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Chapter 3 by Ultrasound7 Ultrasound7

When would you like to start? Past or Present?

Lets start at the beginning

You remember your first day like it was yesterday. You had taken considerable time to present your self suitable to be in the presence of any queen and rode off for Gainos. After a few days travel you arrived and immediately headed for the palace striaght to the throne room, you knew where to go from your studies of the palace schematics and made sure to announce yourself to the right palace staff.

Finally you made it to the throne room and feasted your eyes on your Queen. She was as beautiful and intimidating as you remember. Aldra has a cat ear-like headband on her head, and a metal eye patch on her right eye. She wears a bright red outfit, with belts going across the top of it. On her left arm, there are spikes protruding from her pauldron, and on her lower body she has red hip armor and a hidden blade set that functions as her undergarment. On her legs she wears red thigh-highs and interlaced bands with a beast engravement on her upper thighs, and wears metal heels with long spikes on the toe and heel.

Even being a twelve year old girl did not deter her beauty or ferociousness as you remember all to well how she fought and won Queen's Blade and became the youngest queen in the whole history of the continent. As she sits on the throne in a detached, disinterested look, you can tell a monster is hidden somewhere in that eye, yet perhaps has the making of a true Queen provides you show her the way. Though whether she walks through it is another thing, however it is your duty to try.

You stand at attention and then kneel, averting your face from her as is protocol, and give a formal bow.

"Count Courier Clerk, head of Pentoria of the Clerk family", you announced. "Here to pledge my allegiance and serve you as your royal adviser, if you should wish it."

Alfa merely raisdn her eybrow in reponse. "And what you would do for me as my advisor?", she asked.

"Anything that is within my power that is wounldnt endanger or harm the good of Queen and continent", you dutifully reply, though you suspect there's more to the question than what it seems at face value.

"So if I wanted you to set up a division of Assassins to serve, spy and kill for me, you would do it?", she asked, her tone unchanging so you can tell she was quite serious. You suspect she was trying to gauge your reaction.

"You can stand", she sighed, apparently getting annoyed at talking while your on the floor, though it may also be so she can look at your face and better evaluate you.

You play into your advantage as you stand up smoothly and answered her as if you were making small talk.

"It can be done, though it will take some time and money, I can handle the paperwork personally and set up a budget on the royal treasure to fund it", you say as you shift your tone as if thinking out loud, yet with confidence. "Finding volunteers would be a simple enough task and I know of a veteran mercenary that could train them for the tasks you have in mind. She would cost an arm and a leg, but with her training you can fight and kill 5 people with your remaining arm and leg. Though you must known that this is sure to gain attention from heaven, yet by thier own laws they won't interfere. Still to appease to thier curiosity, I could seek help from the church to assist me in establishing a dialogue with heaven to assuage thier worries explain to them that the assassin are merely your initiative to fulfilling your duty of protecting the continent from threats such as the machinations of the swamp witch and all other threats that would grow and hamper the kingdom if left unchecked which wouldn't be lying in the least. If thats not enough for them, then I can persuade them to accept a compromise to send an ambassador of heaven to inspect our activities and show thier vicious yet necessary function. In all honesty they won't interfere anyway unless perhaps you use these assassins to eliminate Queen's Blade candidates in any future tournament any way, still it might do well to establish some relationship with heaven as it could do well to convince both heaven and the continent that you acting with the best of intentions and not merely asserting power so everyone will be less inclined to question your rule and your judgement. After all with the support and blessing of heaven you'll gain the the loyalty of the church and any god fearing man, women and child in the continent and the dissenting nobles and the Swamp Witch will be less inclined to oppose you."

Aldras eye widen slightly in surprise, not expecting you to be so prepared to have thought so far ahead or perhaps even consider it entirely. She frowned a bit at your mentioning of heaven but her discomfort turned to atcual thought as you went on to bring up your plan negotiate and include them as means of drawing away suspicion and using it as a way of gaining support and power and loyalty from those here on mortal soil.

"An intriguing idea", she said in a restrained the tone clearly trying to keep you from see in her actual feelings on the subject. "But I doubt it would work, while I could use the assistance and assets an angel ambassador would grant me, I'm not particularly interested in them snooping in my business."

This is working out better than you anticipated, if your suspicions are correct this is now the chance you need to earn her trust and confidence. Here's hoping your right.

"Permission to speak freely, your majesty", you humbly yet boldly asked. Settling up for the coup de gra, so to speak.

"Go on", she said looking a bit curious.

"Your majesty the rules of the Queen's Blade, made by god himself one hundred and twenty years ago are binding. It doesnt matter If your twelve years old or even half-demon, you were eligible to compete and won and thus earned the right to be queen. If Heaven finds out about your demonic heritage, they can and will do nothing so long as you stay true to your duties, whatever your agenda may be I sincerely doubt it is to bring an end to the continent. In fact it may be best to simply announce, it would show that you have nothing to hide and are not ashamed of being something you have no control over, and wish to spare other lost children the same torment and loneliness you have suffered. it paints a lovley picture to the public and the powers that be. A Queens most powerful weopon is not just her strength or skill with a blade but her image and relations with the public. I can help you sharpen those skills and thus allow to Gunther faith, and trust of ninety percent of the continents population to you and casting away any doubts they have of you, allowing you to complete whatever you desired to achieve enough to motivate you..." you went on catching the young queen off-guard, expressing shock and a huge hint of fear.

"Enough!",Aldra exclaimed, clearly back on guard with her large red blade in hand. She then took a breath to compose herself.

"I think we're just about done with this little interview, I have just two more questions: how did know know that about me and how long it took you to figure this all out?

You can tell she is quite shaken, trying to figure out if she should accept you or kill hou where you stand, thankfully your ready for either scenario.

"You showed some noticeable signs that only someone who actualy studied demons and hybrids would recognize. When I realized this and the fact that you were most likley to win I spent the majority of the week of the tournament any o fully plan out how I could best serve you and the kingdom", you answered as camly and level headed as she asked you.

Aldra narrowed her eye in thought. After what seemed like half an hour she finally gives a slight smirk.

"Congratulations, you have the job", she declard. "Now get to work windbag."

You ignore the derision and bowed to your queen. "As you wish my queen", you respond.

So now what will you do?

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