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Chapter 3 by Ramonnab Ramonnab

What does Alan mean?

Double intercourse

But it holds a secret within all that fur."

Could it be a big clitoris? Alan had said she was a big woman – did he mean that? Would they let me touch it, play with it, indeed, suck it? The idea of Sharon saying, 'go on, take a look,' and me being able to crouch down and...

I felt a bubble of pre-ejaculate travel up my urethra and spread itself out over my knob. I was very worked up indeed. The excitement of prospective sexual activity really almost better than the real thing!

"As I said Sharon is a big woman in more ways than one."

Yes, I thought, yes!

Alan's revelation was rather a surprise, "There is room for two!"

I was taken aback, "what, front and back passages?"

"No, no!

He was not touching it but his penis was bobbing up and down with excitement – and so swollen! It was a pleasure to see a man so bowled over by his own wife. Yet he was offering her to me it seemed.

"There is room for two, she can take two penises at once in her vagina."


"Yes! And look we are so made to work together – our penises do fit together. Sharon has commented on them."

It was a shock, I can tell you. Alan reached out and pulled my erection up against his. All at once I could feel the warm hardness pressed against me – something I had never expected to feel. A man's erection against mine, not just touching but firmly held against it. And they did fit together just as he or, seemingly, Sharon had said. His backwards curve nesting perfectly in my forwards curve. There was no need to squeeze them together, they were simply together, touching the whole way from knob right down their shafts.

"See, like a double barrelled shotgun!"

I stared in disbelief at both what was happening and the idea. But it was, it really was, looking from above down at the twin knobs, they did sort of look one, with twin openings! Each barrel capable of individual firing – each with its own shot!

I did not say stop, I didn't say I would not try, I did not pull away but simply said, "Surely not?" As I stared at our twin erections together in his hand. His warmth against mine.

"Oh yes. I just rattle around – well splosh around really. Sharon sometimes talks about needing a big black man with a massive penis to fill her but I think that is just her fantasy not what she really wants. The difference between fantasy and reality. What you might imagine and what you'd actually do. I think I'd find it a bit, um deflationary, the comparison. I mean I hold you against me and we stand together. We match in size but he would just tower over me pressed together! I wouldn't like that - would you? Made to feel a trifle inadequate - not good for the ego, eh? And I don't think Sharon likes the idea of someone else having intercourse with her without me. I think she wants her husband there. Sort of maritally right you know."

Alan's hand released me, the strange curving double barrelled shotgun coming apart once more.

I was in a bit of a daze as we walked on. Alan talking away. I did not know what to do. There Sharon was ahead of us, waiting for us at the cliff edge looking so sexual, so desirable, so edible! And what must we have looked like walking towards her, not quite like two hungry wolves with salivating jaws but certainly two old goats with dripping outsize erections. I exaggerate the image – they were neither outsize nor really dripping but certainly the hunger lust was there!

"What then do you think about engaging in the other intercourse?" Alan asking before we reached Sharon.

'The other intercourse!' The idea of it. You can imagine how torn I was. Fantasy and reality. The little black girl had been fantasy - this was reality. I could see Sharon look down at our erections and saw her tongue poke out just a little and travel from one side of her mouth to the other, wetting her lips. She reached and pulled the white tee shirt upwards pulling her big breasts with it only for them to drop down as the material went higher and left them behind. Such big handfuls of breast and the momentary image of her caught up in the tee shirt.

There she was, feet from us, with her tee shirt over her head so she could not see and her arms trapped within its folds. The erotic idea of catching a woman like that, binding the tee shirt and arms so she was trapped and unable to see – a consensual capture of course – the woman enjoying the feeling of helplessness as two men did things to her body whilst she was powerless and unseeing. I had not realised before the excitement of being two men with one woman but it so came to me with the idea of perhaps Sharon struggling trapped within her tee shirt or my imagined black girl with the hat whilst Alan and I did things.

A momentary idea and then the tee shirt was off and dropped to the floor leaving the naked woman there in the setting sun.

