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Chapter 3 by bobbobbobthethir bobbobbobthethir

Which Girl Did You Pick?

Ashley Evans

In New Zealand, it's all about the rugby. Some other stuff, too, but not when New Zealand is hosting the world's largest rugby tournament this year, right now. Usually, this wouldn't matter all that much to you. You follow sports, sure, but that's not what this is about. No, this is about Ashley Evans.

She's the captain of the cheerleaders this year, and you think that there's never been a finer cheerleader captain for New Zealand. Now, you drop off your stuff at a rental home by the beach, and head off to Mark's Stadium, where the quarter-finals are going to start in a few hours.

When you arrive at the massive stadium, it's already nearly half-full. The place is loud, louder than nearly anything you've heard before, but it's not unexpected. What you're looking for is the cheerleaders' headquarters area, their locker-room and all that jazz. It's the easiest way that you'll find Ashley, and if you're lucky, you'll get some action, too.

You managed to get yourself a complete access badge by pulling some strings, and while you're a favor down with a certain sports official, it means that you can walk into the 'Staff Only' zones without fearing for security. The sports stadium is huge, and you get lost for several minutes before a helpful person points out where the cheerleader's are stationed and staying for now.

It's a rather large corridor that stretches down for meters. One room that leads of is marked as a 'Locker Room', while another is a 'Conference Room'. There's also a gym, a lounge, and several other places that were all built for the cheerleaders. New Zealand takes their cheerleaders seriously, you guess, and just looking from some of the things they've pulled off over the past couple of years, the attention is well deserved.

Since loud noises are coming out of the gym right now, you're guessing that they're practicing for the upcoming match right now. A perfect time to place down some spy-cameras that you brought so that you can... erm.. monitor where the girls, and Ashley are. Totally.

You head off into the Locker Room, a spacious place with room for changing, showers, toilets, make-up, and more. You cover the place in cameras, ensuring that you don't miss a spot so that you can be absolutely sure that you know where Ashley is. You're not a stalker, this is for national security! The view of hot naked girls showering is just an added bonus, you think to yourself.

While you're planting your last camera in the last shower, you hear the entrance from the gym swing open, and a dozen girls crowd in, babbling excitedly about the upcoming match. You hurriedly shut and lock the locker door, and hope that nobody notices you.

"Girls, girls, calm down! Shower schedule is as usual, and.. hey, why's that last stall still locked? Sarah, did you slip out of the top again?" you hear Ashley call out.

You gulp, hoping that they won't check, but Sarah just protests that she has no idea.

"Whatever, the girls usually in that shower can wait until we're done to use ours, and we'll get the janitor to open it up for us or something," Ashley continues, and some cheerleaders grumble.

Soon, the sound of water spraying echoes around you, as the cheerleaders begin to shower. You hear the occasional sexy moan that echoes out, and you wonder if some of them are masturbating, or getting some lesbian action in. In the stall right next to you, you can hear someone vigorously rubbing themselves, and loud slopping sound sounding.

You're completely hard in seconds, watching the steam rise out of the nearby stalls, but there's nothing you can do until they leave. Hopefully, the janitor won't be coming any time soon, or you'd be so royally screwed that not even your skills as a spy would get you out of this PR mess. Then, you have a brainwave.

You quietly pull out your phone, and then tap into the camera feeds that you previously set up. You flick through various numbers until you come across the first shower stall... but who's in it?

Who's on the screen?

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