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Chapter 4 by qexiqex qexiqex

Mind busy fantasizing, she opened the

Left Door

It felt as if her body dissolved into a mist of nothingness. It was eerie, hovering in mid-air, mind perfectly clear and all-knowing. She was still trying to make sense of her surroundings when she spotted the exact scene pictured in the image just a few feet away and excitedly levitated over there.

Hovering right in front of the busty young lady, she suddenly realized that she knew her name and how she got into this awkward situation.

With bated breath, she watched the story unfold.

"What the hell is this?" wondered Emma as she looked down at her bra-covered chest.

She had just returned from a hilariously bad Halloween party where everyone tried to chat her up and get into her pants. Of course, she fended off any and all approaches as usual, and put those horny idiots into their places. But that even those dressed-up sluts acted like sex-crazed nymphos with hands all over each other was weirding her out big time. It got so bad that she had to leave early, for her own sanity. What a waste of an evening!

And now this. Two big, red handprints, one on each of her sizable breasts. She couldn't recall anyone actually groping her though. Did one of these suckers make it past her defenses?

When she wiggled out of her tight pants, the next surprise awaited her. Two yellow handprints, one on her side and one covering her entire pussy. Emma gaped at the mirror in front of her and tried to remember anything that could explain those prints. But how would they be able to get under her costume? This didn't make any sense at all!

Then, she remembered the silly story one of the girls at the party told her and wondered if there was even a sliver of truth in it or whether someone was pranking her hard.

"Body parts coming to life, how would that even work?" she giggled and shook her head in a vain attempt to clear her thoughts and make those odd prints go away. Then, to her utter surprise, she saw the prints slowly fading right in front of her very eyes! As if the paint would get absorbed into her skin!

"Am I day dreaming?" huffed Emma and decided she had enough for the day. She grabbed her toothbrush and got herself ready for the night, her eyes lingering on the now squeaky clean parts of her body that had been covered by paint only seconds ago, as if nothing had ever happened.

Right before midnight, the busty, young woman was disturbed in her sleep. She groaned, annoyed and reached for her mobile to check the time when she heard voices talking about her, voices that didn't sound familiar in the slightest.

"I know! She never does anything exciting! When was the last time an actual guy squeezed one of you lustfully?"

"I can't even remember! Must be months! I wouldn't even care if it's by a man or woman, any human interaction would be nice."

"Exactly! I have been neglected for ages, just like you guys! The last time she stuck her dildo in me was eight months ago! And that was a sorry little exercise, I can tell you! She's got no rhythm at all! Just a weird and clumsy rub-fest. She barely pushed a finger inside of me! That girl is so bad at this stuff! Can't even get herself off properly!"

Emma rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and blinked.

"What the hell?" she asked no one in particular.

"Oooh, did we wake the prudish little princess?"

Emma tried to locate the voices but they seemed to come from right under her nose somehow.

"Who's talking? Show yourself!" she demanded, switched the lights on and jumped out of her bed.

"If you would be so kind to get out of this silly nightgown, we could properly communicate, prude."

Emma stumbled into the bathroom, pulled the gown over her head and tossed it to the side. Buck-naked, she stared into the mirror at her own breasts that were jumping around like possessed.

"What the fuck!" she gasped at the spectacle in front of her.

"No fuck, and that's exactly the problem, sweetie! You need to get laid and we're about to make that happen!"

The confused girl watched as her breasts rolled on her chest like they had a life of their own.

"This cannot be!" Emma squeaked, "That girl was right all along!"

"Of course she was right! And it has been like that for ages! If a girl is as well equipped as you are and does not make proper use of said equipment, the Elders of Halloween will take care of that one way or another. And as you have seen by the very visible hand prints, they have noticed your utter failure to have a sex life and decided to finally put a stop to this waste!"

Emma only caught half of what was said as she was so preoccupied with watching her dancing breasts. She reached out, grabbed one of her wobbling nipples and pinched it hard.

"Ouch!" she heard the muffled scream of one of the voices, now sounding like a person talking while someone pinches their nose shut, "Stop that!"

"Still getting to grips with your new housemates, eh?" another voice from deeper down quipped, "But they're right, you have neglected all of us terribly over the past years."

"Who is the 'all of us' you are speaking of?" asked Emma, trying to make sense of it all.

"Well, your boobs for starters. May I introduce you to Titty on your left and Booby on your right?"

