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Chapter 3 by joblo joblo

Dreams of a young man

John is given a gift

Chapter Three

John found himself standing next to a fountain in a walled garden.

He was not alone.

Two women sat near him with their backs to him. They were both wearing togas from what he could tell and were idly gliding their hands over the surface of the water in the fountain. One was a brunette and the other a blonde, both styled differently but in an elegant fashion. They were talking to each other in a language he didn’t understand.

Where the hell am I?

‘Uh, hello?’ He said, announcing himself.

The two women stopped talking and turned to face him. They beckoned him to come to them and he found himself unable to resist. They scooted out a little to make some room for him to sit between them. He walked towards them, as if he was compelled to do so. When he sat down, he found himself between two of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.

The brunette smiled slyly at him and oozed sexual confidence. Her eyes roved over him, before locking with his. He was startled by the intensity to which she was looking at him, as if she was staring into his very soul and seeing his deepest desires. He looked away and tried to gather himself, only for the woman on his right, the blonde to take his attention.

The blonde held herself in a matronly fashion. Her posture, perfect and poised. Her eyes looked him up and down and seemed pleased with what she found. Both scooted closer to him until he could feel their legs against his. He took a deep breath and could smell their fragrance. He couldn’t tell what they were, but it was calming and comforting.

‘Fear not, John.’ the Blonde said, resting a hand on his and squeezing gently. ‘We mean you no harm. We’re here, in your dreams, to give you something that has not happened, in a millennium.’

‘Hera speaks the truth, John.’ the brunette said, her voice a rich pleasure to hear. She placed a hand on his thigh and started to trace a circle with her thumb. The softness of her touch and the smoothness of her voice sent a shiver up his spine and he gulped audibly. ‘What we’re giving you, can lead to many wondrous times and pleasures beyond anything you’ve experienced or dreamed of.’

‘Aphrodite is right, John.’ Hera agreed, drawing his attention. ‘What can happen could bring about a new era of change. The world sorely needs a nudge in the right direction. And there are those who are trying to nudge it the opposite way. We’re hoping you’ll tip the balance of scales back.’

John was floored. He glanced between the two women and found only comfort and patience in their eyes. Hera ran a hand up his back, seeking to ease his discomfort.

‘I… I’m not sure if you’ve got the right person?’ John struggled to say. His body reacting in ways he didn’t want between these two beautiful women and the distraction it was causing made it difficult to think clearly. ‘I’m… i’m a nobody, with nothing and this… i’m pretty sure this is a dream.’

Aphrodite chuckled softly and Hera looked at him curiously.

‘This,’ Hera started, indicating the walled garden. ‘Is a dream. It doesn’t make it any less real.’

‘My brother, Morpheus, is the God of dreams, among other areas. He has granted us this boon to try our plan again.’ Aphrodite said.


‘Yes.’ Hera said regretfully. ‘In ages past, we have tried to steer humanity to the better, as others sought the opposite. After many failed attempts and much bloodshed, we have decided on a different approach. We’re trying with you. You will be gifted small boons from some of us to use. We have searched carefully, and at great length.’

A small message seemed to pass between the two women. Hera nodded in recognition and stood up. She smiled brightly at John and waved her hands in a pattern he thought strange.

‘It is done.’

John felt no different.

‘We will leave you now. Our gifts have been given. Apollo will show you some of the many potential futures in front of you. All are possible, and many frightening.’ Aphrodite said, standing up and leaving John confused and a little breathless.

What in the hell is happening?!

Aphrodite and Hera faded from view, leaving John sitting on the edge of the fountain, mulling over the strange turn of events. The garden around him started shifting and suddenly he found himself in a bright studio. The room was familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. An antique looking wooden chair had been placed in front of a white screen. To his left, Donna stood, camera in hand and with a sense of anticipation about her.

Donna gave him a big wink and John saw the big grin on her face. ‘This was a great idea, John.’

A door across the room opened and Diana stepped through it. Gone was the workout outfit and business attire he had seen her in previously. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and swayed as Diana sauntered into the room. She wore a pristine white bathrobe, which went down to her knees and was loosely bound at the front. She stepped behind the antique chair and Donna quickly took a couple of snaps. Diana glanced at him standing next to Donna and drew his eyes to her.

