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Chapter 3 by Zingiber Zingiber

what do you do

Look...until someone finds you.

With your crippled ship stashed in a muddy hollow overgrown with willow bushes, you decide to spend some time sizing up the situation. If the Heartless have returned, supported by the Witch Queen Maleficent, things could get quite tricky. And will it be the right thing to use your keyblade to lock the world? Maybe it will stop the Heartless from getting reinforcements, but will you be able to find another way out to rescue your true love, with your ship all but destroyed by the monster's attack?

Allies are what you need, but you'll start by finding out what's going on. You work your way carefully out of your ship's hiding place and look for a good vantage point on the castle.

Again you see the statues of Maleficent and her two well-endowed attendants. You smile at the statues of all the sex acts, and wonder if there's a tourist shop that sells replicas to visitors. Your cock throbs inside your supportive undergarments. your own sense of taboo slipping?

You're baffled by the statue of your friend Riku. Other than being a standing nude pose, it doesn't seem to go with the others. One hand is raised in front of him in a guard position. The artist captured his flowing hair amazingly well. The statue looks very faithful, almost lifelike. Could the Queen have turned him into a statue?

The people making out together around the castle seem to be gathered in loose groups of a couple dozen up to a couple hundred, each under some sort of banner. But it seems poorly organized, and some people just seem to be wandering from one partner or group to the next.

You hear the loud stroke of a gong carrying from the castle. It vibrates through you, and your cock goes to full erection. You feel a psychic tug toward the castle, too weak to affect you. As you're readjusting your garments, you hear footsteps behind you, across a small clearing.

It's a pair of peasant farmers, in old but clean clothes. You can tell by the colored sashes, ribbons, and hats that they're trying to dress up. The first is an older fellow with a beard just starting to gray. He's leaning on a staff, with a big bag slung over his back with the end of a loaf of bread sticking out. Beside him is a young woman with golden hair, braided on each side, carrying a shoulder pole with a basket of apples on each end. She senses your eyes upon her and turns to face you.

"Come on, Gretchen," the older man says to her, shifting uncomfortably, "We have to get to the castle! If our village is short on tribute, or doesn't perform the lust offering well, the Queen will take more young men!"

"Wait, father," she says, "Look here! Don't you recognize John Doe, the hero who saved us ten years ago? We need to tell him what's going on!"

"There's no time to wait, if we want a home to go back to!" he says. "Don't dally, Gretchen!" With barely a glance at you, he hurries forward along a path through the trees that curves back and forth toward the castle.

You look the young woman over. You recognize her from when you met her as a girl, a bit younger than you, when you first came to liberate this world from the Heartless. Now she's grown up and filled out, but from the look on her face, these times are hardly happy ones.

She puts down her burden, walks up to you and says, "John, I'm glad to see you! The Heartless have returned, and brought new evil with them. But let me warn you, if you enter the castle, make sure you've satisfied your sexual desire first. The Queen can bend you to her will if she can get you hard. And I have so much more to tell..."

The gong sounds again. You feel it vibrate through you, and that little tug toward the castle. Gretchen moans, and turns toward the castle as if to leave.

"Wait, Gretchen!" you say. "Don't leave!"

She pauses. She seems to be fighting some sort of urge. "I must," she says, with a strange tone in her voice, "I must give my offering of lust!" She starts to turn again. She shakes her head. Her voice drops to a mumble. "...more to tell..."

She must be feeling the gong much more powerfully than you. Perhaps you can distract her by satisfying her desires?

Gretchen struggles to pick up her carrying pole with the baskets of apples, so she can join her village in giving tribute and their lust offering.

What do you do?

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