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Chapter 4

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Arc Zero: School

You've had a lot of sex in recent days. With each repeat, your stamina improved and your refractory period decreased. On the surface, this sounded like a good thing. It wasn't.

It hadn't take long to reach a point where having sex five times a day wasn't enough. You would finish with one woman, clean up, and turn to leave only for your erection to spring back up, urging you to go for another round. Another round that would produce more evidence and risk an unsatisfactory outcome.

Outside of a bit of increased work, this normally wouldn't be that much of a problem. You were careful to randomize the places that you visited and you favored women who would be leaving the country. Women who wouldn't be tied back to you.

Given how careful you were, it made no sense for you to risk fucking a girl at your school. And yet you were horny.

A shift, a light squirm. Weight changed from left to right, your dick straining against your underwear. The outline of your zipper felt painful against your zipper.

Squeeze your eyes shut and attempt to recenter yourself once more. Eyes open. The first thing you see is Veronica Rodriguez, a hot Columbian girl with long legs and a tight body. Pants get even tighter. The primal side of your psyche wars with the more rational half, begging you to stick your dick in her, and if not her, then someone else.

Five more hours until school ends- your willpower was barely lasting now. It certainly wouldn't last that long. You sigh and give up.

A glance at the clock- third period was going to end in twenty minutes. Ember should be at her locker.

Raise your hand and grab the teachers attention. "Can I go to the bathroom, ma'am?"

Mrs. Lexis was the teacher in charge of third-period algebra; a class you excelled at. Consequently, she developed a bit of a soft spot for you. She had never said no before, and she wasn't about to now.

She gives her assent and you rise to your feet before making your way out of the classroom and down the hallway. Move briskly. You need to arrive before Ember leaves.

If a student got pregnant and claimed she never had sex, there were a few possibilities that would undoubtedly come up. The worst one for you would be that she was roofied and ****- something that would lead to an investigation.

You were mainly protected from this channel by not being anywhere interesting. You went to school and then went back home, as far as anyone was aware. You had no real social life. You weren't in any school clubs, didn't go to any parties, didn't really do anything. The investigation shouldn't lead back to you- and this was the worst-case scenario.

The best-case scenario would be that the girl's claims were dismissed outright. It wouldn't be the first time that a teenager lied to get out of trouble and then doubled-down on the lie.

If you were very lucky the girl and her family might even choose to keep it quiet to protect her reputation. Teen pregnancy wasn't looked upon very favorably. This could only happen once though- once was an anomaly. If it happened twice or more? That was a pattern.

It would tell investigators a few important things. Firstly, it would tell them that the girls were telling the truth. This, in turn, would lead to an investigation searching for a serial ****. It would also suggest that the suspect they were looking for was at the school in question. From there, it was only one move away from a warrant to gather DNA from all males at the school- students and teachers. Any comparison would be damning for you.

You needed to keep the pattern from forming, hence why you were using the same girl every time. For now, the target of your affections was someone you had code-named 'Ember.' You didn't know her real name- you had purposefully chosen to minimize any connection between the two of you. If something did happen, it would lead to a weaker connection between you and her. This was also why you weren't using Veronica.

You intended to continue using her for the remainder of the school year before getting a new girl. There was a three-month break between the end of one school year and the start of the next. It took three months for women to start showing signs of pregnancy.

Next September, on the first day of class, you intended to seek out Ember. If she still had a flat stomach then you had nothing to worry about. You could move on and select a new girl to play with for the school year.

If she was absent, then that meant that either she was taking an extended vacation or she was pregnant and had been **** to drop out. In that case, you would have to delay finding a new girl until you could determine what happened to Ember.

If it turned out that she had gotten pregnant, you wouldn't be choosing a new girl from your school. You would either have to tough out the erections, or you would have to freeze time and head somewhere else to look for women.

Slip into the restroom and shut the door behind you. There wasn't anyone else there, which was fortunate. If there were, you would have had to enter one of the stalls, and that was never a pleasant prospect. Hygiene wasn't a focus for the school.

Right hand goes to your watch and time grinds to a halt. All goes quiet.

As always, you had been proactive about your hobby. When you had realized that you wouldn't be able to refrain from playing with girls at school, you had taken several steps to minimize the risks. One of those was walking into the security room and take an active look at what was being recorded and where. This had told you which cameras were broken, which were fixed, and where there weren't any.

Blind-spots included two staircases, all of the bathrooms, the shower rooms, and the gym locker rooms.

By stopping time in one of those blind-spots, you no longer needed to keep track of where you had been standing and how you had been posed. As long as you resumed time in the bathroom once more, you were good. The cameras would see you entering the bathroom and exiting it once more after a few minutes. Nothing suspicious.

With the world frozen nineteen minutes before the period ended, you made your way down to the ladies' locker room. As you had expected, the room was vacant with one exception.

From her schedule, you knew that Ember was a very committed member of the school soccer team. In addition to her after-school practice, Ember also voluntarily offered her own time to her craft.

Every day, during her free period, Ember tended to go for a twenty-minute jog. After the jog, she tended to come back and spend the last half of the period showering and changing before heading to her fourth period English class.

You had timed it right. Ember had just returned from her jog and was changing. Given that no one else was here, she had felt comfortable enough to strip completely, exposing her firms tits and round ass to your hungry gaze.

Her clothes were haphazardly tossed into her open locker. Taking a glance inside, you can see her reach into the green sports bag she brought, presumably to take out her towel and a change of fresh clothes.

