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Chapter 2 by Aln80017 Aln80017

What happens next?


There was Carol, sitting at the kitchen table sipping her coffee and going over the Saturday morning paper. Eric readied himself.

"Morning Eric, would you like some coffee? Have a seat."

Eric stopped in the doorway his mouth open as he looked at his foster-mother. She had never offered him any coffee before, ever. He blinked then sat down opposite her in the empty seat as she got up and moved towards the counter and the coffee things. He knew better than to disobey a direct order and decided to do what he was told until he could work out what was going on. Sneaking a glance at his watch he confirmed it wasn't April 1st or his birthday so something had to be up. The Queen Bitch was never like this.

He looked over at Carol where she was standing making him a cup of coffee. She was wearing a short white bathrobe that came down just below mid-thigh. From the way her short blond hair was still damp he decided she must have recently had a shower. Eric was always annoyed that the fact that the '3 Wicked Witches' were all so beautiful just rubbed more salt in his wounds.

Take Carol for example, at 36 she was hotter than a lot of the porn stars Eric regularly jacked off to online. She was slightly above average height at 5’8” with a good body, kept well toned by regular trips to the gym. She had curves in all the right places with generous breasts (36D) that didn't seem to have sagged or lost their firmness since she had her daughters, doing aerobics 4 times a week was probably the reason. Her blond hair was cut in a trendy short pageboy style and she always looked her best, even when lounging around the kitchen in a robe reading the paper. Eric had often wondered what she’d look like all done up like a model from one of the dirty magazines he had stashed in his basement prison.

She returned to the table carrying a cup of steaming coffee and a breakfast danish. "Here you go, Eric. What are you up to today? Anything fun planned? I'm taking the girls to the mall later if you'd like to join us."

Eric sat there stunned, two firsts in one day. First coffee, and now an invitation to a trip to the mall? Personally he couldn't think of anything worse that hanging out with these three bitches.

As if his thoughts of them had summoned them the two girls burst into the room, arguing loudly about a piece of clothing they were both trying to hold. "Mom, Kimberly wants to wear my top but if she does she'll stretch it and it'll be ruined." Tara tugged the pale blue tank top out of her younger sister’s grasp and sat down at the table too.

Tara was 5’5” and slim with long black hair that was currently tied back in a ponytail. Eric was convinced that she one of the finest asses he’d ever seen. She was worried about her sister ruining her clothes because Kimberly was much more endowed that her own B cup.

Kimberly sat down opposite her and stuck her tongue out, "You're just jealous because I've got boobs and you don’t." Although she was younger, her shorter 5 foot tall form was much more developed with breasts even larger than her mothers. And she usually wore tight clothes to emphasize her shapely figure and to tease poor Eric. Turning to Eric "Hey, ya comin to the mall with us? If yaw do I'll help ya buy some cool clothes. Better than the rags you normally wear."

Eric looked from one woman to the next, wondering what was going on here......

Then he remembered the fog and the flash after thinking, "Be nice to me." Was that it? He began to wonder just where this all might lead, and the possibilities.

Where do they go?

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