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Chapter 4 by Spioch Spioch

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Family Picture [Character References]

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Image slightly conflicts with the description, where it does description takes precedence. Most importantly the family is not tanned by default :D

Nick was a lean guy - 178cm tall ( 5'10") with blonde (!) hair that he never takes care of so he has a permanent bedhead. He has green eyes and has a thinner build. He's in shape more because of proper dieting than exercise. He has a small scar on his lip from an accident when he was a kid that never fully healed.

Mom - Anna - was not yet 40 years old, while your Dad few years older. While your Dad let himself go a bit, your Mom got very much into fitness around the age of 30 and after few years she achieved very nice and sporty figure - she could easily pass for 30 year old if she decided to apply some make up (which she generally avoided).

She had a long curly black hair that when let loose reached around mid her back - more often then not she'd wear them in a bun. As mentioned her figure was quite sporty, her breasts grew after giving birth to a full D cup, but after she finished breast feeding they got a bit smaller and now oscillate around C, while sagging a bit. Her ass is nice and tight.

Reference: India Summer

Dad - Martin - is tall an burly - almost 2 meters high and 100kg in weight, he recently got a bit of a bear belly, but is still very strong. He has black hair too - although his are only about 10cm long.

Sister A cute girl, with terrible character. Despite looking younger she is in fact Nick's older sister. Like the rest of the family (except Nick) she has dark hair, reaching her arms. Perky pair of B-cup breasts on a lean frame. Perky enough that she often "forgets" to wear a bra, and when she does the sports-bra is her weapon of choice.

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