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Chapter 3 by Fuckthecondom Fuckthecondom

Enough Army, where are the Women?

Almost there

15 April White desert Research Department

William was waiting in what looked like some kind of lab. It was a new world surrounded by thing beyond his understanding, flashing buttons, strange liquids and he swear he saw one of the chairs move on its own.

Lab Lady:"Mr.Rogers, i am happy that you could make it"

William look at the source of the sound and he found two people in lab coats.

Patricia:"I am Patricia Malone biology specialist and this is Karl Jacobs engineering specialist, we are going to help you bringing 66f back Sir."

William:"Why was i recomended from the research department?

Patricia:"Well you see your connected to 66f creation."

William just stare at them.

Patricia:"We have dna samples from everyone from the army, long story short we where looking for something specific in the dna samples and we found in your dna, and with that we created 66f. We believe because of this she will connect more easily with you sir."


Karl snaps his fingers, suddenly the lights go out a wall opens and big screen happers showing a video a little girl in a glass room sitting on her bed while outside 3 lab workers with masks are writting in their note books.

Patricia:"Mr.William meet experiment 66f, your daughter, we call her Roxy."

Will was shooked, this girl looked just like his daughter Lily. The dark hair, blue eyes and petite figure.

Patricia:"She is very special, she was 1% miracle, no anomalies, no mutation everything perfect. We hand picked dna that show to have more potencial, she has a lot of potencial for physical, mental and maybe even superpowers, we didn't have time to test it. But she didn't want to learn and hated working hard, so we had to motivate her in a different way."

The next video shows Roxy beeing bully by 4 older kids who call her names, slap her and spit on her face.

After that the next video shows Roxy more muscular doing push ups while crying.

Patricia:"We went too far, she never stop working out after that."

Picture after picture of Roxy growing older and more muscular.

Patricia:"What we didn't calculated was the effects of her libido, and when puberty kick in she became more aggressive with the men, you might of remember a big number of casualties from the research staff last year, all men, all her. With her inteligence growing it was only a matter of time until she would find a way out of the facility."

Will: "We can't fight it directly, we can't outsmart her and we don't know if she has superpowers. How do we bring her back?"

Patricia (smiling):"We use her libido, you see emotions will make her cloud her logic thoughts, and since she didn't explore those feelings we believe its her main weakness."

Will:"And after the seduction phase what else? What is the army's plans for her?"

Patricia:" We need to breed her. Once she is pregnant her brain will focus one the baby and she be more stable and cooperative, plus the army wants more super soldier and the way we are doing it takes a long time and doesn't garantees results."

Will:"What's the plan?"

What's the plan?

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