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Chapter 4 by FornicationStation FornicationStation

What is Monica doing?

Doing some research

Peering into Monica's room, I indeed found her sitting on her laptop on her bed. She was turned away from me, giving me a chance to see what she was up to. There was some article on her computer, but I couldn't quite make out what it was about, she was scrolling through it seemingly frustrated. She stopped on one particular paragraph and paused to read it. The paragraph was close to the title so I could finally see what it was about. The title read, "How to give a mind-blowing blowjob to please your man."

I almost burst out laughing then and there. My prudish, quiet roommate, who had never been with a guy was looking up, on some crappy website, how to give head. Poor little girl. I've been with several guys before, gotta figure out I'm gay somehow after all. Blowjobs were kinda fun, but it was mostly an exercise in on pubic hair and pretending it was because of the length. Plus, they were never eager to return the favor.

I could just burst in like an asshole, but I thought it'd be funnier if I watched Monica try to cover it up. I took a step back and knocked on her door. "Monica?" I called out in mock-wonder. "You home?"

Monica called back, flustered. "Um, yeah. Just a minute." There was a quick click of computer keys, and then she said, "Okay come in!"

"Hey you!" I called out cheerfully.

"Hey," she replied simply, with a faint smile. She was wearing dark jeans with a cute striped sweater.

"You okay?" I asked, feigning ignorance still. "You seem upset about something."

She blushed and admitted. "Yeah, I've been trying to figure something out."

I moved over to the bed and sat down. This was a common routine between us, so Monica just moved some of her clothes to the side. "What's on your mind?" I smiled at her. We were pretty good friends, but nothing serious had really ever come up. The most emotionally tied to each other we got is when we'd freak out over finals together. Juliet is kind of the perfect human, so Monica and I get to bond over our flaws.

She averted her eyes and hesitated. "Um. Oh gosh." She still couldn't look at me.

"What's wrong?" I leaned in closer.

"Okay," she said. "I'm just gonna say it." She look at me in the eyes. "Um, have you ever been with a guy before?"

So much for just gonna say it. "Sure I have," I told her, honestly. "It's not like I knew I was a lesbian in kindergarten. In middle and high school, all the girls liked boys so I thought it was normal."

I probably rambled for longer than I should have. I have that problem sometimes. Monica didn't seem to mind though. "Have you.. um... ever given a blowjob?"

I couldn't help but give an awkward chuckle. "Uh, yeah I have. I've given a bunch. Why?"

"Well," she murmured. "I've been thinking about this guy in class a lot. He's funny and really cute, and we're meeting for dinner next week."

"Uhuh," I urged her to continue.

"And well, if things go well, I might... need to know how to do certain things..." she could barely say these words to me.

I scooted closer to her still. Our legs were touching and she was inches away. She was so adorable when she was flustered. "What do you mean?"

She took deep breath, and said, "I need to learn how to suck a dick!" Her eyes got wide and she covered her face with her hands, incredibly embarrassed by her little outburst.

I laughed a little, I couldn't help it. It was probably mean, but it was just too funny. I put my hand on her shoulder and pushed away the hands on her face so she could see me again. "It's okay, Monica. Everyone's got to start somewhere. I think it was Socrates who said, 'no one is born knowing how to suck a dick.' "

She laughed really hard at that. Her smile was reassuring, and her laugh had a wonderful sound to it. When she calmed down, she looked at me and asked, "So, can you show me?"

Well, can I?

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