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Chapter 3 by Jeriah Jeriah

Anyone special?

Getting crowded

By noon its starting to get real hot outside, and for a while I think that it's about time to stop this business of mine for a little break. But at this time my lemonade sells as best, and a lot of men in various ages are now queuing to my little stand. This time of the day there's very few youths or teenagers passing by on our street, and the average age in the queue seem to be around 45.

Among all those men who's flocking to my stand, one particular friendly face greets me, belonging to an elderly man with clear blue eyes and a gentle smile on his lips.

"Want some ice?" I ask him while I pour him a glass of lemonade, just like I have to all other customers today, pointing towards the bucket, now only half full of ice cubes, that sits on my little table.

"No thank you." He replies in a very polite and friendly voice. "You seem to need a little for yourself though." And with that he adds another two bucks on my table.

"Well, thank you!" I reply, flashing him the best of my smiles that I have reserved for only the best of my customers, while I pour myself a glass of lemonade.

"My pleasure entirely, honey!" He assures me while I put an ice cube in my glass and drink it all in one long sweep. A few drops miss my mouth however and falls from my chin down on my exposed cleavage, making me gasp and shudder a little as the cold lemonade chills my warm skin in an unexpectantly pleasant way.

A few appreciating murmurs can be heard from the crowd before me, and I see more than one pair of eyes sweep up and down my body as I set my glass down again. No doubt, they found my shuddering doing some rather interesting things to the upper parts of my body...

"Hmm... You know what, honey...?" The elderly man says, raising his blue eyes to look into mine again after a very honest and appreciating look down my cleavage. "I think I'd gladly pay another ten bucks just to watch you cool yourself of with a few of those ice cubes, if you know what I mean...?"

Another expectant murmur is raised from the crowd as they seem to approve of the old man's daring suggestion, and I'm now certain that every pair of eyes are now locked on nothing but me in my little bikini!

My cheeks are too hot as they are, so I doubt they could see my slight blushing. It's not the suggestion in itself that makes me blush however, but rather the fact that I kinda like the idea! A few ice cubes to chill my body would be like heaven right now, and all the better if I could get payed for it!

"I'm sorry sir..." I apologise to the man, refusing his money as he tries to hand me his ten bucks. "I'm afraid I don't have the time for such a private... show, right now..."

As my words reach the crowd however, I see a few of them fetch their wallets... Within seconds, even the slowest thinker in the crowd has realised what's going on, and handed ten bucks each to the old gentleman, who politely offer them to me!

Biting my lip, a bit nervously but also in excitement, I quickly count to 90 bucks! This may very well turn out to be my lucky day, after all!

Give these gents a show?

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