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Chapter 3 by vanillathunder vanillathunder

Does Al agree or does he refuse?

Al agrees

Al paused, both for dramatic effect, and also to give himself time to really think about the proposition. He’d get a date with Julie, and it’s not like he’d be the only guy doing it, right? There should be a bunch of other similarly dressed guys at the pageant! Unless it was a prank, but if it was some prank, they really went to a lot of trouble coming up with a plausible backstory for it. Heck, if Julie had just asked him back to her dorm and then handed him a pair of panties, he might have done it even without her justifying it.

“Are you gonna answer or not?” the goth girl asked impatiently, to which Julia held up her hand to silence her.

“I’ll do it.” Al nodded. “For the date, of course.”

“Naturally,” Julia smiled, then excitedly hugged Al, inadvertently making her breasts tightly press against Al’s face. “Thank you so much, this will be fun, you’ll see!”

“I hope so…” Al said. “But I’ve got another class to get to…”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be in touch.” Julia said.

“Got it,” Al started walking away, slightly nervous about the idea, but excited for a chance to get to know Julia more.

“That was easy… Do you think he’s…?” the brunette asked.

“Did you see the way he reacted to the prospect of a date with Jules? No way.” the redhead said.

“He could be bi… But I don’t think it really matters, right?” the goth girl said. “He agreed, anything other than that isn’t relevant to the task at hand.”

“You’re right, Libby.” the brunette said. “So, Jules, where do we start?”

“Well, we’ve got to gauge his comfort and then measure him for clothes and then go pick them out and bring them back for him to try on.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier to bring him shopping with us? That way if it doesn’t fit, we’ll know before we buy it.” the redhead asked.

“Of course it would, Vanessa, but I don’t think he’ll go for that.” Julia said. “We barely got him to agree in the first place.”

“I don’t see why not, when I’m done with him, if you put him next to any of us, they’re gonna assume that we’re the boy in disguise.” Vanessa smiled as she rubbed her hands together for comedic effect.

“Well, I’ll invite him over tonight and we’ll ask him, okay?” Julia said.

And that was how Al ended up in Julia’s room in the small off-campus apartment she shared with Libby and Vanessa, with all four of the girls scattered around the bedroom. Julia sat in a desk chair opposite the bed, where Al sat, while Libby sat on the other side of the bed and Carly and Vanessa sat on the floor.

“Okay, so the way we see it, there are two ways we can do this. We need to pick out some outfits for the pageant, nothing major, because it’s just three categories. Poise, swimsuit and talent.” Julia said. “So what we want to know is, do you want us to measure you here, shop on our own and have you try them on and figure it out from there, or would you be willing to let us doll you up as a test, put on something casual and come shopping with us? It’d be a better way to make sure everything fits, for sure.”

Al wasn’t thrilled with the prospect of going out, particularly into a public place where no one else is in on the joke, while dressed up as a girl, nor did he really know how convincing he’d look in the first place.

“I… Well… What clothes exactly are we picking out?” Al asked. “Do they really need to fit perfectly?”

We'll need a nice dress for the poise competition, a swimsuit, and then something for the talent portion, but we also need to come up with a talent.” Julia started.

“Talent?” Al questioned.

“You know, juggling, riding a unicycle, swallowing swords?” Carly interjected. “Say, can you do any of those?”

“No! Actually, I’m not really sure I have any talents…” Al trailed off.

“Well, we’ve got time to figure that out. We need to think about the clothes, because you know what they say, clothes make the man, so we need to decide what he’s going to wear for the other two categories and we can figure out the talent later.” Vanessa said.

“She’s right, so what do you think?” Julia asked.

What does Al say?

Does Al decide to go shopping with the girls? Or does he decide to just let them measure him? Or is there a third option?

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