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Chapter 4 by SecondOrion SecondOrion

Which one is better?

Endless Education

Screw it. While the possibility of greatness Respect Your Betters is definitely there, I've never been one for delayed gratification. Plus, Endless Education is a great substitute for Teacher's Superiority. Even if they can attack me, they'll never be able to defeat me with Endless Education, hopefully. After choosing Endless Education I decide I have no time to waste and walk over to Laura and the giant girl. As I come closer I can hear bits of their conversation more clearly.

"...innocent!" you hear from the giant girl, while Laura continues to smirk.

"So what? It's not like I did anything wrong. He ran into me." she replies, accentuating her words by pointing first at the guard door and then at herself, completely unaware that I've already settled that situation. As I approach, the giant girl notices me and sighs in relief. Laura sees this and whips around, confident smirk turning into a disappointed scowl. She makes the most cookie cutter 'hmph' sound I've ever heard and walks away. Meanwhile the giant girl's eyes focus on you clearly wanting to start a conversation but not knowing how. I give her a moment to think and after a short awkward silence she finally opens her mouth to speak.

"How did you get out?" she looks puzzled, suspicious even.

"I was innocent, so I just explained the situation to the guard and he let me go." I say, hoping to skirt the truth a little. She nods, and doesn't seem to question what I said at all. I can't tell if she's just naïve or if Authority is having that much of an effect on her. After a second though her brow furrows and she looks down at me again.

"Really? It's hard to believe that those guards would just let you go like that, I mean Laura is the one who accused you." maybe not so naïve after all. It makes sense that she knows who Laura is, everybody does. I'd like to say its for her overwhelming bitchiness, but no. Her family background isn't the most exceptional in the world, but they do have connections all throughout the capital. What do they do you might ask? Collect taxes. An evil job for an evil family. Though that's not entirely the truth. The Kelly family is actually comprised of very nice people. How they managed to raise such a demoness is beyond me. She's developed a reputation of being the worst person to have to deal with when paying taxes. Rumors have been circulating that she beats anyone who's even a penny short and then calls them rapists and throws them in jail for much longer than not paying taxes would normally garner. I try to keep myself mysterious, relying on Authority to carry me through this well-meaning interrogation. Maybe not the most honorable way forward, but hey I was never the most honorable guy.

"I have my ways." I shrug, letting her mull over my answer. In the end I guess Authority wins out in the end, because her expression lightens and she lets her arms drop to her sides. Her suspicious is replaced with something else however, something that I might be able to use to my advantage: curiosity.

"You might actually be kind of impressive," she steps back and bends over slightly, inspecting me in a way I'm not exactly comfortable with, but which gives me a great view of her cleavage. "maybe you could share a bit more about yourself? You're quite the interesting character."

Authority is awesome! A girl who would normally never give me the time of day is now calling me impressive and interesting. Maybe not the most auspicious complements, but I'll take it! I decide to press my advantage. If I can get this girl to agree to be my tutee, I might be able to...

"If you want to know something interesting about me, I'll have you know that I have a special class." I'm not exactly used to this kind of interest and I'm getting a little nervous despite my advantage here, something about her being nearly twice my size might have something to do with it. However, she takes the bait anyways, and takes the card from my outstretched hand.

"Tutor..." she mumbles to herself, looking a little less excited. I'm losing her, I have to think of something quick.

"You might think it sounds lame, but hear me out for a bit. All you have to do is agree to be my tutee, and I'll show you just how awesome this class is." offering the opportunity to learn more like this might let me trick her.

"I don't know, if I have to agree to something, I'm not entirely sure I trust you yet." she's suspicious, but I expected this. Firstly, I make sure to focus on using Authority to its fullest, though I don't know if that actually changes anything.

"You can trust me, the enemy of my enemy is my friend right? Plus, you can back out at any time, that's the beauty of my class. If you still aren't convinced I could read you the full skill description and effects." I let the offer hang, thinking about how to add 'you can back out at any time' to the skill description without it sounding too suspicious if she asks. Luckily, she relents before I have to do that.

"Alright, I'll do it, but just to see what it's like. After I experience it, we cancel it and go our separate ways. I may be curious, but I'm not planning to make friends here, I have important things to do elsewhere." her position relaxes, "What do I have to do?"

"Here," I activate the skill for the first time, not entirely sure how it's going to work. Fortunately, it's immediately obvious as a scroll suddenly appears, floating in the air between us. I panic for a second, hoping that the rules of the contract don't give my lie away, but she doesn't even read the text before saying accept.

A light flashes from the paper, so blinding that I'm sure everyone else is probably staring at us, so much for discretion. As the light dies down I move my arms away from my face and look around the room. Nobody is looking, except for the people leering at the giant girl. Even they haven't seemed to notice anything off. Was I the only one who saw that light? I feel a slight throb on my right hand, and look down to see a small, thick line, curved at one end and pointed on the other on the back. It's shaped like an elongated raindrop, with the point in the middle of my hand and the curved end near the knuckle of my index finger. I look up at the giant girl to see her waiting patiently. She seems a little meeker than before, and definitely much less impatient. Is this the effect of the 'weak mental magic' in the skill description?

"I forgot to ask until now, what's your name?" I ask while doing my best to look her in the eyes, not an easy feat when she is looking mostly straight.

"My name? Zlixlas, but you can call me Lily sir." definitely a giant name, but Lily is a much cuter nickname than I expected from 'Zlixlas'. Also wait did she just call me sir? I continue to look up at her, and she continues to look down at me. No sign of embarrassment on her face or confusion or even impatience, she just seems to be waiting for me to respond.

"I'm Ripley, nice to meet you. Now, I promised I would show you how it works. Tell me, what kind of skill do you want to learn. Not actual class Skill, just basic skills." I immediately want to use Acquire Skill, so of course I start with that.

"A skill... hmmm, I've always wanted to be faster, so I guess running? Sir." she adds the sir hastily at the end, probably a compulsion from the tutor spell. On second thought, now that I actually have the chance to use Acquire Skill, maybe I should level it up before I use it. I have 29 skill points after all, though using them too quickly might be a bad idea, since I haven't looked at my 4 other new skill choices. Plus, I don't know how long she'll be willing to be patient. I could risk it and check my status and level up options, but I don't want her leaving half way. Even if my tutor spell is permanent, who knows if it'll make her stick around, she could still just leave. It would still help me get stronger, but then I'd be missing out on those massive tits.

What should I do?

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