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Chapter 3 by The-Drunken-Bandit The-Drunken-Bandit



Contracts in our line of work very similar in the way that the contracts in the famous Naruto anime and manga (Rank system) does with the added mix of the famous Venture Bros Equally Matched Aggression (E.M.A) system.

To explain, Contracts are sorted by 2 major factors.

1. The overall danger of what is being asked of the henchman. (Ranks)

This overall task danger level is separated up into ranks that go from D class to X Class.

(Rank: X) levels danger of vital importance (EX: Code: Ragnarock)

(Rank: S) High level tasks or details of importance (EX: of a known high powered threat, international espionage, Protection of a high value target (ex: the president of the US), transport of any objects of danger, etc...)

(Rank: A): Medium to High level tasks of danger or importance (EX: Espionage, Active combat deployments to a extremely hostile war zone, Transportation of a object of great value, or capture of a high value target, etc...)

(Rank: B): Medium to low level tasks of significant danger or importance (EX: Bodyguarding a target or location with known enemies, low level Espionage, Investigations, of a target, etc...)

(Rank: C): Low level tasks or details (EX: bodyguarding a low risk target or location (ex: a pub or public library), Hunting wild animals, Recovery of a lost item of low value, delivery of low risk packages and mail, etc...)

(Rank: D): Minor or low level everyday tasks (EX: Feeding a pet, gardening, moving furniture, washing a car, etc...)

2. The overall danger of where that the henchman is being sent too. (E.M.A)

The E.M.A scale goes from 1 to 10 depending on the overall danger of either the world or the people that the Henchman will encounter on this mission.

10. Lethal Danger (EX: High level Cosmic/Godly being, God Magic, God Weapons, A world that is about to end.)

9. Danger (EX: Medium level cosmic/godly beings, High magic, Nuclear weapons, A world that is on the brink of collapse, etc...)

8. High to Danger (EX: Low level cosmic/godly beings, Magic, Pulse weapons, A world in an active state of war or is a wasteland, etc...)

7. High danger (EX: soldiers or High powered/High skilled Meta humans, low magic, Plasma Weapons, A world with a series of problems or is in an active state of war, etc...)

6. Medium to high danger (EX: Police or Medium powered/Medium skilled Meta Humans, Laser weapons, A world that has active problems or unrest, etc...)

5. Medium Danger (EX: untrained thugs or low powered/low skilled Meta Humans, Guns, a world that rarely peaceful and has several problems, etc...)

4. Medium to Little Danger (EX: a normal person or a untrained/minor powered meta human, Melee weapons (Swords, knives, baseball bats), A world that is peaceful at times, etc...)

3. Little Danger (Ex: a overly polite person, Tranquilizer guns & Tasers, a somewhat peaceful world, etc...)

2. Little to no Danger (Ex: a drunken idiot, fist fights, a relatively normal peaceful world, etc...)

1. Non-existent Danger (EX: Arguments between two weak idiots, a lazy cat, a normal world, etc...)

To best show this I have an example of two contracts down below, one being a low level contract, the other being a high risk and high valued contract.

EX: Low level

Contract owner: Sadie Miller

Contract request: Fill in for Lars

Rank: D

E.M.A: 4

Dangers: Random attacks by large hard light/renegade technology from the diamond authority, somewhat tame lion with meta abilities nearby, Precog nearby, hero's nearby.

Contract Details: Transcript of request from Pro bono Coin of contract owner: "Lars skipped out on me again! He always ditches me to do all of our work load at the big doughnut, while he goes off to mess around with the "cool" kids. Ugh... I just wish for once that I had someone, ANYONE, around to fill in for him, if only for one day!"

Payment: None/costs covered by Pro Bono coin.

EX: High Level

Contract owner: SGT. Marcus Fenix ( Coalition of Governments (C.O.G)** **)

Contract request: Combat Support for Light-mass Offensive (Delta Squad)

Rank: A

E.M.A: 8

Dangers: Active war zone, Hostile biological plague present (lambent), Scorched Wasteland, Hostile non-human army rampant, and Hostile Local populace.

Contract Details: Sgt. Fenix has requested additional combat support for his squad to assist during operation:( The Light-mass offensive). The contract will be completed once the offensive has fulfilled in its primary goal of launching a bombing run of light-mass missiles upon the home base of the hostile species known as the Locust.

Excerpt from call from Sgt. Fenix: "Kid if you can hear this me and the rest of delta need some back up right here and NOW! We're up to our asses in grub's and Hoffman is breathing down our necks like a pissed off Bull! We need the assist and we need it NOW! You can take a suit of our armor and a lancer once this is all said and done, Just hurry the FUCK UP!"

Payment: Full Suit of C.O.G Armor & Lancer Mk.2

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