Sharon took a step forward. Can you imagine my excitement, seeing her breasts slightly damp from her exertion in walking, her skin orange from the setting sun and her hair, everywhere, burnished copper. I looked down, my straining erection inches from a mass of red curls, so different from Karen's neatly trimmed black bush. Just a few inches more and I would be able to feel those curls on my balls, could feel my knob touch her skin, would be able to reach and hold those breasts. The feeling of excitement was electric. I was not watching Alan at all, my whole attention on Sharon.

"My clit is really throbbing. Would you stroke it?"

My breathing was hard. The prospect of discovering what her clitoris was like so exciting. Was I really thinking straight? Probably not! Should I really be engaging in this? Probably not! My hand dropped and my fingers felt. No preliminary touching of arms, back or other part of her body. Previously the only thing I had touched had been her hand when I had first shaken it. Yet my second touch was between her thighs - moreover to her clit. Nothing like Karen's, it was big, smooth and so wet. A dream of a clitoris. My fingers formed themselves around it, stroking and fondling. She exhaled slowly and, to me, very sexually.

Of course my fingers felt further, cupped the little furry animal – as Alan had put it – in my hand but found it was already mating. Alan had approached from the rear and had simply slipped in. As I cupped Sharon's sex I could feel Alan's erection, a hardness against the softness and wetness of Sharon's pudenda; he was gently moving in and out. I ran my fingers up with his shaft and found my fingers slipping in alongside him as easy as anything – finger fucking Sharon as he did it for real – his scrotum coming up to touch my fingers before descending again. There was indeed room for more than Alan's erection.

My wet fingers slipped back again to fondle and manipulate her clit. I desperately wanted to drop to my knees and take it between my lips and suck. What more could Sharon want than that - to be fucked and have her clit sucked at the same time: but she had other plans.

"Go on," breathed Sharon, "let me feel the other half of my big penis."

I was in a daze. I did as I was told, could not resist pushing my hips forward and letting my knob touch her clitoris. It was so there, I could push my knob against it and feel the resistance, so silky smooth. Her hardness, her erection against my own. Very different from the male erection.

I do not think it was me. I think it was Sharon pulling me against her body, a full contact, my breast against hers; her hands clasping my buttocks and pulling me to her; I think my erection slipped forward to her vagina and the upward movement of Alan's erection just pulled me in. I do not think I initiated the intercourse. I think it was done for me. All at once I felt the hardness of Alan's erection against my own but not it alone for all around was wet softness. I felt a hand on my balls encouraging me upwards, probably Sharon's – leastways one of her hands had left my buttocks and before I knew it I found myself full lodged. My balls held tightly with Alan's. It had not been difficult in any way. There had been no forcing, it was a comfortable fit just as Alan had said. It was as if it was the most natural thing - that Sharon had been made for two.

Amazingly there we were all together, Alan at Sharon's rear, me to the front and so, in effect, making a sandwich of her between us. Yet where it really counted, inside Sharon, we were not the sandwich: we were the filling. A double hot dog in her bun!

"Oooh," breathed Sharon, " I love being so full. Just hold still, boys, no hurry, let's enjoy the sunset."

Three heads turned and looked out to sea. It was a spectacular sunset. A wonderful sunset to sit and enjoy over a beer or even, possibly, whilst engaged in sexual intercourse. And it was the latter I was doing - but, incredibly, in concert with another man.

The sunset was glorious and what a way to watch it: standing there high on the headland, three naked people together, very together, not moving, just enjoying the view - and the feel of the sex.

Across Sharon's shoulder Alan said softly, "there are two ways to do this, together or alternately. Either we move up and down as one penis or alternately – you know, like twin pistons, I move up as you move down and then as you come up I come down."

It was so obvious they had done this before. And they so knew I had not. "Um, together?"

"Right, ready? Down."

I flexed my knees and pulled slowly downwards feeling Alan's hardness, just so pressed against my own, moving with me, whilst where my penis did not touch his I just felt warm slippery wetness.

"And up."

Up we travelled together. It was very different from normal sexual intercourse. So lovely normally with Karen, her passage just so wet: certainly no less wet with Sharon, yet I was so conscious of the other penis – a firmness not usually found in a vagina and, of course, the most sensitive part of my penis, the fraenum, touching his knob, indeed our most sensitive parts squashed together.

