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Chapter 2 by AyaLim AyaLim

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Introduction 2

to check on my progress. My function was to be a corporate shuttle pilot, transporting executives from destination to destination and when authorized, taking care of all of their needs. Part of my duties would be transporting executives, scientists, generals, government officials and such. In these cases, my job was to gather information in any way possible including but not limited to espionage and seduction. It was always made clear to me in my training that the protection of my passengers and cargo would take priority even over my own safety, so above average speed, strength, and agility were also incorporated into my DNA matrix.

Some of my genetic make up is experimental. Some of the details I know, some I do not. I knew about the feline DNA in my early teens from the times I went into heat and had to be locked in my room and or sedated. I was lucky that it only lasted for about a week. The feline DNA was spliced in so I could see better in the dark, move quickly, attack silently, and hear whispers and warnings at long distances without the aid of mechanical or electrical devices. Good traits for a spy or a bodyguard. There were other species of DNA used I'm sure but I can't find out what they were and if anyone else found out, Osaka Corporation would be out of business, the scientists imprisoned and I would be destroyed. The Earth Alliance and the others of the Pan Galactic Consortium (PGC) don't mind scientists experimenting with DNA from their own home world, but they take a harsh stance against using off world DNA to create enhanced life forms like me, or the genetic mutations that I had heard of.

The incorporation of foreign DNA didn't come without a price. The others in my matrix and in my barracks were just given several pills per month to manage their DNA human DNA issues. For me it meant several IVs per month that at first were quite painful. After a while though my body got used to it and adapted. The doctors told me that it was my body accepting its configuration and I was building up a higher than normal tolerance to pain.

My dread was always for the anti-agapic that I would be given once I turned 18. This was a cocktail that was still experimental and I would be the first humanoid subject to take it. The anti-agapic would lock my spliced genetic makeup into its current configuration. I've been told that in lab animals it allowed them to regenerate quickly after a traumatic injury and that it slowed or even stopped the aging process. The upside was that I would be locked into an 18 year old face and body that looked like that of a 15 or 16 year old for the rest of my life. I suppose most Earth women would kill for that sort of treatment. The downside is that the conversion process is extremely painful and in most lab tests with primates, painfully fatal. This would not deter my owner, he wanted his spy, he wanted his pilot, and if I didn't survive the process, he would have created another, and another, until they got it right.

what is a continuing question?

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