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Chapter 2 by SympatheticDevil SympatheticDevil

Who are the first guests?

Ed and Christine

"Ed! I'm so glad you could come!" Harold exclaimed. "And this must be your lovely wife Christine!"

"Yes it is, Harold!" Christine's husband told their wealthy host.

"I'm delighted to finally meet you, Christine!" Harold said, taking her hand.

"We're not too early, are we?" She asked.

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"Not at all! Not at all!" Harold exclaimed. "Ed is welcome in my home any time! Indeed, our common interest in the maliability of time is how our friendship began!"

"Are you a physicist too?" She asked doubtfully. 40 years of marriage to Ed told her a house like this didn't get paid for with a physicist's salary.

"No, just inherently curious," their host said. "I'm a bit of a polymath. I met Ed on an online forum about interstellar travel! He had the most brilliant insight on temporal manipulation as a means of circumventing the speed of light limitation."

"Oh, this isn't going to be another one of those science nerd parties, is it?" Christine exclaimed.

"Oh no, Christine!" Harold denied. "It's a lot more low brow than that. That's why I wanted you two to come early, so I could show Ed what his research helped me find before things get too rowdy. If you can endure 10 minutes of science talk, I promise things will get significantly less 'thinky' for the rest of the evening."

"Well, ok then," Christine agreed.

"I've got the device in my den," Harold told Ed as the science-minded men led her into the ostentatious mansion.

"I really will have to see this to believe it," Ed said. "I mean, temporal distortion with Chi waves for space travel was bizarre enough that I never dared publish it. I don't know that I'd come up with THIS application in my wildest dreams!"

"Well, luckily the XenCh't'thi already dreamt it up for us!" Harold said. "They're actually quite delightful, once you get past their insectoid physiology. That's actually why they find the tech so useful. They develop in instars and if you can send an enemy back to an earlier instar, they imprint on you. It's not quite the same with humans but the similarities are remarkable, considering the vast biological differences."

Christine had tuned the men out as they jabbered on about what sounded a lot more like sci-fi than science. She was more interested in the layout of the house and the price of the furnishings. Maybe she could convince Ed that physics was better as a hobby and whatever his friend did for money was a better option.

"And here it is!" Harold announced pulling out a shiny chrome hand held device with a big purple lens on one end.

"So, what was this again?" Christine asked, having not been paying attention for several minutes.

"It's a time machine, of sorts," Harold exclaimed.

Christine frowned.

"I'm not a physicist but I know that's impossible," she said. "You can't go back in time. It would change your future and create a paradox!"

"But this time machine keeps you in the present while propelling your biology back in time," Harold said. "So no paradox! And I know you were quite the little hottie back in the day, Christine! Ed showed me pictures!"

"What the hell are you talking about!" Christine demanded just before the beam of purple light engulfed her.

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"What...what just happened?" Christine asked, clutching nervously at her little pink top.

"Holy shit, it works!" Ed exclaimed, his eyes bulging as Harold smirked beside him.

"What works? What happened?" Christine asked. "I feel... weird..."

"You're just younger, Krissi!" Harold told her. "Legal, but just barely."

She looked down at her decidedly young body. She had no idea what to think about it.

"Krissi?" She asked.

"I just think it would be nice if you went by Krissi," Harold said. "Is that ok with you, Ed?"

"More than ok!" He husband exclaimed. "She's definitely a Krissi now!"

"I'm definitely a Krissi now," Krissi agreed.

"You are going to have SO much fun at the party tonight, Krissi!" Harold told her.

"So much fun!" Krissi agreed, and smiled.

"But you and Ed will need to stay here for a bit," he told her. "Ed will make sure you enjoy yourself, but you two need some alone time before you join the other guests."

"We need some alone time!" Krissi agreed.

"She's going to be very impressionable for the next hour or so, Ed," Harold said. "It's a happy side effect of de-aging the brain. You're going to want to mold her by yourself before exposing her to anyone else. Get her used to embracing what you tell her so she's more inclined to do that than to believe and obey anyone that randomly tells her something."

"Oh, I've got a lot of ideas!" Harold said, which was good because Krissi didn't seem to have any just then.

"Of course, I'm afraid she's already imprinted on me a bit," Harold confessed. "But I'll leave you alone and go greet my other guests so your bond is unquestionably the strongest."

"My friend, I am so very grateful, if you wanted to share I gladly would!" Ed said.

"Tempting, my friend!" Harold said. "But I do have other guests. Still, since you're open to the idea...Krissi, show me your tits!"

"OK!" Krissi said, delighted to have some direction.

"Nice!" Ed and Harold said simultaneously, then laughed.

"I'll leave you to get to know your young wife," Harold said. "And to help her get to know herself! There are some tools in the cabinet there you may find useful."

"Thanks again, Harold," Ed said.

"I love to help out my friends!" He replied. "And Krissi loves to show off her titties."

"I love to show off my titties!" Krissi agreed deep down in the core of her being.

"Have fun telling her what else she loves!" Their host said as he slipped out of the room and locked the door behind him.

"What else do I love?" Young Krissi asked her husband, deeply curious.

What indeed?

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