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Chapter 2 by gene.sis gene.sis

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Login/Sign Up/Forgot Password/Forum

You can use the Login buttons to create a new user account or to log into your existing user account.

  1. Log Out
    If you are using a shared or public computer, you should Log Out before you leave. This will prevent others from accessing your user account.

  2. Login
    A. Username: self-explanatory
    B. Password: self-explanatory
    C. Remember me: If this option is checked, you will stay logged in without time limit. You shouldn't use this option on a shared or public computer.
    D. Log In: Click on "Log In".

  3. Forgot Password
    You can follow the Forgot Password link if you want to reset your password
    A. Enter your Email address and click on "Reset my password".
    B. Switch to your Email account and follow the link in the email you receive from CHYOA.
    C. Enter your desired password in both fields. (We suggest you use numbers, letters, and punctuation marks for strong passwords.)
    D. Click on "Submit".

  4. Sign Up
    A. Username: Your desired Username. (Must be at least 2 characters long.)
    B. Email address: Your Email address. It is only possible to create one account with an email address.
    C. Password: Your desired Password. (Must be at least 4 characters long. We suggest at least 8 characters, numbers, letters, and punctuation marks.)
    D. Sign Up: Click on "Sign Up for CHYOA"
    E. Confirm your Email address: Switch to your Email account and follow the link in the email you receive from CHYOA to confirm your Email address. (You have to confirm your Email address before you can use all features of CHYOA.)

  5. Forum
    You can use your CHYOA login credentials to log in to the CHYOA Forum.
    Please note, that it can take up to an hour before you can log into the forum. (the forum synchronizes every full hour)

  6. Change Username / Delete Account
    If you want to change your username or want your account to be deleted, please contact Friedman.


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