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Chapter 3 by MoistVonLipwig MoistVonLipwig

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Christina was about halfway off the stage when she heard the MC bellow:

"Everyone please let Christina know how good of a sport she's being huh? Let's all give her a round of applause."

The audience gave her a warm ovation and the initial shock of crumbled up newspaper in her mouth had begun to wear off. The MC continued:

"Come on back Christina, we’ve got a great act up next and you could help him out with your unique skills. How about it folks, do you want to see MOOOORE of Christina?”

The audience went wild. Christina was stunned. Did they like her or was it Mimi, she thought to herself? Or was it the way the MC dragged out that word - “more”. What was he suggesting?

Christina looked up to see Jason’s beaming smile as he urged her to go back on stage. With the whoops, hollers and whistling from the eager crowd, she couldn’t really say no, so Christina turned and smiled to the MC.

“Yeah! Way to go Christina! Now if you’ll just follow Mimi back stage, I’m going to introduce the next act”

Christina did as she was instructed and followed the smiling Mimi. The audience settled back to see what was going to happen next as the MC started in on a long and rambling intro. Backstage Christina was met by a wirey but nonetheless handsome men dressed in black and a fabulous blonde in satin and sequins.

“Hi. I’m Carlos and this is Jo, my assistant. Thanks for helping out with my magic act tonight.”

Christina didn’t get a chance to say anything as Carlos whisked past her onto the stage behind her.

“I’m not sure I’m going to be any help, they haven’t taken these cuffs off me” said Christina.

“Not a problem.” Jo unlocked the handcuffs and before she knew it, had Christina’s suit jacket off and draped over her arm. “Now, we don’t have long before your on. You’re going to be his assistant tonight, but you need to choose which dress to wear. Red dress tells Carlos to go the PG12 route. If you come out wearing the blue dress he will know you’re up for some fun.”

“What does fun mean?”

“Well, the blue dress has a silicone body skin underneath which goes right up to under your chin, so he can play with you, without it being you, if you see what I mean.”

“No, I’m not really following you, but I’ve come this far, so why the hell not.”

“Great!” Jo held up the blue dress with the back open for Christina to step into.

“Should I take my blouse and skirt off first?”

“Only if you want to, but it’ll probably be more comfortable for you if you do.”

Christina quickly shucked off her work clothes and stepped into the dress.

“Hey. There’s no sleeves or arm holes in this dress.”

“That’s right. Carlos will be your arms and do some magic tricks. That’s the finale of his act.”

Christina could hear the audience clearly enjoying whatever Carlos was doing. There were frequent bursts of applause and the occasional collective gasp of wonder from the appreciative crowd. She smiled at the thought of the reaction she had received for being Mimi’s puppet and she kind of wanted more.

Jo came round behind Christina to fasten the back of the dress. “Just slide your arms down behind you and I’ll close this up.”

Christina looked down at herself and saw a bigger bust than she was used to, fighting against a liquid satin, deep blue dress that had beautiful puffed sleeves and right now long satin opera gloves dangling loosely by her side.

“OK. You’re on after this trick. I’ll lead you out and Carlos will take it from there.”

As Christina walked out onto the stage the crowd erupted again and she blushed at the sound of the wolf whistles and cat calls she received.

“Wow! That dress is enough to make a good dog break his leash!” said Carlos as came over to greet his new assistant. At the same time the MC reappeared and gestured to quieten down the crowd. Clearly he felt introductions were in order again.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome back to the stage and looking incredible in that amazing dress, Christina!”

While the MC was speaking, Christina felt Carlos behind her as her thrust his arms through her armpits and into the sleeves of the dress. He pressed up tightly behind her and she felt his breath on her neck. At the same time Jo fastened an outer layer of the satin dress around Carlos to cocoon them both in the sumptuous floor length evening gown.

Carlos’ hands slid effortlessly into the long satin gloves and he adjusted the fingers in front of Christina. Now they were one person and Christina thought she knew what was coming next and she was mostly correct.

Christina found herself waving to the audience as she heard Carlos’ voice from behind her saying “Hi, everyone. It’s great to be back! How do you like the dress?” Christina felt her new hands take hold of the sides of the dress and swish it from side to side as Carlos moved them both in a sensual wiggle. The big surprise was Carlos sounded incredibly like her. How was he doing that? His voice, when they spoke backstage, was a regular masculine tone, but somehow his tone now was lighter, feminine and matched her accent perfectly.

Slightly thrown by hearing what sounded like her own voice coming from behind her, she didn’t notice that she was now taking off the long gloves, slowly and sensually. Her new left hand came up to her mouth and she dutifully bit the end of the glove to help pull it off.

Gloves dispensed with, she began to adjust her dress and ruffled her hair.

“Would you like to see some home grown magic?” she found herself saying as “her” hands fidgeted with the dress.

The crowd was loving the performance and yelled their appreciation.

Christina’s hands were now fussing around her right breast as she apologised to the audience.

“I’m sorry folks. I just need a second to get comfortable.”

As she was saying this “her” hands pulled down on the material that was her cleavage, revealing her breasts to the audience, who reacted with a mixture of gasps and hysterical laughter.

“I’m so sorry, it’s this new nipple ring...” “her” fingers were playing with a gold nipple ring through her fake right boob, “I shouldn’t have worn it with this dress. But hey, you get to see the girls for free - what do you reckon fellas?”

Carlos shook Christina to wave her new fake boobs at the audience and then cupped them before hiding them away behind the blue satin, as boos rang out from the liveliest members of the audience.

Christina kept up with the pretence and was now completely into the way the crowd loved the routine. No way would she have ever believed she could stand on stage in front of an audience without cringing and yet here she was shaking “her boobs” at complete strangers.

Her new hands came up to her face and brushed the hair out of her eyes and then down to smooth out the dress, lingering just a little too long on those fabulous breasts.

“OK. How about we try to start the show again. Can I get a volunteer from the audience?” asks Carlos in Christina’s voice. The crowd went wild with laughter again, but nobody was quicker than Jason to get on stage and join in the fun.

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