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Chapter 2 by Ultimatesextool Ultimatesextool

What do you do?

Call the police.

"Give me my phone..." You tell Christine. She nods, puts on her nearby robe to cover her nude frame and walks up behind you to hand you your cell phone, as well as to look at what you're seeing.

"What the hell..." She whispers to herself as you dial 9-1-1. You press the talk button and a voice answers within two rings.

"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, hello, I'd like to report some suspicious behavior happening outside my house." You answer into the phone, while still watching the events outside. The first figure is still under the second one, fighting to escape. No punches or attacks have occurred, though.

"Okay, suspicious how? Can you describe the situation?" The female operator asks.

"There seems to be two people outside in my neighborhood yelling and causing a disturbance... I'm not completely sure but I think one of them is being attacked by the other."

"I see. Please stay on the line while a dispatch is sent to your location."

At this time, Christine decides to hold on to your arm. You and Christine have known each other for years. She started out as a high school crush, one that you thought was way out of your league and wouldn't have imagined accepting your marriage proposal seven years later. You started dating a few days after you got enrolled in college, seeing as she went to the same one you went to. After you both finished college and graduated together, you both decided to take the next step and find a home to live in together. You proposed to her a little over two months ago. She's the perfect woman in your eyes. Not to say that the relationship between you both was always smooth sailings, but you always overcame whatever obstacles you both had throw at you. She's honest, loyal, sweet, caring, supportive, a freak in the sheets... She made your days worth living, and you can't wait for the day she'll be able to take your last name officially.

You and Christine are both twenty-five years old, though her birthday is after yours. She stood about 5'4, weighing in at about 125 pounds. She isn't skinny, but isn't particularly very overweight either. She has meat on her bones, most of which comes from her thighs, butt, and breasts. Her stomach is still slimmer than her hips, but her body isn't as athletic looking as it was in college. Not that it's any issue to you, you still love caressing her body just as much as you had when you first got the chance to.

Her hair is a rich, silky brown color, though she currently rocked the messy bedhead look from being in bed, as well as the earlier sex session moments before you both fell asleep. Her eyes are a lovely light brown, almost hazel, which magnified the intensity of her facial expressions when showing her emotions, be it joy, anger, etc. Her skin held a hue that was just one tone darker than peach, but not necessarily brown. Her genes were mixed with more than one nationality, seeing as her father was half black, and her mother half Mexican. C-cup bras fit her breasts comfortably, and her bottle cap-sized areola was a light shade of brown, three or four tones above the color of her skin. Her butt was round, and though not as firm as it was a few years ago, still looked amazing and jiggled with almost every step she took while naked.

You love this woman dearly. You can't wait to start a family with her.

"Do you see a weapon being used by either person?" The operator asks.

"No, I don't think so." You answer.

"Can you tell me what they look like?"

"Not really... It's dark and raining, and I can't really make out what either of them looks like."

"Okay. How long has this disturbance been going on?"

"It's been about ten minutes now, but I can't give an exact answer, seeing as it woke me and my fiancé out of our sleep."

"I see... are there any other useful details you can provide about this disturbance?"

"No, I think that's it."

As if on cue, flashing blue and red lights began to light up the neighborhood as a squad car approached the scene. Damn, they move fast. Two officers step out of the car toward the two unknown figures who still seemed to be grappling around.

"Hey, a squad car just showed up and some officers are checking out the scene." You inform the operator.

"Okay. You can stay on the line if you wish, or you can hang up now if you feel the situation will be handled."

You're sure that the police have this handled, but something tells you to stay on the safe side and keep the operator on the line.

"Alright, uhh, I'm going to put the phone down and place you on speaker." You tell her, pressing the speaker button and putting the phone down on your windowsill as you watch the two officers approach the pair with weapons drawn at them.

"Okay sir."

At this time, your fiancé curls up closer to you. You give her an assuring kiss to the forehead before you both continue to watch the scene carry itself out from this point. The officer closer to the pair seemed to have a normal handgun, while the officer behind him that was in the passenger seat carried a shotgun that seemed to have a flashlight attachment. The pair was now a lot more visible, but still too far to really make out any significant details on the two.

You can hear the officer with the handgun giving the civilian who was on top of the other multiple warnings, which were beginning to get progressively more aggressive and loud. Bizarrely, the civilian didn't seem to acknowledge the police, and simply continued attacking his victim. At this point, the person below the attacker was begging the officers to assist him, sounding more and more by the second.

Then, suddenly you see the attacker lean forward quickly, and it seems that he... bit him.

You and your wife gasp as you confirm that he did just that, seeing as the body below him suddenly got silent and limp as his neck was getting bitten into. You could just barely see the blood pooling and spurting out from him, and the officers didnt seem to be able to hide their shock as well.