"For real?"

"And then there's me, your underused snatch Stuffy. That name is not fitting all too well now, is it? I have not been properly stuffed in ages!"

"Hey, haven't you forgotten somebody?"

"Oh, right. And there are the two eggheads, Ballsy and… what was his name again?"

"Grumpy. But he's asleep right now."

"Eggheads?" inquired Emma, overwhelmed by what was going on with her body.

"Yeah, your ovaries. I hear they can be quite a pain in the ass."

For the first time since her body parts had awakened, Emma had to giggle.

"You're quite right about that!" she laughed, "So now what? Will you just pester me every night that I get a boyfriend or something?"

"Nah, we're way out of that phase, sweetheart. We demand that you take better care of us. And if you keep ignoring us, we will make your life hell on earth. Just imagine Titty jumping out of your dress when you're presenting at your job, or Booby smacking you in the face at a family event! And I can be pretty rude, too!"

"You won't dare to…."

"Oh, we absolutely will! But for now, I would be satisfied with a good old fap session. Did you see that nice, long banana down in the kitchen? Come on, be creative! Old, neglected Stuffy is hungry for some action!"

"And we," Emma heard her left breast declare, "We want to be properly used, too! You ignored us for months and have not even groped us a tiny bit! We demand that you are more adventurous, that you make use of our delicious roundness and bounciness! You should really visit the darker corners of the internet sometime to get some inspiration. Some of the stories you can find there feature terrific ideas about what to do with a pair of juicy boobs like us! But for now, a piece of rope and a bit of determination shall suffice. Bind us properly and make us swell with pride!"

"So you want me to bind my tits and fuck myself?" inquired Emma, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yes!" shouted three voices from below.

"And what about Ballsy and Grumpy?"

"Forget about these jerks, they're of no use anyway. Grumpy will be up soon enough and moaning without end. Maybe they'll both shut up once you fucked a proper dude though."

"Heh! You wish!" giggled a voice from below.

"Alright. A banana for Stuffy and a rope for you guys and then you'll shut up for the night? I can't believe I'm actually doing this."

The young woman collected the required utensils and planted her naked ass on her bed. She then clumsily grabbed the rope and looped it around her left breast, carefully pulling it tight enough that it wouldn't slip away.

"YES!" gasped the breast, "Fucking finally! Wow, this feels great! Pull it tighter!"

Emma tightened the rope until her breast balled up and blushed in a rosy tint. She could feel the blood throbbing inside the taut ball.

"Now me, now me!" begged her right boob.

"Yeah, yeah. Here you go."

"Oooohhhh… that is fantastic! Come on, you can pull it tighter! Make me into a ball!"

Emma grunted and groaned as she **** the rope tighter and tighter.

"Yeeeeeehaw! I haven't felt so alive in ages! Come on, tweak my nipple! Do you have clamps? Please have clamps!"

"Wow! You guys are right, it does feel interesting. Let me check, I think I have some binder clips somewhere."

"Wooohoo! Come on, pinch us!"

"You guys having fun? What about me?" moaned Stuffy, "I'm still not properly filled!"

Emma rolled her eyes and grabbed the fat banana. Then, she pulled her pussy open and slowly **** the fruit inside as deep as it would go.


"Wheeah!" she heard her sex muffle happily, "'astes gweat!"

"Alright, here come the clips!"

She watched her boobs jiggle excitedly as she brought one of the metal objects closer to her left nipple. She opened the clip and let it snap over the hard bud.

"Oh fuuuccckk….." both Emma and her left tit groaned in sync, "That is painful!"

"Me too, me too!" begged her other breast.

Her brain swimming in endorphins from the pain and pleasure, Emma grabbed the second clip and let it snap over her other nipple.

"YESSS!" the muffled breast groaned, "So good!"

Emma's fingers quickly found her stuffed sex and furiously rubbed the hard little pebble while her other hand rammed the poor banana in and out of her squishy hole in record time. Her two, bound boobies meanwhile jumped around like big bouncing balls on speed.

Maybe it wasn't all that bad that those Elders had awakened the sexy parts of her body. Maybe, those guys were a fun bunch after all and would guide her through some breath-taking experiences that she would have never dared to do on her own! Emma smiled, happy about her new companions and the adventures that awaited her.

Suddenly, a gust of wind grabbed Becca and pulled her back through the door.

Where Did Becca find herself now?

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