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Chapter 3 by Krimson Krimson

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A Warm Welcome

After what seems like several hours,Raven feels the dull vibrations of the ship cease and surmises that they must have reached their destination. The tubes begin descending into the floor until Raven is in complete darkness. Suddenly, the tube she occupies launches from the ship and speeds through space toward an Earth-like planet.

Raven can see several other tubes far in the distance as they all break the planet's atmosphere and rapidly descend to the surface below. After a few minutes, her tube impacts the ground and the glass melts away like some sort of nanotechnology. Raven steps out of the open tube and the cold air bites at her bare legs. When the dust clears she sees that she has crashed in a barren snowy wasteland. Looking up she sees a massive semi-transparent field encompassing the entire sky, "Great." She sighs.

Raven, seeing nothing on the horizon, begins trekking through the wintry wasteland in hopes of finding at least some shelter from the cold. After about an hour, the wind picks up and a snowstorm begins. She holds her deep blue cloak closer, wrapping it tightly against her petite form as she trudges on. Raven pushes through the storm defiantly as it rages on, but stops in her tracks as she hears an intense cracking sound. Suddenly, the ground beneath her feet gives way and she plunges into the frigid water.

The sudden drop into the bleak waters is like a punch to the chest and it knocks the air out of her lungs. She flails in the water as many thoughts of unrealized deeds pass through her regretful mind before she manages to find purchase on the edge of the hole and pull herself up. She lays on the ice and takes a minute to catch her breath before standing up and attempting to move on.

The ice cold air blows heavily against Raven's now soaked body and it quickly drains her energy. She begins to slow down until her body is to weak to travel anymore and she collapses to the snowy ground. Just as hopelessness begins overwhelm her, Raven sees a flickering green light floating in the distance. The light quickly moves closer and when it reaches Raven, she sees a beautiful nude woman made of emerald flames floating before her just as vision fades from her eyes.

Raven's eyes flutter open as she regains consciousness what feels to her like second later. She feels a comforting warmth against her skin as her vision comes into focus, she sees that she is naked and in the embrace of the flaming green woman. She panickly tries to pull away. but the woman holds her tight. "Do not fret, little one. You are safe now, but you still need my warmth." The woman says with a thick Brazilian accent as she pulls Raven's head to her chest. "Rest and regain your energy. You will need it."

Raven relaxes and rests her head on the flaming woman's chest. The warmth of the emerald lady's nude body against her own is comforting and she can't help but feel safe in her arms.

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