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Chapter 3 by Kingofthefarmyard Kingofthefarmyard

What’s in the bag?

A bright pink lollipop

“This is from our naughty edible range” Violet beamed as she produced a huge bright pink lollipop from Power Girls’ gift bag and showed it off to her audience “I’ve used Wonka’s previously boring technology to create a number of edible but very sexy products that are great at spicing thing up in the bedroom! Why’s don’t you have a taste Power Girl?” she continued as she unwrapped the lolly with a quick and fluid motion.

“Perhaps it’s best if we test the products when we return home” Power Girl began before she was rudely cut off by her host.

“nonsense! Here what’s the worse that could happen!” Violet almost giggled as she stuffed the lolly into Power girl’s open mouth,

“hey! Oh! That is good” Power Girl attempted to protests but quickly found herself overcome by the flavours coming from the lolly. It tasted of berries, juicy but also impossibly sweet.

“See! I’ve designed each person’s gifts specifically so they can get the most fun from this tour.” Violet continued as she turned to Vikki Vale and the other four guests “it would be much more enjoyable if you all just got with the program and relaxed”

“If you say so” Catwoman mused as she pulled a large coiled whip from her gift bag

“ah! that’s the wicked whip! Part of a roleplay set, perfect for those naughty nights in!”

“just what I need, another whip” Catwoman rolled her eyes as she studied the whip before uncoiling it “although it is good quality.” She whipped the air near Zatanna with a loud crack

“hey, watch it” Zatanna yelled “I almost spilled this, whatever this is”

“That’s our bust increasing milk” Violet purred as she and Vikki approached the spellcaster “the only product we’ve sent to the public so far, it’s been a big hit with the ah smaller ladies like Canary here”

“excuse me! What are you saying!”

“only teasing Canary” Violet giggled as she handed the bottle of milk back to Zatanna “you can use it now if you want”

“no thank you” Zatanna beamed “I’m still not entirely comfortable with what is going on here” she added as she turned around only to notice Power Girl was hungry sucking on her lollipop ,

“I agree, I’ve been given a bra and there’s no way I’m putting this on” Wonder Woman added as she stuffed the black and white bra she had been given back into her gift bag. The Amazon then looked over at Black Canary and the two nodded at one another

“and how about you Canary? What have you got” Violet said as she again interjected and turned away from Wonder Woman to approach her last guest

“it’s some kind of perfume?” Black Canary mused before the small bottle of green liquid she was holding was snatched out of her hands by Violet.

“yep it’s our special new scent: Green With Envy” Violet spoke allowed “here let me help!” and with that she quickly sprayed a large amount of the perfume straight into Canary’s face and her exposed cleavage before replacing it back into the blonde’s bag.

“hey! Wait…..” Canary protested before the smell of the perfume began to take over “Oh that is really strong! I feel…ohh…l..lightheaded”

With that the blonde crime fighter began to lose her footing, thankfully Wonder Woman quickly came to her aid.

“that’s enough!” The Amazon interjected “look we are grateful for the gifts, but you can’t **** them open us!” She pointed her finger directly at Violet “now if you don’t mind let’s get this tour moving, so we can get out of here!”

“Fine, fine! You win” Violet signed with a smile “Vicki dear we won’t need you for the moment, I’ll show the girls the next room

“like okay Mrs B” Vikki beamed before bouncing out of the room through one of the many doors.

“This way ladies” Violet continued “first stop if the land of lingerie! Who wants to lead the way!”

“I’ll do it” Power girl beamed perhaps a bit too eagerly as she followed Violet’s outstretched hand towards the door marked with a picture of a bra. She was followed by the sultry Catwoman who was still holding her new whip. Zatanna and Wonder Woman followed next as they supported the still dazed Black Canary between them. Finally, Violet Beauregarde followed the group into the next stage of the tour closing the large purple door behind them as she did.

What is happening with Black Canary?

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