We worked away like that for quite a time. There seemed no hurry at all. The warmth and growing darkness around us as, together, Alan and I moved up and down within Sharon.

"Mmmm. So full. And just look at the colours, they change so quickly. Rest a bit boys."

Again a pause as the red sun grew a little more and then halved and slipped below the horizon,

"And now alternately. You go down as I go up. I'll get in position at the bottom of the stroke."

I felt his penis sliding down against my own. Ready? Not fast. Off we go!"

Down I slid and felt Alan moving up,

"One, two, one, two, one, two..." he repeated slowly as our twin penises moved up and down inside Sharon, our knobs touching as they passed each other half way. It was lovely – slow, controlled, slippery sex. Wonderful, nerve tingling sensation. Lovely for us and by the noises Sharon was making it was clear she was as happy as anything.

"Don't come yet boys but I think I'm going to,,, just hold still and my clit, please."

I assumed the request was aimed at me being in front - in the clit position indeed. I did not need much encouragement to push my fingers back between Sharon and me and play with that - not at all! So hard and so smooth – a real third little erection standing there. As I stroked away Sharon made nice little sexual noises, her body shivering with evident pleasure before she really shuddered and clearly came with delightful little gasps and a whispered, "so fucking big."

And moving my fingers I could also feel just what was so big inside her – the twin barrels of Alan and my erections. Such a thing - or things - to feel lodged like that. Like, but not like, a great big penis inside her. I certainly could not get my fingers to reach around them both together.

"You can come now boys if you want... well, I'm sure you do. Quite sure you want to do your men thing."

"It's best, trust me," said Alan, "to come together rather than one go soft and be **** out. Shall we both get to the edge and then really go for it?"

"I'm happy to take your word for it... I'm hardly experienced in this!"

Easy enough for one man to bring himself to the edge but to get two to that position at the same time more difficult. First Alan crying, "stop" and then me but after a time – a pleasant time sliding in Sharon and then we both agreed we were 'cocked' and ready to fire.

"Right, slide fully up, yes that's it. Ready. Now together, no stopping until we've both come and I'll set the pace. Ready? Go... Down, up, down, up..."

We did it together for at least twenty strokes with Alan's commands getting steadily faster but as I felt my ejaculation coming I lost the rhythm and just stabbed away as spasm after spasm my semen squirted into Sharon, Alan's no doubt doing the same, not that I felt the spurting - just his moving penis against mine.

The squelching, sloshing noises had filled the air even blotting out the sound of the little waves below and the crickets and other insects. But then we were all still, the connection still there and firm but not, in the nature of things, likely to be so for long. The sound of the insects reclaiming the night.

"Mmmm," sighed Sharon.

We stood as one until with a gurgling sound I felt the soft penises fall out of Sharon, returning to be each male participant's own individual possession rather than some strange gestalt sexual organ.

I have to say I was a bit quiet, a bit pensive as we walked back to our beers. I had just done something I had not done in twenty years of marriage – had sex with another woman. Of course I had been overcome with the sexuality of the situation but I had certainly seen something sexual coming - although not the 'other intercourse' at all and could have avoided it.

We continued to drink beer and then Sharon brought out some supper as if nothing had happened. Sometime later I was thinking of making tracks, was getting to my feet and beginning to say 'goodnight.'

"Oh, don't you want to come again before bed?" It was Alan.

"Well I..."

"I always think the second is the best, the orgasm a little stronger; would you like Sharon to suck you – a hot drink for her before bed eh? Though it'll be two! Would you like her to make you come on her tits – why not make us both come together on them, or would you like her to tit fuck you – sprinkle on the olive oil salad dressing and slip, slide away; or shall we fuck again? Your choice."

Quite a sight in the subdued patio lighting, Alan erecting as he spoke and developed his theme – the idea obviously appealing to him and, indeed, the ideas as they came were no less appealing to me. He stood and there we were, two middle aged men in the warm Mediterranean night, standing with erections inches from each other, discussing how we were going to get off with the rather voluptuous woman seated before us, indeed the woman who was one of our wives - his wife.

"Um, yes, I would certainly like to, um, come again before bed and all of those ideas, as you can see, are appealing." I tapped my erection. So strange to be discussing it, let alone having it out in the open and pointing at two near strangers. "What would Sharon like?"

