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Chapter 3 by meris meris

Does Fierre let his anger get the best of him?

He rushes at Roth aggressively

"ARGHHHHH!" Fierre yells drawing his blade the metal glimmering in the light of the room as he charges Roth. Despite having an angry Frenchman running at him Roth stands still making no move to draw a weapon. He just breaths calmly bending his knees slightly.

Fierre carries on running at him full pelt, rage in his blue eyes as he levels his weapon. He lets out a roar and lunges a hard strike aimed right for Roth's chest putting most of his weight into it. At the last second Roth darts to the left moving far quicker than it looked like he could, easily dodging Fierre's obvious attack. Fierre stumbles forward as his sword eviscerates nothing but air, Roth moves in close throwing a hard jab right into Fierre's soft belly instantly driving the air from his lungs. The youth staggers hopelessly trying to breath flailing his sword about attempting to make Roth keep his distance.

Roth inhales deeply and darts forward in a feint. Fierre falls for it and thrusts hard, Roth just steps to the side having so easily baited out the attack moving in close once again. However he just slaps Fierre right on his perky buns making the teen yelp in surprise. Roth maintains his capturing the youths mouth in a hot kiss. Fierre's eyes blaze in surprise as his mouth gets invaded by the rogues tongue completely caught of guard, before he can even react Roth shoves him back hard. Knocking him right off his unsteady feet.

Roth looks down at him "You taste that Fierre? that's defeat right there" he laughs

Fierre glares daggers at him promising for all types of pain, wiping his mouth with his sleeve trying to get rid of the distinct flavour of saliva rather unsuccessfully. He staggers to his feet a little uneasy on his legs he can't help but note that the Brit is just toying with him. Roth hasn't even brandished a weapon and has already knocked Fierre on his ass.

Fierre paces towards him as Roth backs up, the Brit smirking annoyingly. Fierre lashes out once again with two quick jabs of his blade. Roth back steps the first but the second catches him in the leg slicing through the fabric of his tailored jacket. The rogue waves his arms dramatically falling over on the ground. Fierre advances on him pressing the tip of his blade lazily against Roth's neck "You are beaten, submit now, or I'll kill you. actually now that I think about it why don't I just kill you?" Fierre says gloating victoriously.

Roth puts on a fake look of fear "oh please no Fierre! don't kill me I have a wife and family please" he says shifting on the ground imperceptibly.

Fierre moves closer his blade moving away from Roth's neck as he drops his guard. "Maybe I won't kill you then... first how about you apologize for your rudeness earlier eh? and you better speak real nice like"

Roth's look of fear drops slightly turning to one of mock regret as his legs shift closer to Fierre's "oh I am soo sorry m'lord that was very nasty of me I should not have" he cuts off his own sentence flicking up a handful of gravel right into Fierre's smug face the Frenchmen vision clouds over as he reflexively moves the arm holding his weapon away to try and wipe the dust from his eyes.

Roth sits bolt upright hooking one of his legs around Fierre's tripping him up. The youth falls over his weapon goes flying out of his grip across the room. Roth descends on him grabbing onto the Fierre's shoulders the youth thrashes about in his grip and kicks out catching Roth right in the chest. The Brit backs up recovering quickly as he watches Fierre scurry along the ground to get his weapon. But he's slow and disorientated Roth easily catches up to him wrapping his arms around the Frenchy's chest hauling him up off the ground from behind.

Fierre's keeps wriggling desperately in the stronger man's grip. But his movements stop entirely as he watches Roth produce the shining blade of a straight razor out from up his sleeve. Roth presses the blade against Fierre's smooth neck "Submit!" he growls in the teens ear.

"b-but you do not fight honourably" he replies sulkily unable to accept that he's lost.

"No" Roth admits "you did" he says with a nasty chuckle pressing the edge of his blade right against the Frenchies flesh a small paper cut opening and a droplet of blood trickling down.

"I submit I SUBMIT!" he shouts hissing nastily, deciding he'd rather not die. However if he knew what was gonna happen next he may have wished he'd chosen

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