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Chapter 4 by Super12 Super12

What job does Noreis and Freda pick

A field sample job from a newly discovered planet

The job was both simple and paid well, travel to a newly discovered planet and take samples. Soil samples per biome diversity is 5 thousand credits, water samples per biome diversity is 10 thousand credits, and any flora or fauna transported back would be 50 thousand credits each. With a planet with 6 biomes and enough room for 20 animal and 5 for plant life in the cargo hold this job will pay 1,340,000 credits. The only problem is that it would take up to a week to the planet, and with so much time to kill both Noreis and Freda put themselves to work on their own personal projects.

Noreis busied himself with trying to upgrade the ship bound A.I. to have a personality. After all holding conversation with someone with emotion that can engage back is much more enjoyable than 'Yes Captain, or No Captain' in a emotionless synthetic voice. However in the two days he was working little result came to fruition, which to be expected since he is more of a hardware man than a software man.

Deciding to take a brake from his fruitless task Noreis went to the bio RnD lab to see what Freda was up to. Walking inside the lab Noreis sees Freda standing in front of three glass cylinders filled with some sort of liquid and looking at a datapad in her hands.

Noreis snuck behind Freda and quickly wrapped his arms around her and said "Hey baby, what are you doing?'

“Damnit Noreis don’t scare me like that” exclaimed Freda.

"Sorry baby but I haven't got to spend much time together for the past two days I wanted to surprise you." said Noreis.

"Well you sure did surprised me" she said with a sigh. "By the way, how did the personality program for the A.I. go?

"I only got baseline emotion written into the code for the software, but I'm hitting a dead-end; we might need to hire a software engineer." replied Noreis. "What about you? What have you been up to?"

"I kept myself busy with crating lab grown life." said Freda.

"You know cloning is illegit right?" Noreis said.

"Oh I know it's against the law to make clones, but I'm not making clones." stated Freda smugly. " I am creating semi-sentient organic life that has more in common with droids than anything else."

"What do you mean? Are you creating cyborgs or something?" question Noreis.

“No, as I said they are semi-sentient organic life grown in a lab. They are sentient enough to think and act on their own, grow as individuals, and can even self reflect like all sentient races can. However limiters are placed to prevent them from growing into fully sentient life. Think of them as insect drones, alive but no true free will or agency.” explained Freda.

"Okay, but what will they be used for?" ask Noreis.

"Anything really. So long as I enough generic material that is. But the A.I will have to do a lot of the gene splicing if we want something in less a week.” Answered Freda.

"I see, but you know it has been sometime since we 'explored' each other." said Noreis. "And who knows, maybe a little post nut clarity can help me with my software problem."

“Oh, is that so well than I know just what to do.” Freda stated in a lustful tone.

How dose Freda help Noreis out?

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