He was entranced.

It was as if Diana was doing this for him and he was the only person in the room. She smirked proudly, predatory, as he gaped at her. A flicker of movement below his eyesight drew his attention. Diana had slowly started to undo the ribbon knot holding her bathrobe together. He glanced back up to Diana’s face, too her eyes. He could see her desire in them for him to watch her, to see what she was doing and how this was all for him. The outfit, the slow reveal, this was all done so he could see what was beneath, what she just might offer him.

A tantalizing tease the world would never see.

Only him.

John broke away from her gaze, sucked in a breath and waited, imagining what Diana was wearing underneath. Donna kept snapping photos. The hurried click, click, click as she captured every movement of Diana. Every moment of this seduction. Every moment John wanted to remember forever.

The knot came loose and the bathrobe slowly started inch open. John stared helplessly as the loose ribbons fell to Diana sides and revealed the expanse of flesh behind the bathrobe. Diana’s stomach was flat and smooth. He could see the v-shape line of her muscles, reminding him of how powerful she was. Her hands came up to the inside of the bathrobe and teased opening them further.

She started to move.

She stepped one way and then another, posing this way and that, teasing John what was underneath and giving Donna the show she was after. Donna let Diana lead the show and John stood still, unable to move, entranced by the display and aroused. He couldn’t stop thinking depraved, naughty thoughts and he knew that Diana was more than aware of what he was thinking, and desired it all.

Her back was now turned to them and she pulled the bathrobe open. John could feel the tension in the room. Diana was baring all that was underneath and no one had a view. It was all part of the show and Diana revelled in the attention she had from him and how it was affecting him.

He loved how powerful it made her feel.

The need it built within him to touch and worship the woman before him.

God’s how he wanted too...

In a single motion, Diana shrugged off the bathrobe, revealing black high heels, black fishnet stocking, with tight golden brown briefs, and nothing else. The golden brown briefs curved up around her cheeks, leaving parts of her exposed. She tensed the muscles there and made them bounce. Her back was equally as defined and smooth as her stomach. She turned her head back and looked directly at him and flexed. He caught the briefest hint of the swell of breasts and found himself unbuttoning the top part of his shirt to cool himself. His pants did nothing to hide his erection; he was only now aware he was sporting.

Diana was however.

She smiled coyly at him, as she brought an arm over her breast and turned around to reveal her front. She blew him a kiss as Donna started snapping photos.

The room shifted.

John found himself working the punching bag. Artemis stood off to one side complimenting his form and speed. He found himself working harder, working to impress her more, to receive more praise. She was tough, but fair. She demanded everything you had to give and would not allow any slacking while you trained under her.

She called for him to take a quick rest.

He stopped for a moment and started the count she had drilled into him. He controlled his breathing and took a moment to check his body. He’d never felt so good before, and his body reflected that. His arms, legs, everything felt more defined and stronger. He admired himself for a moment and then started on the bag again. Working harder, faster, and testing his limits.

He liked this.

He reacted quicker.

He hit harder.

He moved gracefully.

This was awesome!

He spied the proud look on Artemis’s face as he kept working the bag. She called for him to stop and to lean against the wall to rest.

He followed her instructions, knowing that there were consequences to disobeying her. The wall was cool against his back as he started to regain control of his breathing. How long he had been at it, he didn’t know. He heard soft footfalls on the gym mat and looked up.

Artemis was stalking toward him.

The tall, proud and downright terrifying fighter stalked towards him, set on some goal that made John question his safety. He looked up at her face and saw the aroused look there.

She wants me! he realised as she stopped before him.

He had to crane his head to look up at her. He knew she was beautiful, dangerously so. And yet, he still would fuck her if he could. He had thought about it often, dreamed about it, and even admitted to Adriana in a moment of ecstasy when she was fucking him. Adriana liked the idea and they had roleplayed it once. There was something so thrilling about having a taller, stronger woman, fucking him and in turn being fucked by him. That lovemaking session had fast become a favourite memory of his.

She leaned in until her lips were almost brushing against his ear. The closeness of her and the heat that radiated between them was intoxicating.

‘I think you’ve earned a reward,’ she whispered as she pulled her tank top over her head and revealed her chest to him.

