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Chapter 2 by xeter xeter

Answer the call or avoid it?

Alternate Female Start

My morning perhaps hasn't been the greatest, spending it tossing and turning from menstrual cramps hadn't been the best of experiences of course. But one you had grown to live with over the years and this morning used the wracking pain as the focal point in your motivation to climb out of bed and trod down the hall And into the quite cluttered bathroom that you and your father share.

Picking your way through the pile of assorted hygienic care products littering the counter tops, you retrieve a sturdy brush and undergo your meticulous morning routine which usually culminates in you stripping off and climbing in the slightly dingy bathstall and using your trusty lady razor to keep your body immaculately groomed while basking in the soothing sensation of the warm water softening up your taught shoulders and stiffened back.

However today you encountered a hinderance to your routine wherein just as your only slightly unkept long legs straddled the bathtub a loud pounding began upon the only window In the bathroom. Startling you into spinning around and losing your footing, consequently sending your poor unfortunate avatar sprawling upon the bathroom floor having luckily only banged up her wrist as it struck the nearby porcelain necessities which gave a bathroom it's function.

Despite the burning sensation in your wrist, you seemed altogether seemed unharmed, and chalked it up as One of those times that you can finally thank your mom for the perhaps overly abundant curves you have been struggling with all your post-pubescent life. After all you were sure that your ass took the brunt of the impact and aside from being rather sore, it too appeared no worse for wear. You've got some extra padding but you fought those douchebags who call you fat. You just had a bit too exagerated curves, you fought hard to stay in shape and to stick to a diet and as such you were a 5'11 bombshell in your opinion.

Though back to the present we find you sprawled haphazardly on the tiles of your lavatory while the highly insistent knocking continued upon the small window placed slightly towards the ceiling of the room, which forces you to stand on the counter to reach. Without further ado you pull yourself to your feet, rubbing your pleasantly plump posterior and clutching your burning wrist to your abdomen to stave off the sensation a little bit. The incessant knocking continues of course, sounding vaguely like the tapping of a bird or some form of animal as it came in irregular but successive beats on the glass pane itself.

Your curiosity was growing by the moment and you put the pain in your body aside to sweep the collected appliance orgy on the counter to the side before carefully climbing up on the linoleum surface praying it would hold your weight at this point. Standing precariously on top the bathroom counter entirely naked was not in your plans for the day and falling would certianly ruin things for sure. And so you reach forward and grasp the curtain between cautious fingers and draw the shade back and getting a bright blast of sunlight right in your face, all thanks to curiosity!

The tapping stops suddenly as your eyes take the few seconds to adjust you hope the animal hadn't been scared away by your interest. But soon your hopes were confirmed and grossly underestimated. Indeed there was an animal there outside your window, but one of the human variety known as the big time pervert Peter 'pecker' Philmont. A neighborhood creep well known for showing off his often fairly public erections to the women he would obsessively admire around town. But that he was knocking on your window was a highly odd occurrence but you wouldn't put it past the pervert to get an eyeful of you after all.

And it seems he had already been getting an eyeful and then some, as the girl had spent the few moments after opening the window dazed, Peter had been enjoying his luck as one his dream whores was entirely exposed to his Girl-hungry eyes. The girl herself stood balanced on her right foot, arching her left leg smoothly for him and cupping her ribs which did substantial improvements to her already impressive sweater puppies. He was caught drooling when she realized he had seen it all.

Frantically she covered her pink nipples and smooth slit before slamming the curtain shut and climbing off the counter in a rage, which selectively filtered out the pervert outside as he pleaded she open the window again because he had an important message to give her. 'Yeah right, that perv just wants to ogle me some more!' And with that you throw on your bathrobe and march up the stairs intent on ringing Peter's scrawny little neck.

However your Dad intercepts you in the kitchen bearing his wireless phone in hand. His deep voice calling to you, "Honey! There's an important call for you! It's urgent." He seemed rather solemn about the situation and oddly calm given his daughter's obvious distressed state. But you don't heed him either being too much embroiled in your anger lust, you were going to kick some ass!

Making it outside and around the house was no difficult task and you were already making plans to deal with this prick once and for all. But to your surprise he was circling around the house himself it seems as it were, 'the nerve of him to keep trying to perv on you! We'll see about that!' You push harder in your long smooth legs and catapult yourself towards the man so that the majority of your weight collides with Peter's chest, easily bringing him to the ground and knocking the wind out of him. Followed by a flurry of punches from your arms until you quite using the one whose wrist still burned intensely from the impact before. However as your anger dried up you noticed that Peter was entirely unresistant during the onslaught wearing a goofy grin on his bloody face was slightly disturbing as you straddled the man. But his broken lip split open more as he spoke "Thank you Aerin! I never thought I'd *cough* get this close to you! It's a dream come true for me." Arching your eyebrow at him you eye Jim suspiciously, 'a dream come true huh?' Then glancing over your shoulder you realize sure enough Peter's Pecker is making quite the appearance down below, which does admittedly infuriate you, 'does nothing work on this such freak?' But the appearance of your dad was enough to knock some sense into her.

Your dad was still carrying that dammed phone of course and approached her in a gentle manner considering that she had just beat a guys face up without a second thought. Even if the guy hadn't put up a fight, it wasn't a fate he wanted to share either. And so he approached his daughter with more tact than usual, "I know that your a bit stressed out right now honey, and I understand he may have crossed your boundaries. But it's very important that you listen to what we have to say.."

{First_name} was still furious her dad was playing things off like that! And he was understating the importance of her own modesty, at least when applied creeps like Peter. Now if the guy was a gentleman and good looking of course she might be more likely to be an exhibitionist for him, but him alone. But her neither of the men present were off the hook as far as she was concerned and she started by spitting fire at her daddy, "How dare you say that 'crossed your boundaries' what the fuck dad, the perv saw me naked! Shouldn't you be pissed at him too? And you want me to listen to you, fat chance 'daddy'."

She stood up and collected her disheveled bathrobe about her and tightening it once more, her father apologized for his behavior and continued to insist she had an important call waiting for her. Even going so far as to take a step forward and stretch the phone out to her. It was a moment of choice in time which shapes ones destiny, Her predicament after all had a growing audience as those cars that caught sight of Aerin's legs poking out of her rather short but beloved bathrobe, and Miss Matilda Moberly from down the street had take. A moment while trimming her roses to gaze upon the trio, to which she misjudged the drama to be a confrontation between Aerin's now ex, and her father trying to intervene. Despite appearances, now was a time of divine intervention wether you knew it or not.

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