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Chapter 2 by Herodotus97 Herodotus97

How does Madelynn enter the room?

Author's notes

These notes were getting out of hand at the first chapter, so I moved them here.

Note 1: I set up parts of the story so they could eventually be added to a kind of game mode to the story. Right now the whole story is linear, which means the game mode (on the right hand banner) doesn't actually do anything yet. When the story gets branched (in a possibly distant future) i'll edit it so it works and you get chapters with conditions and stuff, but for now it's actually useless to enable the game mode. I'll revisit this note when the time for game mode comes.

The story is customizable though, more on that in one of the other notes.

Note 2: After writing a few chapters of this story I realized the following: the beginning is a little slow to start. I'm personally not a fan of 1 page introduction and full on sex on page 2. I like build up, background and story as well. And that is how I'm writing this. If you like the way I write and you want to read a fleshed out story where 2 'innocent' roommates evolve from friends into a full flown BDSM relationship; then please stick with me and read on.

Author's note 3: The story is linear right now. And while I'm developing the story it likely will stay like that for a while. Eventually, the story will become an actual CHYOA story with multiple paths and such, but for now it's just a linear story. For extra immersion you can use the customisation on the right-hand banner to change certain things in the story, like the names of the protagonists. Eventually you might encounter linked chapters, meaning you can opt to either "go straight home" or "talk to person x before heading home". The latter choice will, eventually, end up at exactly the same point as the former option. Meaning that even if you get 2 choices in a chapter's end, they both will eventually end up in the same storyline. This is so you can customize the story you get and give you the option between extra story (maybe even steamy story) and a quicker story with less things happening etc. It's hard for me to explain right now where I might take this story since I haven't actually thought that far ahead yet, but once it's there you'll get what I mean.... hopefully.

Note 4: As the introduction, and multiple times throughout the story suggests, this story takes place in a real area. Let me just define this a little more. The story is situated in a city called Hoorn, which is in Noord-Holland, The Netherlands. It's about 40 km north of Amsterdam. All names of persons are fictive. The story itself is fiction, but inspired by real life events. To people from larger countries (which is practically any country) the size of Hoorn is underwhelming, roughly 80.000 inhabitants. But for Dutch standards that's actually pretty large. So the people in the story will regard it as such. As I said, people's names are fictitious, but names of places might be all too real. As in chapter 11 (drafted, but not published as of writing this) the "Red Stone Square" is a real place, in Dutch it's called "De Rode Steen". The english is a translation of a real name, and even it's reputation is real. De Rode Steen is in real life, as it is in the story, the center of nightlife in Hoorn. As you can see there is a lot of inspiration from real life here. But once again, let me emphasize again, this story is fiction. Any names of people are fictitious, and any resemblance of real persons are coincidence.

Just for clarity and the interested ones, the University of Hoorn is fictitious as well, it doesn't exist. People from Hoorn living at home usually go to the "Hogeschool van Amsterdam" (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) or the University of Amsterdam; Or go live in student houses and go far away (Groningen, Leiden, Utrecht etc).

The next long-ass piece of text is only for those interested! (If you want to skip it, look for the next piece of text that's in bold, italic and underlined like this sentence).
When writing above section about the universities I didn't know I was going to have to elaborate later. Now, with chapter 16 coming up, I realise I kind of have to. So here we go, a little lesson on Dutch schooling:

Dutch children go to Basisschool (Primary School) at age 4 till about 12, going up from grade 1 through 8. At the end of primary school they get an advice for "middelbaar onderwijs" (which is basically High School), that advice can either be VMBO, HAVO or VWO. VMBO takes 4 years, HAVO takes 5 years and VWO takes 6 years. The difference is the academic level. VMBO graduates go on to an MBO school, where students take anywhere from 1 to 3 years to learn a trade skill. These MBO educations include but aren't limited to: becoming a car mechanic, security, elder care, barbers, carpenters and much more. MBO is divided in 4 levels, MBO-1 takes 0.5 to 1 years. MBO-2 takes 1 year. MBO-3 takes 2 to 3 years and MBO-4 takes 3 years. MBO-4 is the only level that gives access to HBO studies other than HAVO and VWO.
HAVO students continue their journey to what Dutch people call HBO on a "Hogeschool", which literally translates to "High School", but are more accurately known as "Universities of Applied Sciences". Educations people can enjoy on these HBO schools (Hogeschool -> university of applied sciences) are things like: education to become a teacher, law, (commercial) economy, business administration, biomedical studies, IT, Logistics and much more.
These studies come in a variety of academic levels. Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences provide Associate Degrees, HBO-Bachelor and HBO-Master studies. HBO studies are focused on using concise academic knowledge and apply them to real-life jobs. A teacher will learn concise scientific knowledge on a HBO study so he/she can use it to teach.
Then there is VWO. VWO is the preparation for the scientific academic studies at Universities at WO level. The Universities (note: these are 'actual' universities, not universities of applied sciences. That distinction is made by Dutch people by calling the HBO schools "Hogeschool" and WO schools "Universiteit") give access to studies on WO level, which is scientific education. These universities also differentiate between Bachelor and Master studies (no associate). WO-Bachelor studies are scientific academic studies, they are more focused on facts and research, than they are on "how do I use this information in a daily job". WO-Bachelor studies include but aren't limited to: History, Archaeology, Healthcare, Psychology, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Law and much more. A lot of HBO-Bachelor/Master studies are also available as WO, and vice versa. The main difference between the 2 is academic level.
WO-Master studies can only be done by people who have finished a WO-Bachelor and are usually some sort of specialisation. HBO-Bachelor students can still do a WO-Master, but have to take extra classes to make up the lack of academic knowledge/capabilities due to the differences in HBO-Bachelor and WO-Bachelor. This is called a "Pre-Master track". WO-Bachelor students can enroll to a HBO-Master without additional steps, however that usually doesn't happen because a WO-Master is "worth more" than a HBO-Master, in most cases.
In Dutch there is a term called "Master track opleiding", meaning Master Track Education. When this term is used, it's to denote that someone is following a master track. Why is this something I need to explain? Because in the Netherlands you can't start a Master study in one go, even if you've done VWO beforehand. You'll always have to do a WO-Bachelor before the actual Master study. Master Track means you've enrolled for the entire eduction path to the Master title you applied for. When you finish a master track, you'll leave the university with both a Bachelor and a Masters degree, however you won't have to re-apply for the Master part of the education because you're already enrolled.

The system is a lot more complicated than this "brief" summary, and for the sake of ease, I'll let it be, unless people request more information that is. At the time of writing this, chapter 16 is still being written but will be published in very short order.

I wanted to include this just because I thought it interesting. On a total population of 17.4 million people, about 1.3 million Dutch people are enrolled in higher education (roughly 7.5%) .

504.000 of which are enrolled in MBO schools. The remaining ±800.000 students are split over Universities of Applied Sciences (463.000) and Universities (307.000).
The 3 largest Universities of applied sciences are:

  1. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (45.000)
  2. Fontys University of Applied Sciences (43.500)
  3. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (39.000)
    The 3 largest Universities are:
  4. University of Amsterdam (31.000)
  5. University of Utrecht (30.300)
  6. State University of Groningen (30.200)

This is the end of my school system rant. :)

update 25/12/2020: First of all, apologies for the long wait. When I started writing this story I had expected to have more time to spend on it. 2020 decided I didn't have that time, sadly. Now that I'm on break I've had time to write a bit and will continue to do so over winter break. I hope you enjoy the new chapters. They might be a bit different from the other chapters since the continuity has been broken, but I'm confident that everyone that liked the story before will like these new chapters. Also, I believe I put this in an A/N somewhere in the story as well, but from this point on (chapter 19) there will be a lot more explicit content as well as the detailed story you're familiar with if you've read all chapters. More sexual stuff (for which we're all here anyway!), more story, more branching. I'm thinking of getting the new characters from the latests chapters involved in some way as well... Let me know if that sounds like a good plan. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Enjoy!

What's next?

  • No further chapters
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