumbs into your shorts and panties. Bending over, you push them down your thighs, walking for a moment before tugging them back up as haphazardly as your top, your face flush as you glance back to find all eyes on you.

"You've still got point oh five to go..." Jess grins, her fingers teasing at the waist of her already dangerously low skirt. "Oopsies!" It slips down suddenly, and she deftly steps out of it to let the treadmill carry it away. You glance back at the room, eyes expectant for you to follow suit. You lick your lips, the sweat not the only thing making you slippery.

You bite your lip, shaking your head. "Let's skip to the fun part, shall we?" You stop your treadmill entirely and pull your top off, sportsbra and all, in one tug, your breasts swaying freely in full view of all those eyes.

"Nicely done!" She grins, eyeing your totally bared ample busom. "I guess I have !" She shrugs, reaching down and pulling her own top off and dropping it to the floor beside her, her breasts swaying gently as she continues to jog. "Now, are you gonna lose those shorts, or do I hafta take'em from you?" She stops her treadmill, smiling at you, her naked body glistening lightly.

"You'll hafta catch me first!" You waggle your eyebrows and spin, charging across the gym. You barely make it halfway before Jess's fingers snatch the back of your shorts, immediately yanking them to the floor. As you stumble, laughing, to free your feet, her hands land back on your hips and yank your panties after them. Feet knotted in your bottoms, you tumble to the floor, Jess climbing on top of you, her sweat-slick naked body sliding easily across your own.

Your tits brush against eachother, her nipples a gentle tease against your own. Her mouth closes on yours, and as your tongues work past eachother, her free hand pushes your thighs wide and slips in between them. You work your feet free, rolling Jess to the side and climbing on top of her, pinning her down, your lips never leaving hers.

You pull away, grinning, and jump up, sprinting past the stunned gym dudes and into the womens lockerroom. Jess follows shortly, and your bodies immediately meet once more your hands sliding across slippery skin.

You pull back from her, biting your lip, "You know, I've got a vibrator in my gym bag, wanna go hit the sauna?"

She grins at you, "Why don't we just find a sauna with someone in it that we can play with?"

What's next?

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