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When you had first started to play with Ember, you had been transfixed by her ass. For the most part, the women you slept with were more voluptuous and developed; with big round asses and large tits. Very few played sports and even fewer took their training as seriously as Ember did.

In contrast to those ladies, Ember was firmer. Even when you had first gotten her, you had noted how your fingers would sink for the first few inches into the soft flesh before meeting the taut muscles and refuse to sink further.

Her dogged determination to stick to her exercise routine had only amplified that quality, along with some others. Ember's calves had gotten more defined and her thighs were firmer. Her waist had gotten narrower and you were fairly sure that you could see the beginnings of her abs. If she stuck to her routine, she might even amount to something.

While you were looking at her schedule, you had found several print-outs in her bag. Requirements to play professionally, average stats of professional players, and her own stats in comparison. It didn't take a genius to connect the dots between that and her determination to realize that she was hoping to play soccer professionally.

Part of you wanted to ruin her dream. To ruin her. Nothing would accomplish that goal faster than knocking her up.

You wanted to see her abs disappear as her belly swelled with your child. To see her small tits grow heavy and full with milk. To see her hard-earned muscle disappear.

Once was an anomaly. You could get away with impregnating one girl. The thought of that girl being Ember excited you- urged you to thrust your dick into her. So you did. You penetrated her in one smooth motion. After so long, she had grown to be able to accommodate you with little trouble.

There was a time when you had to lubricate her before being able to fuck her. That time had long past.

As you thrust, you continued to wrestle with your dilemma. To creampie or not to creampie, that was the question.

While one part of you wanted to try to impregnate her, another shied away from the idea. The risk of getting caught was a factor, but not the largest one. The larger factor was that part of you wanted her to succeed.

Part of you wanted her to play Varsity Soccer. Part of you wanted her to go on to play professionally. To go even further and play for the World Series. You wanted to see her on the big screen and to finally learn her name.

The day you did, you knew you would smile and reminisce. She may never know you, but your work with her would forever endure.

You imagined that Ember thought she had lost her hymen while playing soccer. She hadn't- you had broke it when you stole her virginity. Your semen was the first she ever tasted, first in the form of soiled tissues and later in the real thing. Your dick was the first in her ass, ensuring that all her holes were yours before anyone else's.

To see your cock-sleeve make it big would be a wonderful thing. And so to creampie or not to creampie? The question remained.

"What do you think? Should I ruin your life?" Ember didn't reply- couldn't reply. You had the power to destroy her with a single action- and it felt wonderful. Your hands went from her tits to her mouth, wrenching her jaw open and moving it like a ventriloquist dummy. "Oh no, please don't knock up my nubile cunt," you had her say.

You hummed as though in thought. "Tell you what. I'm a generous man. I'll give you a chance to convince me not to."

With her pretty pink lips still hanging open, you leaned in and kissed her. Your tongue slipped into her mouth and wrestled with hers. You won handily given that she couldn't fight back. One kiss turned into two, turned into three.

Much like playing with her ass, you had kissed her plenty before. It had gotten dull enough that you left the number of kisses at three. You had a much better use for her mouth.

A minor application of **** at the back of her knees **** her to kneel; her mouth level with your dick. Hands gripped the back of her head and wound into her loose curls to hold her in place.

Your first thrust contorted Ember's mouth into proper blowjob form. It **** her to open wider, jaws moving up and mouth widening into a rim. You continued, feeding her inch after inch until you halted at the back of her throat. A textbook deep-throat. Over your sessions, Ember had to come to master it.

For a second you stayed there and enjoyed her throat pulsing around you. It was a lot less frantic than it had been the first time you had done this. Now, it almost had a rhythm you could count. One, two. One, two.

On a two, you drew back and thrust back in. You weren't entirely sure how the breathing worked when time was stopped. The women weren't breathing from what you could tell, and yet their bodies reacting normally to you. Would it matter if you didn't draw back? Could they pass out from the lack of air?

No evidence. You had never been willing to risk it in the past. You wouldn't now.

While you weren't willing to hold her under indefinitely, your pace was still a lot harder than you would have done with a normal woman. You doubted that being choked so often was pleasant. With a consenting partner, her comfort would be a priority and so holding her down for a minute at a time would be a poor call.

Ember, however, was time-stopped. She could hardly complain, and so you maximized your pleasure at the cost of hers.

Teeth grit and desperately holding back your orgasm, you grunt, "You've almost convinced me. Just a little more..." You sweep her hair aside and tilt her head back; locking eyes with her chocolate orbs. "That's it," you hiss.

The mixture of saliva and pre-cum which had pooled in her mouth tilted backwards. Ember swallowed reflexively, causing the evidence to disappear down her gullet. Another skill that you had trained into her over the past few months. It simplified clean-up marvelously.

Due to Ember developing this skill, you tended to cum in her mouth most often. This was followed by cum shots to the face and anal creampies- the two that you had to clean up.

Ultimately, your decision came down to whether you wanted to clean-up, and to be honest, you didn't. It had been a long day and you still had half of it to go, as well as homework to do. You went with the easier route.

A final thrust hilted you into her throat and you started to cum, the semen joining the rest of the evidence in oblivion. A few quick movements saw Ember back in her starting position and all evidence of your presence erased.

You left, returning to the bathroom you had been in before resuming time and leaving the world none the wiser to your dirty deeds. Your libido was calmer and your head clear.

You imagined that it would last at least until eighth period- where Ember typically went to the locker room to change into her soccer uniform. A second visit might not be amiss, or alternatively, you could try to control yourself until you left the school.

Choices, choices...

Shout-out: A special thanks to my patron; MSquared. If you too want to support me, please donate at

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