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Chapter 3 by sindermann sindermann

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Character Profiles (Clara Hughes)


Main Characters:

Clara Hughes:
Clara Hughes lives at the Hughes Estate, which is located approximately 30 miles from Rajakesh, the capital. She is 18 years old. Reddish blonde wavy hair, "classic" beauty, i.e. approximately C cup and perky breasts with pink slightly puffy nipples, angular cheekbones with some cherubic features. Clara is one of the 500 "Homo Britannicus" citizens of Rajah-4.
Clara, by virtue of her mother mostly, is an honorable young woman who at story's beginning is still a virgin, though her cousin Cordelia has engaged with her in some mild sexual endeavors. By story's end, she is a very experienced, but not bitter, expecting mother, who is now married to the Governor of New India.
She is somewhat bipolar in her sexual preferences, preferring women for deeply passionate, emotional lovemaking and men for more BDSM type of sex. She greatly enjoys spanking with the hands, anal sex with a male and oral sex/ foreplay with a female.
Clara, in a perfect world, would probably identify as a lesbian, or a mostly homosexual/ occasionally heterosexual bisexual. While she enjoys "vanilla" sex, her most intense experiences are with mixed gender or single male BDSM encounters.

Cordelia Longfellow:
Cordelia is the daughter of Genevieve and Leonard Longfellow. She lives as a resident at the Hughes estate with her 2nd cousin and lover Clara. She is 19 years old with very long, wavy hair, a petite frame with large, D cup breasts, and pale skin. She has a sultry face with pouty lips and sparkling blue eyes. Cordelia is extremely hypersexual, a product of her mother's own personality, and doesn't have the word "no" in her vocabulary, provided her suitor is of proper length or the of proper strength.
A quintessential hedonist, Cordelia drags Clara along into various sexual encounters ranging from the mischevious to the incredibly perverse. She begins Clara's story as a strong influence on her in sexual matters, matures into her closest lover, and ends much the same, though wedded to Drake.

Wayland Singh:
Wayland Singh, full name Wayland Winsor Singh (pseudonym: Wayland P. Singh), is an independent inventor specializing in Aether, Plasma, and Soma inventions and weaponry. He is considered a prodigy but he does not flaunt or even mention it. He served a professor of Sometics at Cambridge University before emigrating to Rajah-4. Wayland is the son of Amir Singh, Brigadier General of the 1st Gurkha Regiment (at the time, he was assigned to guard Princess Victoria Windsor, Singh's mother).

He spent his youth learning science, ethics, philosophy, etc, and his adolescence as a Gurkha soldier. Once he fulfilled his duties as a soldier, Singh relocated to Kingston, a border town at the edge of the colony. Singh despises the East Orion Company for subjugating half his bloodline and demoralizing the other.

He begins Clara's story as a simple, independent inventor with very large bank account, and ends it as a war hero and Governor of Rajah 4

Oliver Vandergane Drake:
Oliver Drake is a big game hunter that was transported to Rajah 4 in 1904 to the time of the first arrival of the Colonials. He spent the intermediate centuries locked in "The Fold", which he perceived as being an instantaneous transport to a new locale once the Soma field he was locked in, which was caused by the Tunguska Blast in Siberia; where Drake was hunting Russian brown bear. Transported with him were his big game rifle and his father's revolver. He has a very, very storied past, both before and after his transportation, including fighting the Thuggee cult, the Mole Men, the Dinosaur Riders of Mount Pelos, various American incursions, and the Christmas Battle. Drake arrived before the mining began, and thus "the Blush" came about. He quickly fell in with the initial scientific scouts that first came to Rajah 4, eventually hiding amongst the Hindu servants and other "lesser colonials". Drake begins Clara's story as a "barroom hero" in Kingston, and ends it a decorated war hero. He eventually takes Cordelia Longfellow as his wife upon accepting that he will never be able to return to his own time, but that doesn't stop his spirit of adventure and exploration.

