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Chapter 2 by eroshumanal eroshumanal

So are you the clerk, clothes or customer?

Life of an alien one piece bathing suit.

As I hang here on a hanger waiting hungrily for a human to try me on. They don?t know it but all the clothes in this store are alive. We hunger for the sexual fluids of those who try us on. Though they too get something for putting us on. I myself will increase my wears sexual desire a hundred fold. I will be able to mold them into the image they think is most attractive. I will also make them feel ever so good.

To look at me I look like an ordinary one piece human bathing suit. I have what looks like red trim along the openings for arms, legs, and neck. The rest is a metallic grey with a glossy shine. To the touch my outside feels like a cross between rubber and latex. My inside which will be caressing the humans flesh feels like the softest velvet. One touch of my insides is all it will take to get the human to try me on.

Once a human touches my insides I will flood their body with a sense of warmth and pleasure. An almost over whelming urge will come over them to put me on. Also a need for sex will begin to consume more and more of their waking thoughts. This is the part the store owner likes best because it gets to mate with the human.

I am unsure what sex either the human or the store owner is nor do I care as long as I get all the sexual fluids I can eat I will let anyone put me on. My kind have no sex we reproduce by a kind of osmosis. When feed to the point of bursting every cell in our bodies divides and a second version of myself is produced. It may be over or under the original depending on the time of division.

Someone has come and is touching my outer skin. I don?t understand what the human and store owner are saying. I will not get the ability to understand either until I merge with the humans nervous system and link with the human?s brain. As time goes by I will know everything the human does and thinks. I will use that knowledge to please and alter the body of the human.

Oh the human has such a nice soft touch as it runs a finger on my inner velvety skin. I feel movement and know I have been chosen. My inner skin flutters with excitement at finally getting to eat. It has been so long. My kind can go years between feeding though be love to eat daily.

As the human slips its long smooth legs though me I flood its system with pleasure begin to awaken its sexual desire. I feel myself slipping up the legs of the human its body is all a tingle with pleasure and a building need it for sex that it will soon act on. As I am pulled over the humans firm round ass. I feel and taste sexual juices coming from the front where the legs join together. As the rest of me is pulled over the human?s smooth soft hairless chest. I begin to caress its flesh with my tiny tentacles that make my inner skin so velvety soft. As the arms slip though the area for its arms and I rest tightly and securely on the humans shoulders. I begin to bond with the human?s body. Now only I can come off the human without hurting it if I want to. Any attempt by the human to take me of will result in very unpleasant feelings.

Though right now the human is running its hands over my outer skin. I can tell the way its body is responding to me that the human is enjoying the feel of me. I must admit I am enjoying it too. I begin to attach to its nervous system and soon I am feeling what the human is feeling.

?Oh my I am soft and smooth. Oh that is causing the human to leak more tasty juices. I like this human I am going to have a good meal with it. Soon I get control of the human?s other senses. I blink a couple of times as I see though the human?s eyes for the first time. The human is looking in a mirror at us. As I gain access to the human?s thoughts I now know and understand what the store owner and human is saying as well as what is about to happen. In order to help things along I split down were the human?s sexual organs are from front to back so even the human?s ass is accessible for sexual intercourse. As I look though the human?s eyes I take a good long look to see what we now look like together.

What does the suit see? A male or female wearing it and does the human look like?

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