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Chapter 2 by bison bison

Interest piqued?

A mysterious package.

Cindy-Anna returned to the stack of papers and began to idly leaf through them. Bill. Advert. Luncheon invitation with the faculty. More of the same. She yawned again, and was about to put them down when a brown paper package peeked out from between the various envelopes. Immediately curious she set the rest back down and examined the parcel. It was small, tied with rough twine unlike the rest and bore Egyptian postage stamps. Carefully she opened it. Inside was a sheet of yellowed paper and a piece of what looked like papyrus, the media used by scribes and the priesthood in ancient Egypt.

“C, [the note read] no time to explain. On the verge of something big. Need your help! Will be in Cairo on the 14th. Meet me then at the Grand Hotel. H.”

Cindy-Annas eyes widened as she took in the brief message. 'H' was Happsberger, an acquaintance she hadn't seen since shortly after they had graduated. There had been something between them back then. No quite love, but something. Plus he'd been quite a decent fuck. The last she'd seen of him was when he left to pursue his research in the Valley of the Kings. That had been five years ago. Why was he contacting her now? What was this big thing? She giggled like a schoolgirl.. Big thing. He'd definitely had one of those. She recomposed herself; this sounded intriguing.

Setting the letter down she turned her attention to the fragment of ancient paper. It was no larger than the palm of her hand and seemed to be torn around the edges, as if it had been hurriedly removed. Upon it were some incomplete heiroglyphs and the image of what appeared to be a Pharaoh holding a yellow or gold coloured rod in his upturned palm. Definitely worth investigating, she thought. Suddenly a loud car horn toot from outside brought her back to reality, and she remembered the class she had to tutor that day.

Cindy-Anna thought for a moment, then picking up her phone she dialed the university. George Kent, the curator of the museum and history department head was her good friend. As she waited to be connected she felt the cool breeze dance softly over her smooth skin and glanced at the opposite apartment block through the open window. Probably be a good idea to put some clothes on too, she mused.

“Hello George, it's Cindy. Listen, you'll never guess who wrote me...”

Egyptian excursion.

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