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Chapter 2 by RicoLouis RicoLouis

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Chapter Two - A Day In The Park


I got out of my car and smiled as I saw Alice come across the parking lot dressed in her school uniform. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail that she typically only wore on cheer days such as peep rally's before a game or days she had practice. Though no where near as sexy as yesterday I couldn't help but notice she had pulled back the excess material from the front around the back so the blouse hugged her body. She had tugged down the sides just a tad in the shoulders to create a small v neck that was still within school regulations but showed off a little of her collar bone and her tiny cross necklace that dangled between. Her skirt swished about her hips as she wore white stockings underneath. It looked like she had pinned her skirt in some way as I noticed it seemed to sit snug around her hips, and no doubt her ass, without being trashy. She had taken what I had suggested and subtly tweaked it into her outfit.

"There you are." She said and stuck out her tongue and tuck it to her tight lip in a cute little way.

"Hey. Ready for the big test." I smiled. I wanted to compliment her but didn't want to sound to eager to see her. Last thing I want to do was seem to come on to strong.

"Ready enough. I am more looking forward to this afternoon though. Walk me to homeroom?"

"If you like. It is a little out of my way but I can make the time for you." I shrugged and gave a playful grin.

“You sit two rows away from me.” She gave me a light swat on the arm while pressing her books to her chest with the other. We walked for a second as she glanced sideways at me and chewed her lip.

“Something wrong?" I asked.

"How did you know?" She gave me a puzzled look.

"Your doing that thing where you bite your lip when you are nervous." I shrugged.

"I do not." Alice gave me a small push.

'Every time we get our grades back and during test you always chew your eraser." I shrugged and she blushed.

"Stalker much." She rolled her eyes while shaking her. "You should know my dad already doesn't like you." Alice looked at me and bit her lip.

"Let me guess? I am not right for his daughter because I am not a jock or something. Just some guy in the year book club? Or that I come from the suburbs while you live in a gated community.” Or that I drove a used car, my dad was a working class blue collar guy, I could go on for the number of reasons I wasn't good enough for Alice. Many of which I had no argument for. E came from different worlds. I mean she wasn't super rich but her family seemed well off.

“Guess you heard this one before.” Alice chewed her lip as she looked at me.

"Relax it doesn't bother me. He doesn't know me so if he wants to be a jerk about it that is his business but it won't affect what I think about you. If I have to I will just avoid coming over to your house but I would still like to hang out and study. I would like to keep my word at least and help you pass math class." I shrugged. It wasn't like we were dating and I was sure Alice wasn't the type who would let anyone tell her who her friends were. Even her dad.

"I think the word you were looking for was asshole and not jerk but I totally agree. I just thought you should know. It totally changes nothing and if nothing else it put my mom more in your corner." Alice bumped into me with her shoulder.

"Really. I wasn't sure how she took meeting me." I shrugged. The woman seemed kind enough but hard to read. Not that I had much room to talk in that regard. I was generally friendly but didn't connect with people and was stand offish of new people I had just meet.

"Like I said. My sister got knocked up so as the baby of the family she is a tad protective of me but you made a good first impression on her. And me." Alice said and wrapped her arm around mine. Her breast pressing against my arm.

"What are you doing?" I glanced down.

"Were friends now right?" She smiled.

"People might think we are you know..Dating or something." I scratched the back of my head.

"Let them talk. Unless this is to close for you. Because you know." Alice glanced down. Thankfully she didn't point or anything.

"No. You are never going to let that go are you.” I shook my head feeling a little flush.

“Nope.” Alice smiled from ear to ear. "Besides if the other girls see me with you they will totally take notice of you. If me and you don't end up hooking up as your new best female friend it is totally my responsibility to make sure you have a date for prom." Alice teased.

"That really isn't necessary." That thought terrifying me. Me at prom. I mean I had been there the past three years taking pictures but I didn't have a date. Hell I shouldn't have been there the first two years but the school had let me go as a photographer.

"To late. My mind is made up and you can't do nothing about it.” I was certain of that. The Titanic would have had an easier time changing course then getting her to do so once she had her mind made up.

"Hey Britt." Alice called out. I saw Britney sitting at a table no doubt finishing her homework from the night before. Britney wasn't what I would call a model student but somehow she got by. She had never failed a class that I knew of but would always do her homework at lunch before it was do or turn in school assignments at the last minute. I had a feeling she copied off of Allison in some classes they shared.

"Look at you two all buddy buddy. You trying to steal my best bitch." Brit gave me a glance. No doubt she had talked to Alice last night about me. They seemed the type that would share everything. I just hoped Alice hadn't told her about me getting a boner but I wouldn't be surprised if she had.

"What? No." I shook my head.

"She is joking with you.” Allison said and let go of my arm sitting down beside her BFF. “Brittney can come off as a bit of a bitch until you really get to know her but she is is totally nice once you get to know her and the most loyal friend a girl can have."

"You make me sound like your pet dog." Britt gave her a look.

"Who is my good girl." Alice patted her on the head.

"Don't make me hurt you." Britt pointed her pencil and then closed the book then looked up at me. "So I saw your pictures you took of this bitch. You aren't a half bad photographer." Britt pointed with her thumb.

"Thanks." I nodded.

"Speaking of pictures you send yours to your boyfriend?" Alice asked as she smiled at Britt.

"No. I just don't think they were good enough." Britney shook her head.

"Maybe you should get him to look at them for you?" Alice glanced over at me.

"Alice." Britney closed her eyes and shook her head.

"What. I trust him." Alice glanced at me as she turned on the bench facing backwards and put her elbows up on the table arching her back slightly. Even when not trying she was sexy as fuck.

"What are we talking about?" I grinned. This was something I actually could talk about but I had no frame of reference as to what they were taking pictures of. Though as I thought about it I realized suddenly I had probably just overstepped and the pictures were of a private nature.

"My boyfriend graduated last year and is at college. I thought about sending him some personal pics. I don't want him to loose interest and start dating some college freshman." Britney swirled the pencil around in the air as she talked. She tended to talk with her hands and make large gestures so it only made sense she was a cheerleader.

"I wouldn't advise you to take pictures unless you are comfortable taking them." I shrugged. Great. I sounded like my mom all of a sudden.

"It's not that. I don't have Alice's body mind you but I am not exactly the shy type.”

“That is putting it mildly.” Alice teased.

“I just don't feel sexy in the ones I take. Can I show you without you making it weird?" Britney asked. I gave Alice a look and she just gave me a shrug as if to say I don't care. I was conflicted. Not because I wanted to see the pictures. I mean I did obviously but it was a double edged sword. If I turned down the offer I could be offending Britney. Alice's best friend. On the other hand Alice could get jealous or something. I wasn't sure there was a right answer here.

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