Sir William Prescott II:
William Prescott II is the owner and chief executive officer of the East Orion Trading Company. Coming from a family of merchants, he prides himself on besting the Crown, taking any opportunity to humiliate and any family that has sponsored a Homo Britannicus seed child. He feels that he is owed the entire Empire for his family's role in the development of Soma technology, the founding of Rajah 4, etc.
He has been planning the overthrow of the British Imperial Monarchy for nearly two decades, after his company discovered the existence of the Mole Men. He spent a decade planning the invasion, filtering resources and weapons to his sub-human allies. He promised exclusive mineral rights to Rajah-4 to the American Empire in exchange for their support in his bid to overthrow the British once and for all. He masterminded a false and subsequent showdown that lead to the establishment of embassies for the Americans on Rajah 4, and for the Brits on the American controlled colony on Rajah 2, which he uses to coordinate his insurgency.
Prescott starts, and ends, as a traitor and devious pervert; his preferred method to demoralize potential rivals through or shame and degradation. At the end of Clara's story, he has been assassinated and his son, William Prescott III, has inherited his holdings and titles.

Moderately Important Characters:
Lillian Hughes:
Lillian is Clara's mother, and Samuel Hughes' wife. A native of Earth hailing from a noble bloodline that has since fallen on hard times, she was selected to be a surrogate mother to one of the Homo Britannicus embryos. Lillian is equal parts compassionate and pragmatic, both understanding the emotions of her family but also accepting that her culture holds certain expectations.
Lillian is horrified by the behavior of her husband, but does her best to shield her offspring from the the ugliness of the role of a colonial woman. Lillian begins Clara's story as a dutiful mother and guide to Clara, and ends it as her avenger, slaying her husband after he violates his own daughter.
Her repeated degradations and hardships have led Lillian to be a zoophile, preferring the company of a trained and gentle Arachnirilla, Chauncey, to that of her husband; the existence of which she keeps secret from her husband, and pays for the silence of the guards for her encounters with her body.

Samuel Hughes:
Samuel Hughes is an executive with the East Orion Trading Company selected based on his position to be the husband of Lillian Hughes, a surrogate mother to Clara. He is a sycophant and scoundrel, far more concerned with his corporate reputation than any sort of personal integrity.
Samuel resents being to be judged by his adopted daughter's reputation, and does everything in his power to hide or explain away her behavior, going so far as to hire a man to her for fear that she might somehow lose her virginity in an "inconvenient" way.
Hughes secures a spot as Ambassador to Rajah 2 by agreeing to have sex with his wife and daughter in front of Prescott. He has also his way into his wife's niece, Cordelia's, bedchambers. He is a rash man prone to outbursts, especially when he is sexually frustrated.
Samuel begins Clara's story as a distant father, and ends it as a dead , killed by his own wife's hand. He backs Prescott unconditonally, a trait Prescott uses to fulfill his perverted desires as well as set up Hughes to be kidnapped and used as a bargaining chip, a plot that ultimately did not succeed.

Francis Trask:
Trask is a mercenary working for the East Orion Company as hired muscle. On the side, he fulfills the role of "The Randy Chaperone," drugging and deflowering the promiscuous daughters of the executives of the company. His uncle is William Prescott Senior, a fact that shields him from prosecution and provides him opportunity for work.
Trask is a decorated, yet somewhat disgraced, war veteran. He earned his medals and reprimands during the Battle of Seattle, a brutal incursion into the American mainland that rivaled the taking of Stalingrad in its brutality.
He begins Clara's story as a Randy Chaperone, and ends it in effective exile. He is noteworthy because he forms the template for the worst of the worst of Rajan society, a trait that, despite herself, Clara is attracted to in an unhealthy way as she comes to terms with her own hypersexuality.

Logus, the King of the Mole Men, is the current leader of the Confederation of Subterranean Tribes. His ancestors hailed from a long-lost civilization on Earth, a portion of which endured a Somatic Fold that trapped them in time, eventually depositing them on Rajah-4. Unable to adapt to the hardships of life on the surface without modern technology, the tribals ventured into the caves, and eventually underground. Logus is not inherently evil; but rather a typical South American tribal warlord in the vein of the Inca and the Aztecs. When confronted with modern man for the first time, Logus greats Drake as many did, by offering his daughter to the god-like man; and ultimately accepting the proposal of Prescott, who promised a kingdom on the surface.
Logus begins the story as a boogeyman, and ends it with Drake shooting him. In the interim, he takes Cordelia as his wife, making her Queen of the Mole Men and All Subterrania.

(Will add more as necessary)

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