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Chapter 4 by zbloutch zbloutch

Who gets possessed?

Jennifer Lawrence and the ghost of the hooker

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-So, you're sure there is no way the police will get to me?

-Absolutely. I bribed the commissionar, made sure no one in the media gets to hear about this, and managed to find the only witness to threaten him with a million dollar lawsuit if he opened his mouth.

Jennifer let herself fall in her chair, in the middle of her luxurious mansion. It had been a long night. It had started well. She had spent it partying like there was no tomorrow with other famous actors, in an expensive club downtown L.A. Later that night, she had decided to go home, driving her car, despite being completely drunk. At one point, while she was speeding way over the limit, she had felt her car hitting something, but hadn't pay attention.

It was only the next day, when she woke up, that she noticed the blood on the front. Then she had turned on the TV, and saw an anchor woman talking about a terrible accident that had happened during the night, during which a woman trying to cross the road had been killed by a speeding car, dying on the spot. The driver of the car had then fled into the night.

Immediately, Jennifer had started hyperventilating. No no no, this couldn't happen to her, to her carreer. As the guests of the newsstation were ranting about how they hoped the one who did it would go to jail, she had called her agent, who had become used of cleaning her mess when she did some bad things. And this time was no exception. It had only taken him a few hours to solve everything, making sure that the public image of his client wouldn't be tainted by this scandal.

-You have any idea who this girl was? she asked, pretending to care.

-Thank God, nobody important. Just some Asian hooker in her fifties, with no family or friends around here. She's probably already forgotten.

-Good, she whispered, still trembling.

The hours passed after her agent left. She had decided to stay home, and have some rest. At first, she was still in shock thinking of how this bitch could almost have destroyed her carreer, but soon, she even forgot about her. A moment later, she was in her living room, listening to some music, taking some selfies. Everything had returned to normal. And yet...something felt off.

She looked around her, feeling uncomfortable. It felt almost like she was being watched. By someone hostile. She sighed, realizing how ridiculous she sounded. She was probably still stressed out.

-Ugh, I need some sleep.

Ten minutes later, Jennifer was lying in her bed, unaware of the angry spirit that had been watching her during the whole day.

What now?

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