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Chapter 2 by GinnyJean GinnyJean

Time for the Big Sleep

Let's do it.

"All right Mr. Corsico, easy.", the doctor says as Mr. Corsico is painfully lowered into the tank. He felt pretty good as they had given him some to ease his anxiety. "It'll just be like drifting off to sleep. You will be perfectly safe, even more safe than the average person while you're in there, honestly. The nanomachines will keep all of your bodily processes well regulated. Now this may hurt a bit." The doctor drives in a series of needles connected through tubes throughout John's body. "Been there, done this, Dr. Anderson", John responds with a dark chuckle. The doctor smiles in kind.

"Ok, we're going to intubate you and deliver the anaesthetics. Do you have anything you want to say before you go under?" John laughs again and responds, "May I treat this next body better than the last one!" The doctor says, "Amen. See you in a month Mr. Corsico, I wish you the best of luck." John sees the doctor give a thumbs up to the anaesthesiologist and begins to drift into sleep...

There is only darkness in the mind of John Corsico and the feeling of weightlessness. Images sporadically pop in his head of past events, loves, friends, and family that have come and gone in his life. He returns to a period of confused blackness and something strange happens.

He imagines himself walking through a hallway to a large room with a vaulted ceiling with an opening in the back that looks over an idyllic nature scene. In front of the doorway sits a woman garbed in white on a throne holding a book between two pillars, one white and one black. There's a moon shaped crown that sits atop her head. She smiles and says: "Good to see you John."

As she says this, suddenly his lucidity and consciousness returns to him. He looks around the room confused and asks, "What am I doing here? Who are you?"

"Oh...", the mysterious woman explains, "I'm your father and your mother, your uncles, cousins, aunts; everyone and no one. The living and the dead. As for what you're doing here... Fate has chosen you as the representative of a new age, let's say."

Mr. Corsico can't believe it. He's been thrust into the presence of a deity or something like it. "Are you God?", he asks inquisitively.

She snickers and responds, "Who knows. Maybe? Things around here don't really work like that." The walls of the room begin to flicker and wobble like the signal on a receiver is beginning to . She takes notice of this and begins to speak again. "There isn't much time left. You can ask me one question."

John frustratedly asks, "Why me?"

The woman smiles again and tells him, "That's how luck works, silly."

The scene dissolves and Mr. Corsico is once again in the blank space of a coma void.

"Dr. Barnes, I can't believe we're actually doing this. This is crazy." Two doctors, one male and one female both look at the display poised in front of the transgenome tank. The computer generated model on the screen looks somewhere between male and female. "Look, DR. ANDERSON, he signed the release. He's not actually going to die or anything from it. In fact this might give us some well needed publicity from the transgender community. We have to work with what we've got. Lesson learned. If there's a problem we can settle it in court." The male doctor sighs. "I guess you're right. This is science after all. Someone has to push the boundaries."

The transformation continues unabated. The time counter on the top right corner of the screen says 14 DAYS 23 HOURS AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES.

Mr. Corsico regains consciousness slowly and painfully. His entire body feels like jelly on the inside and out, it's a very peculiar feeling. "Mmmph!", he grunts through something covering his mouth. He tries moving his legs but is barely able to do so. A female voice chimes in his ear, "Stay calm Mr. Corsico, the treatment is almost over. We need to watch your vitals as you come out. Just relax." He could hear the sound of water slowly draining from the tank as his body slowly floats down to the surface. The contact with gravity was even more peculiar than his previously jellied state. He could feel multiple points of sharp pain distributed across his body pulling on his flesh. The hatch on the tank was opened he could see the two doctors from before peering down at him. The lights above their head were blinding. "Just relax Mr. Corsico while we get this stuff off of you." One by one tubes and needles were removed from his body, becoming more and more of a relief as the process continued.

"My god would you look at her Mose? She's such a beautiful g---", Dr. Barnes says but is cut off by Mose as he makes the neck swipe "stop talking" gesture to Dr. Barnes.

John was too out of it to notice the comment. It was strange but he didn't think anything of it. "Get me up.", he heard a high pitched voice come from his own mouth. "What the hell did this do to me", he thought.

The two doctors slowly and clumsily pulled Mr. Corsico from the tank and walked him over to the examination table. He sat on it hunched over, his head pointing toward the ground with a towel over his body. "What did you...", he began to stammer until he noticed his crotch. The male doctor scratched his head, looked down and replied, "So, uhh, remember how I was saying we needed samples to 'replace' some of your DNA? Apparently the computer decided it was more optimal for you to have XX rather than XY chromosomes therefore..."

"Who are you...?" he directed at Dr. Barnes. "Dr. Kelly Barnes, I helped design the artificial intelligence that gave you your new body.", she replied smiling brightly.

John Corsico slumped on a dark brown leather couch positioned next to the pod. He leaned on Dr. Barnes in a state of shock. Dr. Barnes stroked John's hair and put an arm around her shoulder. "It'll be okay dear, look at it this way, you've got a new lease on life and for a bonus you get to see how the other half lives!"

"Can I go somewhere to be alone?" John looked into Dr. Barnes eyes with tears welling up in his own. "Of course dear. We have a room set up for you. Anything you need, we'll get it. I'm serious, start making a list!", Doctor Barnes replied with a sympathetic tone, like a mother to a hurt and daughter.

John began to slowly stand up and muttered simply, "Can we walk and talk? " Barnes nods and he continued, "I'm going to need my room a little warm... I'm very cold. Some cannabis and please? And some burritos... I'm really hungry..."

Reorienting to a new body

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