Star Whore

Star Whore

May The Be In You

Chapter 1 by Titlecardpink Titlecardpink

You are a **** sensitive being on the planet Galtor 7, you are eighteen years old, and have been aware of this connection since you were a child. The **** has always been with you, guiding, urging, and testing you. drawing out your true self. Now it is time to blossom into your destiny.

You feel a deep well of unease in your stomach. A low rumbling vibrates through the air, the whole planet seems to be shaking and straining with effort. A splitting headache rips through you, you fall to your knees, you can feel the **** directing you towards the source of the rumbling. Far off into the western plains of Galtor 7 resides an ancient altar to the Sith, left behind and never touched after a series of brutal rituals were taken place there millennia ago. All the inhabitants of Galtor 7 avoid the "Red Mountains" for that exact reason, "No good from going there sonny." Old Koe told you once when you had asked about the region. "Nothing but bad juju and feral beasts."

You struggle to stand, all the other townsfolk are either incapacitated from the heavy pressure or outright ****. You grit your teeth, only you can do this. "Old Koe! Where's your glider bike!" Even your throat feels tight with pressure. The words hurt to pronounce. The old man doesn't speak, instead pointing to an outpost on the edge of town, then the old man struggles and shakes, pain wracked across his weathered face as he points to a pocket on his tan robe. Inside you spot a glint of light.

(There may be some inconsistencies in the story and lore as I am not well acquainted with all of Star Wars lore)

What do you do next?

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