After a few moments, the officer began to demand that the attacker stops what he's doing, sounding a lot more frightened at this point. Now, while you're somewhat glad to see that these cops aren't very trigger happy, you begin to wonder why the hell they didn't start shooting this man yet. He clearly committed right in front of them.

The man then slowly got off of the now lifeless body, and started... limping towards the officer with the handgun, who was approximately fifteen feet away from him. You could now see the massively blood-stained t-shirt on the victim, as well as the blood lingering around his mouth, chin, and neck.

The officer slowly begins to step back towards his car away from the approaching attacker, keeping his shaky pistol fixed on him. He and his partner issued him loud and clear warnings, stating that he will shoot if he takes one more step.

You can tell now by how the attacker wasn't responding and continued to approach the officer that he is clearly not okay in the head.

A loud bang echoed throughout the neighborhood as the officer fired his gun. Your wife gasps as the man is shot. However... you begin to wonder if maybe the officer missed his shot, seeing as the man continued approaching him as if that weren't the case. But another gun shot was heard and you can tell that there was no way the officer could miss at such close range. The man got shot two times in the chest, and did not seem phased by the bullets hardly at all.

"What the fuck...?" You whisper to yourself out loud. You can hear the operator who is still on your phone asking you whats going on, but you're to fixated on the scene right now to really answer her.

Three more shots went into the man's chest, and they STILL didn't seem to be affecting him. You can see the officer checking his gun to make sure its a real gun and not some nerf gun or something.

As the bloody man continues his approach on the confused officer, his partner decides to take action and see if his gun would be able to stop him.


You quickly note how much louder shotguns are than pistols when fired, seeing as both you and your wife flinched as it happened. The man flew back around a good two feet as the shotgun blast hit him square in the chest. He landed on the ground with a dull thud, all limbs spread out lifelessly.

"O-Oh my god..." You wife mumbles with widened eyes, "What the fuck is happening...?"

The operator seemed to have heard the gunfire and began asking for details a bit more worriedly now.

"Sir? Sir?! Can you please tell me what's happening?"

"T-They shot him..." You hesitantly answer, picking up your phone. Your mind is so frazzled at the moment to the point where you can't really think of how to answer her question, "He got shot with a handgun like five times, b-but he wouldn't go down, so--"

You drop your phone.

The officer with the handgun seemed to have approached the lifeless body of the man who just got blasted in the chest with a pump shotgun. As the officer had gotten in his face to take a closer look at him, the body... came back to life. He quickly grabbed the officer by his arm, pulled him in, and took a large bite into his neck, just as the victim before him.

You can hear the officer screaming in agony as the sudden action caught him off guard and made him drop his weapon. It wasn't too long before you saw that the officer was dead now, too.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." You mumble, conpletely flabberghasted at this point. You had to check to make sure this wasn't some fucked up dream you're in. However, you're very much lucid and could sense everything around you. This is no dream.

The second officer was now shouting panicked demands at this apparently immortal being, as he continued digging into his lifeless friend's flesh. The officer began shouting as he started blasting the man with round after round of shotgun blasts once the man got up and started heading for him.


The first shot the officer took hit the man in the chest and knocked him back on his back just as it did the first time. The two shots after that hit him in the chest again at close range while he was still on the ground.

However, the final blast was aimed at his head, which was blown into bits and peices when the blast made contact. That one seemed to finally kill him, as his body stayed limp this time, staining the street with gallons of blood spewing from his neck where his head used to be.

Anyone within your vicinity who could still be asleep at this point must be in a coma, you assume. You look around at the houses nearby and can see your neighbors with their lights on now, looking on at the scene just as you are. You can even see that some people stood outside of their front door, looking on with faces of utmost shock and disbelief.

The officer dropped his gun and fell to his knees in horror at what just happened in the past twenty minutes. No amount of police training can prepare you for shit like that.

Not a minute later, a lot more squad cars and a few ambulances arrived to the scene. They approach the three dead bodies and the shaken officer, dealing with the matter at hand.

"B-B-Baby..." Your future wife whispers to you. You can feel her trembling against your arm. You look at her and can see her crying, even though her eyes were still wide and glued to the street outside the window.

You turn and gather her in your arms. She starts pouring tears into your chest. You're sure she's never seen a person die in person a day in her life. Neither have you, really. Especially not three people in one night, dying in such a disturbing manner like you both just saw. You still had enough of your mind to be there and console your lover, but you couldn't make sense of what the fuck just happened.

"... Let's go to bed, babe." You hesitantly tell her, closing the window and blinds so the flashing lights of all the vigilante vehicles disturb you as little as possible. There's nothing really more to see at this point. You pick up your phone and can see that the operator hung up. She must have gotten multiple calls from the neighbors at some point.

You guide your fiancé back to bed and hold her tightly in your arms while she continues to cry until she falls asleep. You, on the other hand, was unable to join her slumber. Your mind raced faster than two sport cars racing down a drag strip.

What happens next?

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