"Ooh, what a gentleman!" And she leant forward and kissed my penis. I shuddered, the contact simply wonderful. "You like that?" Her tongue came out and tickled the underside, the so sensitive area around the fraenum.

Was I hard? I was strainingly erect again – and then her lips slipped over my knob and she began to suck as her tongue tickled. To stand there letting her do that until I came would have been quite something but after a good minute Sharon reached and pulled me from her mouth with a 'pop.' She blinked a few times and looked up at me. Her hand was gently wanking me as if she wanted me to come over her breasts. She looked down at my penis.

"Nice for you to come all over my tits, nice to feel you come in my mouth – I like that – but I think I'd like to be fucked again."

With her other hand she reached and took hold of Alan's erection. There she was seated with two erections before her, really in her face! I had watched her suck me but it had all been rather hidden by her cascading hair. Not so with Alan. I could see her lips open and take him in and her cheeks hollow as she sucked – a really pornographic image. I loved it. Loved watching. It was wonderful to be part of this group sexuality.

Then she squeezed our two knobs together, side by side.

"Look at them," she said, "two helmets side by side and two little holes." Her tongue poked out and she licked across the very tops of our knobs, a side to side motion. "I wonder what will come out of them – well I have an idea! But not yet, nice though that would be. Such a shame you men cannot fire a series of shots, one ejaculation, then another, and another or at least be able to fire each ball independently – you know once in my mouth, once in my vagina. Now I wonder if I can..."

Sharon has a big mouth, and I mean that in the nicest way, but I had not thought she could do that! Yet she did. There, rather squashed in her mouth, were our two knobs. Not a lot she could do with them there but undoubtedly she had got them both in and her tongue was still stroking. Amazing to see. Our penes coming together in her mouth.

"Phew! That's a bit much for a girl! Now boys, my turn. I need your penises inside me – the other end. I am a woman needing fucking."

It was not to be standing up this time but Alan lying down on a sun lounger and Sharon getting on top of him, not face to face but quite the other way around giving me quite a spectacular view of her open legs. I just stood erect and spellbound as they got into position. Wonderful to see all of Sharon's bush, all so copper. The big 'vee,' the thickening of hair around her slit and then the twin plump labia major, parted to show all the intimate bits, but themselves so wonderfully covered in copper curls. The frilliness of her labia minora and her wide open vagina. Had having babies left it so large? I had not asked. It had not left Karen like that.

Karen! A momentary feeling of guilt but, again, I was once more so worked up; this so sexual woman really spread for me and I had already fucked her once so a second time was hardly going to make a difference.

"Could you help Alan in?"

I rather suspected he could have done the deed himself but as Sharon asked I obeyed. Strange lifting another man's erection but undoubtedly exciting in a sexual way to insert it into a woman – even more, I should think, than inserting a dildo. Softer and warmer certainly! I could see how wet Sharon was and could see the lubrication was not simply her own. She was a woman who had been fucked some two hours before – the evidence was all around. I poked him in and then clambered aboard. I was rather glad I was not the bottom of the heap – Alan was going to get squashed.

Not only squashed but unable to move. "You'll have to do the work," he said, "it is different this way."

Instead of the twin oscillating pistons or the single gestalt penis moving, I was bucking away with my hips, trying to keep my weight off Sharon and, indeed, Alan, with my hands on the lounger's sides. Simply wonderful to have slid into Sharon. Not difficult despite the presence of another penis fully lodged there inside her. It was all so wet but as before the contrast of the smoothness of Sharon's canal on my penis compared to the bumpy firmness of Alan's penis. I could feel every ridge, every vein as I slid over him.

And it came to me that, whilst he was undoubtedly enjoying the warmth and wetness of Sharon's vagina, to say nothing of the knowledge of where he was, but if he was going to come whilst I was still inside Sharon it was going to be my sliding erection which would set him off. It would be me making him come and, indeed, given the greater friction of his penis against my own compared to Sharon's softness it would be more my rubbing against him than Sharon that would set me off. All more than a little peculiar for an avowedly heterosexual man but there was no question I was fucking a woman – and what a woman!

Do they continue?

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