John looked down in disbelief at the swell of her breasts, the rise and fall of her chest, and her erect nipples he was overjoyed to see.

It was better than he had imagined.

He wanted to dine on them. Feel them in his hands. Fuck them with his cock. But this was the most brazen act by Artemis he had seen and before he could fully comprehend how far this would go, Artemis sank to her knees in front of him. The tall, proud Amazon was on her knees before him and greedily ripped the waistband of his gym shorts and underwear away.

His hardening cock sprang forth into the warm room.

Artemis’s eyes widened at the cock rising before her. A wicked grin spread across her face, seemingly pleased at herself for the effect she had on him. She grasped his cock and gave it a few slow strokes as she admired its length and girth.

John moaned in pleasure at the slow strokes and at the brazen act of this proud woman. The idea of pleasing her, of being able to pleasure her was arousing beyond his wildest dreams.

‘Time for my workout,’ she said, before she started kissing up his shaft. She lowered one hand to his balls and started massaging them gently. ‘Let’s see if i can beat Donna’s record she so proudly boasts about.’

John briefly wondered how she knew Donna had already blown him, before all thought went out of his mind as he felt her tongue on his balls. Artemis was greedily working around him, giving every part of his cock, balls and inner thighs his attention. Never once did her hand release his cock. John moaned loudly at her lavish attention. He was lost in the moment and wanted it to never end.

Artemis had kissed up to the head of his now fully erect cock and slid her mouth over the tip, engulfing the head and moaned greedily at the pleasure it was giving John. She loved the power she had over him normally, but to have such an intimate part of him so **** to her, made her more aroused than she had been in an age.

She slowly edged down his shaft, eyes locked onto his. John moaned in pleasure, and felt Artemis’s hum of approval as she inched down his shaft. Slowly she started to work her way back up and then down. John slid his hands into her hair, one holding her ponytail and the other guiding her as she bobbed up and down on her cock, picking up the pace.

She popped off his cock after pleasuring him with her mouth a few more times and grinned wickedly at him. John looked down in disbelief at the trail of saliva between her mouth and his cock. His cocked twitched at the sight.

‘You may cum wherever you wish.’ she said huskily.

The room shifted.

John found himself in a large room, standing in front of a mirror, admiring his toga. It was tailored to his frame perfectly. He’d aged by a couple of decades. Wisps of silver flecks were in his hair and his body was muscled and honed from decades of exercise and working out.

I want this...

A door behind him opened and a woman stepped in he didn’t recognise. She was tall, proud and reminded him of Diana in how graceful her movements were. She stopped a few metres short of him and bowed respectfully.

‘The bride requests your majesty’s presence.’ she informed him.

John nodded and followed her out the room, idly wondering why he was addressed in such a formal way. He took the time to admire the statues in the wide corridor. They were familiar to him, but he couldn’t quite remember where he had seen them before. The woman stopped after their short walk and opened a door. She ushered him inside quickly and he found himself in a small room, an ante-chamber next to a large outdoor auditorium.

Two women were in the room. Both in togas as well, one more elegantly designed and fashioned than the other. They looked at him brightly and bowed respectfully as well.

‘You honor us, my king.’ one said.

‘How may I help?’ John asked, curious to see what would happen.

The two shared a glance before one stepped forward. ‘I wish for your blessing in the union ahead.’

John agreed and went to offer a verbal blessing, unsure if this was what was expected. Before he could, the woman unclasped her toga and revealed her naked body to him. She was gorgeous and clearly took care of herself. Before he could stammer a response, she waved him closer as she bent forward and leaned against a wall. She presented her arse to him and wiggled it slowly.

‘Finish in me and mark my union with my wife for her to enjoy. She would be honored to eat your seed from my willing pussy.’

John nodded mutely and unclasped his toga. It slipped from his body and revealed his hardening cock. He stepped up behind the woman offering herself to him on her wedding day. He slipped a hand down to feel how wet she was and found her soaking.

She moaned whoreishly at his touch and mumbled ‘It’s all we’ve wanted for our union.’

Aroused by her words and her readiness, John wasted no more time. He slicked his cock with her wetness and thrust inside her.

The room shifted.

‘Wake up John! Pizza is ready!’ a voice shouted from outside the room.

Who is waking him up?

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